Global Positioning System: Papers Published in NAVIGATION
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Volume I, 1980
- Overview, B.W. Parkinson
- Principle of Operation of NAVSTAR and System Characteristics, R.J. Milliken and C.J. Zoller
- The Navigation Technology Program, R.L. Easton
- Satellite Frequency Standards, C.A. Bartholomew
- Signal Structure and Performance Characteristics, J.J. Spilker
- The GPS Navigation Message, A.J. Van Dierendonck, S.S. Russell, E.R. Kopitzke, and M. Birnbaum
- Control Segment and User Performance, S.S. Russell and J.H. Schaibly
- GPS Receiver Operation, B.G. Glazer
- Phase I GPS User Equipment, M.J. Borel, D.J. Pinkos, J.N. Damoulakis and T.D. Fuchser
- Performance Enhancement of GPS User Equipment, N.B. Hemesath
- GPS User Equipment Error Models, E.H. Martin
- Test and Evaluation Procedures for GPS User Equipment, S.K. Gupta
- GPS Phase I User Equipment Field Tests, R. Denaro, V.G. Harvester and R.L. Harrington
- Civil Marine Applications of the Global Positioning System, T.A. Stansell
- Integration of GPS With Inertial Navigation Systems, D.B. Cox
- Aircraft Navigation With the Limited Operational Phase of the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, L.R. Kruczynski
- A Navigation Algorithm for the Low-Cost GPS Receiver, P.S. Noe, K.A. Myers and T.K. Wu
- Satellite-Aided ATC System Concepts Employing the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, B.D. Elrod and A. Weinberg
- GPS Application to Seismic Oil Exploration, C. Johnson and P. Ward
- The Global Positioning Systems and its Application in Spacecraft Navigation, A. Van Leeuwen, E. Rosen and L. Carrier
- Real Time Simulation of a Low Cost GPS Navigator for Nonprecision Approaches, C. Shively
- NAVSTAR Field Test Results, D.W. Henderson and J.A. Strada
Volume II, 1984
- Navstar/Global Positioning System 18-Satellite Constellations, P.S. Jorgensen
- Optimal Processing of GPS Signals, E.M. Copps, G.J. Geier, W.C. Fidler and P.A. Grundy
- All Digital GPS Receiver Mechanization, Peter Ould and Robert Van Wechel
- A Marine Navstar GPS Receiver, Reuben Maine
- A Low-Cost GPS Receiver for Land Navigation, Kai Yiu, Richard Crawford and Ralph Eschenbach
- Applications of a Multiplexed GPS User Set, Charles Johnson, Phillip Ward, Michael Turner and Steven Roemerman
- An Advanced Single-Channel Navstar GPS Mulitplex Receiver with up to Eight Pseudochannels, Phillip Ward
- Integrated Satellite Navigation and Strapdown Attitude and Heading References for Civil Air Carriers, John Hopkins
- Real-Time Missile Tracking with GPS, Lawrence Wells
- Navigation Low Altitude Satellites Using the Current Four Navstar/GPS Satellites, Paul Jorgensen
- GPS Navigation Using Three Satellites and a Precise Clock, Mark Sturza
- Applications of Time Transfer Using Navstar GPS, A.J. Van Dierendonck and W.C. Melton
- GPS Applications to Mapping, Charting and Geodesy, Walter Senus and Robert Hill
- A Kalman Filter Approach to Precision GPS Geodesy, R. Grover Brown and Patrick Hwang
- The Application of Navstar Differential GPS in the Civilian Community, Jacques Beser and Bradford Parkinson
- Differential Operation of Navstar GPS, Rudolph Kalafus, Janis Vilcans and Norman Knable
- Initial FAA Tests on the Navstar GPS Z-Set, Robert Esposito
- Global Positioning System Sensitivity Experiment, Alan Evans, Bruce Hermann and Patrick Fell
- Experimental Results of Using the GPS for Landsat 4 Onboard Navigation, W.P. Birmingham, B.L. Miller and W.L. Stein
- Flight Test Results for an Experimental GPS C/A-Code Receiver in a General Aviation Aircraft, Steven Campbell and Raymond LaFrey
Volume III, 1986
Overview, Rudolf Kalafus
Receiver Design Enhancements
- A Comparison of Multichannel, Sequential and Mulitplex GPS Receivers for Air Navigation, Robert Maher
