NAVIGATION, Journal of the Institute of Navigation

Volume: 59
Published: 2012

   Volume 59, Number 1 (Spring 2012)
Title Author Page Numbers
Earth Section Paths Charles P. Gilbertson 1 - 7
A Low-Cost Orientation Estimator for Smart Projectiles Using Magnetometers and Thermopiles Jonathan Rogers and Mark Costello 9 - 24
Analytic Statistical Model for Aggregate Radio Frequency Interference to Airborne GPS Receivers from Ground-Based Emitters Kenneth M. Peterson and Robert J. Erlandson 25 - 35
Independent URA Monitor for GPS IIIC Ronald Braff, Brian Bian, and Curtis Shively 37 - 49
Carrier Phase Ionospheric Gradient Ground Monitor for GBAS with Experimental Validation Samer Khanafseh, Sam Pullen, and John Warburton 51 - 60
Reliable Integer Ambiguity Resolution: Multi-Frequency Code Carrier Linear Combinations and Statistical A Priori Knowledge of Attitude Patrick Henkel and Christoph Günther 61 - 75
   Volume 59, Number 2 (Summer 2012)
Title Author Page Numbers
A Composite Model for Indoor GNSS Signals: Characterization, Experimental Validation and Simulation Shashank Satyanarayana, Daniele Borio and Gerard Lachapelle 77 - 92
A New Loosely Coupled DCM Based GPS/INS Integration Method Ezzaldeen Edwan, Junchuan Zhou, Jieying Zhang and Otmar Loffeld 93 - 106
Phase Prediction Method in GNSS Receivers with Application to Phase Reacquisition Peng Xie and Mark G. Petovello 107 - 118
Autonomous Prediction of GPS and GLONASS Satellite Orbits Mari Seppanen, Juha Ala-Luhtala, Robert Piche, Simo Martikainen and Simo Ali-Loytty 119 - 134
In-Orbit Analysis of Antenna Pattern Anomalies of GNSS Satellites Steffen Thoelert, Michael Meurer and Stefan Erker 135 - 144
Fault Modeling for GBAS Airworthiness Assessments Tim Murphy, Matt Harris, Curtis Shively, Laurent Azoulai and Mats Brenner 145 - 161
   Volume 59, Number 3 (Fall 2012)
Title Author Page Numbers
Bayesian Source Localization in Networks with Heterogeneous Transmission Medium Esmaeil S. Nadimi and Vahid Tarokh 163 - 175
Practical Cryptographic Civil GPS Signal Authentication K. Wesson, M. Rothlisberger and T. Humphreys 177 - 193
Joint Determination of Precorrelation Bandwidth, Sampling Frequency and Quantization in Wideband Compass Receivers Xin Zhang and Xingqun Zhan 195 - 208
Self-Contained Antenna Array Calibration using GNSS Signals Pratibha B. Anantharamu, Daniele Borio and Gérard Lachapelle 209 - 220
Carrier-Phase Acceleration RAIM for GNSS Satellite Clock Fault Detection Okuary Osechas, Pratap Misra, and Jason Rife 221 - 235
QZS-1 Yaw Attitude Estimation Based on Measurements from the CONGO Network A. Hauschild, P. Steigenberger and C. Rodriguez-Solano 237 - 248
   Volume 59, Number 4 (Winter 2012)
Title Author Page Numbers
Assessing the Capability of Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) to Support Future Air Traffic Capacity Sherman C. Lo and Per Enge 249 - 261
Capacity Study of Multilateration (MLAT) based Navigation for Alternative Position Navigation and Timing (APNT) Services for Aviation Sherman C. Lo and Per Enge 263 - 279
Who's Afraid of the Spoofer? GPS/GNSS Spoofing Detection via Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Dennis M. Akos 281 - 290
Flight Characterization of New Generation GNSS Satellite Clocks O. Montenbruck, P. Steigenberger, E. Schönemann, A. Hauschild, U. Hugentobler, R. Dach and M. Becker 291 - 302
Impact of Time-Correlation of Monitor Statistic on Continuity of Safety-Critical Operations Jason Rife and Pratap Misra 303 - 315
Evolving WAAS to Serve L1/L5 Users Todd Walter, Juan Blanch, R. Eric Phelts and Per Enge 317 - 327