- A Flexible GPS Software Development Systems and Timing Analyzer For Present and Future Microprocessors, James Sennott
- Sensitivity of GPS Acquisition to Initial Data Uncertainties, Carey Smith and Karl Graves
- An Aspect of the Role of the Clock in a GPS Receiver, Edward Copps
- GPS/Doppler Processing for Precise Positioning in Dynamic Applications, Javad Ashjaee
- NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Collins User Equipment-An Evolutionary Assessment, Gregory Hudak
Differential Operation
- Overview of Differential GPS Methods, Earl Blackwell
- Special Committee 104 Recommendations For Differential GPS Service, Rudolf Kalafus, A.J. Van Dierendonck and Nevin Pealer
- RTCM SC-104 Recommended Pseudolite Signal Specification, Thomas Stansell
- The Use of Pseudo-Satellites For Improving GPS Performance, Dale Klein and Bradford Parkinson
- Codeless GPS Systems For Positioning of Offshore Platforms and 3D Seismic Surveys, P.F. MacDoran, R.B. Miller, L.A. Buennagel, H.F. Fliegel and L. Tanda
- Global Positioning System Differential Navigation Tests at the Yuma Proving Ground, L.R. Kruczynski, D.G. Abby, W.W. Porter and E.T. Weston
- Civil Helicopter Flight Operations Using Differential GPS, Frederick Edwards and Peter Loomis
- Performing Centimeter-Level Surveys in Seconds With GPS Carrier Phase: Initial Results, Benjamin Remondi
Combine Sensor Operation
- Operational Benefits and Design Approaches for Combining JTIDS and GPS Navigation, Walter Fried
- Satellite Selection Criteria During Altimeter Aiding of GPS, Barry Stein
- Combining Loran and GPS - The Best of Both Worlds, Paul Braisted, Ralph Eschenbach and Anil Tiwari
System Operation and Applications
- Global Positioning System Operational Control System Accuracies, R. Bowen, P.O. Swanson, F.B. Winn, N.W. Rhodus and W.A. Feess
- GPS Integrity Channel, Ronald Braff and Curtis Shively
- Terrestrial Evaluation of the GPS Standard Positioning Service, Francis Mooney
Volume IV, 1993
Overview: Ronald Hatch
Characterization of DGPS Error Sources
- Measurement Errors in GPS Observables, Richard Greenspan and James Donna
- Experimental Measurement and Characterization of Ionospheric and Multipath Errors in Differential GPS, J.W. Sennott and D. Pietraszewski
- U.S. Coast Guard Differential GPS Navigation Field Test Findings, D. Pietraszewski, J. Spalding, C. Viehweg and L. Luft
- The Effect of Selective Availability on Differential GPS Corrections, Gregory Kremer, Rudolph Kalafus, Peter Loomis and James Reynolds
Reference Stations and Wide Area Differential GPS
- Optimal Locations of Pseudolites for Differential GPS, Bradford Parkinson and Kevin Fitzgibbon
- Correction Algorithms for Differential GPS Reference Stations, Peter Loomis, Greg Kremer and James Reynolds
- Extended Differential GPS, Alison Brown
- Wide Area Differential GPS, Changdon Kee, Bradford Parkinson and Penina Axelrad
Kinematic and Carrier Phase Aided GPS
General Implementations
- High-Precision Kinematic GPS Differential Positioning and Integration of GPS with a Ring Laser Strapdown Inertial System, Gunter Hein, Gerald Baustert, Bernard Eissfeller and Herbert Landau
- GPS Navigation: Combining Pseudorange with Continuous Carrier Phase Using a Kalman Filter, Patrick Hwang and R. Grover Brown
- Optimal Filtering of Pseudoranges and Phases from Single Frequency GPS Receivers, Clyde Goad
- Kinematic GPS for Differential Positioning: Resolving Integer Ambiguities on the Fly, Patrick Hwang
- High-Precision Real-Time GPS Positioning Concepts: Modeling and Results, Nicholas Talbot
Land Survey Applications
- High-Accuracy Kinematic Positioning by GPS-INS, R.V.C. Wong, K.P. Schwarz and M. Elizabeth Cannon
- High-Accuracy GPS Semikinematic Positioning: Modeling and Results, M. Elizabeth Cannon
- Pseudo-kinematic GPS Results Using the Ambiguity Function Method, Benjamin Remondi
Hydrographic Survey
- Shipborne GPS Kinematic Positioning For Hydrographic Applications, G. Lachapelle, W. Falkenberg, J. Hagglund, D. Kinlyside, M. Casey, P. Kielland and H. Boudreau
Aircraft Positioning and Landing
- Aircraft Positioning Using Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Data, William Krabill and Chreston Martin
- Design and Flight Test of Differential GPS/Inertial Navigation System for Approach/Landing Guidance, Lawrence Vallot, Scott Snyder, Brian Schipper, Nigel Parker and Cary Spitzer
- Flight Evaluation of a Basic C/A-Cide Differential GPS Landing System for Category I Precision Approach, W. Hundley, S. Rowson, G. Courtney, V. Wullschleger, R. Velez and P. O'Donnell
Attitude and Azimuth Determination
- GPS Interferometric Attitude and Heading Determination: Initial Flight Test Results, Frank van Graas and Michael Braasch
Volume V, 1998
RAIM: Requirements, Algorithms and Performance
- Analysis of Range and Position Comparison Methods as a Means to Provide GPS Integrity in the User Receiver, Young C. Lee
- Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Using a 24-Satellite GPS Constellation, Alison K. Brown
- Performance Measures of Receiver Autonomous GPS Integrity Monitoring, Rudolph M. Kalafus and Gerald Y. Chin
- Autonomous GPS Integrity Monitoring Using the Pseudorange Residual, Bradford W. Parkinson and Penina Axelrad
- Navigation System Integrity Monitoring Using Redundant Measurements, Mark A. Sturza
- Statistical Validation for GPS Integrity Test, James L. Farrell and Frank van Graas
- A Baseline RAIM Scheme and a Note on the Equivalence of Three RAIM Methods, R. Grover Brown
- GPS RAIM: Screening Out Bad Geometries Under Worst-Case Bias Conditions, Gerald Y. Chin, John H. Kraemer, and R. Grover Brown
- RAIM Availability for Supplemental GPS Navigation, Karen L. Van Dyke
- GPS RAIM: Calculation of Thresholds and Protection Radius Using Chi-Square Methods-A Geometric Approach, R. Grover Brown and Gerald Y. Chin
- PPS RAIM Algorithms and their Performance, Karl Kovach, Hana Maquet, and Diane Davis
- Summary of RTCA SC-159 GPS Integrity Working Group Activities, Young Lee, Karen Van Dyke, Bruce DeCleene, John Studenny, Martin Beckmann
- The Linear Model, RNP, and the Near-Optimum Fault Detection and Exclusion Algorithm, Robert J. Kelly
Autonomous Integrity Monitoring with Integrated Systems
- RAIM Availability for GPS Augmented with Barometric Altimeter Aiding and Clock Coasting, Young C. Lee
- Combining Pseudoranges from GPS and Loran-C for Air Navigation, Per K. Enge, Frona B. Vicksell, Robert B. Goddard, and Frank van Graas
- Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) of GPS and GLONASS, Pratap N. Misra, Edward T. Bayliss, Raymond R. LaFrey, Michael M. Pratt, and Rosa Muchnik
- Implementation of a RAIM Monitor in a GPS Receiver and an Integrated GPS/IRS, Mats Brenner
- Integrated GPS/Inertial Fualt Detection Availability, Mats Brenner
- Techniques for Soft-Failure Detection in a Multisensor Integrated System, J. Christopher McMillan, Jeffrey S. Bird, and Dale A.G. Arden
Volume VI, 1999
Overview: Todd Walter and M. Bakry El-Arini
1. Introduction
- The U.S. Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS): R. Loh, V. Wullschleger, B. Elrod, M. Lage, and F. Haas
- EGNOS: the European Satellite Based Augmentation to GPS and GLONASS:J. Benedicto, P. Michel, and J. Ventura-Traveset
- MSAS (MTSAT Satellite-Based Augmentation System) Project Status: Atsushi Shimamura
2. Historical Perspective
- Extended Differential GPS: Alison Brown
- Wide Area Differential GPS: Changdon Kee, Bradford W. Parkinson, and Penina Axelrad
- Inmarsat-3 Navigation Signal C/A-Code Selection and Interference Analysis: J.R. Nagle, A.J. Van Dierendonck, and Q.D. Hua
- Multisite Real-Time DGPS System Using Satellite Data Link: Operational Results: Dariusz Lapucha and Max Huff
3. Minimum Operational Performance Standards
- WAAS Messaging System: Data Rate, Capacity, and Forward Error Correction: P. Enge
- Integrity Equation for WAAS MOPS: Todd Walter, Per Enge, and Andrew Hansen
- Guaranteeing Integrity for all WAAS Users of Active Data: Rhonda Slattery, Steve Peck, John Anagnost, and Marion Moon
4. Satellite Based Augmentation Systems Ground and Airborne Algorithms
4.1. Orbit Determination
- Incorporation of Orbital Dynamics to Improve Wide-Area Differential GPS: Juan Ceva, Bradford Parkinson, Willy Bertiger, Ronald Muellerschoen, and Thomas Yunck
4.2. Satellite Clock Correction and User Differential Range Error
- A Real-Time Wide Area Differential GPS System: W.I. Bertiger, Y.E. Bar-Sever, B.J. Haines, B.A. Iijima, S.M. Lichten, U.J. Lindqwister, A.J. Mannucci, R.J. Muellerschoen, T.N. Munson, A.W. Moore, L.J. Romans, B.D. Wilson, S.C. Wu, T.P. Yunck, G. Piesinger, and M. Whitehead
- User Differential Range Error Algorithms for the Wide Area Augmentation System: Stephen Peck and Jonathan Tekawy
4.3 Ionospheric Corrections and Grid Ionospheric Vertical Error
- Comparison of Real-Time Ionospheric Algorithms for a GPS Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS): M. Bakry El-Arini, Robert S. Conker, Thomas W. Albertson, James K. Reagan, John A. Klobuchar, and Patricia H. Doherty
- Potential Ionospheric Limitations to GPS Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS): J.A. Klobuchar, P.H. Doherty, and M. Bakry El-Arini
- Description and Assessment of Real-Time Algorithms to Estimate the Ionospheric Error Bounds for WAAS: Robert S. Conker, M. Bakry El-Arini, Thomas W. Albertson, John A. Klobuchar, and Patricia H. Doherty
- Real-Time Ionospheric Tomography Using Terrestrial GPS Sensors: Andrew J. Hansen, Todd F. Walter, and Per K. Enge
4.4. Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite Algorithms
- Test Results of Geostationary Satellite (GEO) Uplink Sub-System (GUS) Using GEO Navigation Payloads: M.S. Grewal, W. Brown, R. Lucy, and P. Hsu
Interference, Jamming, Scintillation Effects of Satellite Based Augmentation Systems
- Analytic Derivation of Maximum Tolerable In-Band Interference Levels for Aviation Applications of GNSS: Christopher J. Hegarty
- WAAS Receiver Carrier Tracking Loop and Data Demodulation Performance in the Presence of Wideband Interference: Bernard A. Schnaufer and Gary A. McGraw
Satellite Based Augmentation Systems Availability Models
- A Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Availability Model and Its Use in Evaluating WAAS Architecture Design Sensitivities: Walter Poor, Jay Chawla, Steven Greanias, Deihim Hashemi, and Pauline Yen
Satellite Based Augmentation Systems Interoperability Papers
- Interoperability of Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems: James (JP) Fernow, Daniel O'Laughlin, T. Thomas Hsiao, James Reagan, Richard Fuller, Todd Walter, Donghai Dai, Per Enge, and J. David Powell
Satellite Based Augmentation Systems Flight Tests
- Consideration of Practical Visibility of Geostationary Augmentation Satellites From Aircraft: G.V. Kinal
- New WAAS Test Results with the NSTB: Tim Cashin, D. Kraus, and Bryant Elrod
Volume VII
Edited by: Dr. Maarten Uijt de Haag, Ohio University; Dr. Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, University of Minnesota; and Dr. Mark Petovello, University of Calgary.
This is the seventh volume of papers published by The Institute of Navigation in the Redbook series. This volume focuses on the integration of navigation systems in general including, but not exclusively limited to, GPS.
Use of multiple navigation systems in an integrated or hybrid manner rather than a single navigation system often enables operation of the user's system in an environment where the stand-alone navigation system would not be able to reliably provide a Precision Navigation and Time (PNT) service. Especially in a time when GPS (or more generally GNSS) has made a position, velocity, and timing solution available to many people, the demand for a better (higher accuracy) and more reliable PNT solution in a wider range of operational environments has increased. Integration of multiple navigation systems is a technology enabler to achieve that goal. However, integration of multiple navigation systems is not something new. Work on integrated navigation dates back decades as illustrated by some of the papers in this volume including aviation, terrestrial, maritime and space applications; GPS/INS integration in general and GPS/INS streamlined.
Overview: Maarten Uijt de Haag, Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, and Mark G. Petovello
Aviation Applications
- Alternative Approaches to Integrated Airborne OMEGA/Inertial Navigation, D.E. Gentry, J.A. D'Appolito, and J.F. Kasper, Jr.
- The AN/ASN-128B: An Integrated Doppler/GPS Navigation System for Helicopters, Heinz Buell and Leonid Oleinik
- Integrated GPS LAAS/Inertial Guidance System Using Multiple Kalman Filters, Mats Brenner
- INS-Aiding Using Bearings-Only Measurements of an Unknown Ground Object, Meir Pachter, Alec Porter, and Murat Polat
- Optimizing the Integration of Terrain Referenced Navigation with INS and GPS, Paul D. Groves, Robin J. Handley, and Andrew R. Runnalls
- Terrain-Referenced Precision Approach Guidance Proof-of-Concept Flight Test Results, Jacob Campbell, Maarten Uijt de Haag, and Frank van Graas
- Feedback Coupled Dual ALS and IMU for Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Navigation, Ananth K. Vadlamani and Maarten Uijt de Haag
- Use of Low-Cost GPS/AHRS with Head-Up Guidance Systems for CAT III Landings, Ryan S. Y. Young, Patrick Y.C. Hwang, and David A. Anderson
Terrestrial Applications
- An Integrity and Quality Control Procedure for use in Multi Sensor Integration, P.J.G. Teunissen
- Parametric Error Equations for Dead Reckoning Navigators used in Ground Vehicle Guidance and Control, David M. Bevly, Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, Bradford Parkinson
- Benefits of Using a Tactical-Grade IMU for High-Accuracy Positioning, M.G. Petovello, M.E. Cannon, and G. Lachapelle
- Precise Robust Positioning with Inertially Aided RTK, Bruno M. Scherzinger
- Tight Coupling of Laser Scanner and Inertial Measurements for a Fully Autonomous Relative Navigation Solution, Andrey Soloviev, Dustin Bates, and Frank van Graas
- Indoor PDR Performance Enhancement using Minimal Map Information and Particle Filters, Stéphane Beauregard, Widyawan, Martin Klepal
- Fusing Low-Cost Image and Inertial Sensors for Passive Navigation, Michael Veth and John Raquet
Maritime and Space Applications
- Techniques for Soft-Failure Detection in a Multisensor Integrated System, J. Christopher McMillan, Jeffrey S. Bird and Dale A.G. Arden
- Future Lunar Landing Navigation Schemes, with Emphasis on Precision Landings, Dan G. Tuckness
- Augmentation of GPS for Ship Navigation in Constricted Water Ways, S. Ryan, M. Petovell, and G. Lachapelle
- GPS Attitude Determination for the SOAR Experiment, Jaeyong Um and E. Glenn Lightsey
- Precision Hybrid Inertial/Acoustic Navigation System for a Long-Range Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Bruce Butler and Ron Verrall
GPS/INS Integration in General
- Integration of GPS/INS for Maximum Velocity Accuracy, John W. Diesel
- GPS/INS - Streamlined, James L. Farrell
- A Performance Comparison of Tightly Coupled GPS/INS Navigation Systems Based on Extended and Sigma Point Kalman Filters, J. Wendel, J. Metzger, R. Moenikes, A. Maier, and G.F. Trommer
- Deeply Integrated GPS/Low-Cost IMU for Low CNR Signal Processing: Concept Description and In-Flight Demonstration, Andrey Soloviev, Sanjeev Gunawardena, and Frank van Graas