NAVIGATION, Journal of the Institute of Navigation

Volume: 58
Published: 2011

   Volume 58, Number 1 (Spring 2011)
Title Author Page Numbers
The Direct and Indirect Problem for Loxodromes Thomas H. Meyer and Craig Rollins 1 - 6
Vehicle Constraints Enhancement for Supporting INS Navigation in Urban Environments Itzik Klein, Sagi Filin, and Tomer Toledo 7 - 15
GPS Orbit and Clock Error Distributions Curtis Cohenour and Frank van Graas 17 - 28
Analytical Model for GNSS Receiver Implementation Losses Christopher J. Hegarty 29 - 44
Implementation and Experimental Validation of Cycle Ambiguity Resolution with Position Domain Integrity Risk Constraints Samer Khanafseh and Steven Langel 45 - 58
Achieving Centimeter Ranging Accuracy with Triple-frequency Signals in C-band Satellite Navigation Systems Guoxiang Ai, Lihua Ma, Huli Shi, Guanyi Ma, Ji Guo, Zhigang Li, Xiaohui Li, Haitao Wu, and Yujing Bian 59 - 68
   Volume 58, Number 2 (Summer 2011)
Title Author Page Numbers
Positioning Using Mobile TV Based on the DVB-SH Standard Paul Thevenon, Serant Damien, Olivier Julien, Christophe Macabiau, Michel Bousquet, Lionel Ries, and Stephane Corazza 71 - 90
SCP Enabled Navigation Using Signals of Opportunity in GPS Obstructed Environments Michael B. Mathews, Peter F. MacDoran, and Kenn L. Gold 91 - 110
Bayesian Filtering Based WiFi/INS Integrated Navigation Solution for GPS-Denied Environments M. M. Atia, A. Noureldin, J. Georgy, and M. Korenberg 111 - 125
Navigation Using Images, A Survey of Techniques M. J. Veth 127 - 139
Rigorous Integration of Inertial Navigation with Optical Sensors by Dynamic Networks Denis Rouzaud and Jan Skaloud 141 - 152
Overview of Pulsar Navigation: Past, Present and Future Trends Peter J. Buist, Steven Engelen, Arash Noroozi, Prem Sundaramoorthy, Sandra Verhagen, and Chris Verhoeven 153 - 164
Spacecraft Navigation and Timing Using X-ray Pulsars Suneel I. Sheikh, John E. Hanson, Paul H. Graven, and Darryll J. Pines 165 - 186
   Volume 58, Number 3 (Fall 2011)
Title Author Page Numbers
Angles-Only Navigation: Position and Velocity Solution from Absolute Triangulation George H. Kaplan 187 - 201
Effective Use of Magnetometer Feedback for Smart Projectile Applications Jonathan Rogers, Mark Costello, Thomas Harkins, and Moshe Hamaoui 203 - 219
Adaptive Antenna for Handheld GPS Receivers Andrew S. C. Svendsen and Inder J. Gupta 221 - 228
A Framework for Bayesian Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring in Urban Navigation Henri Pesonen 229 - 240
Non-Line-of-Sight Automated Vehicle Following Using a Dynamic Base RTK System William Travis, Scott M. Martin, David W. Hodo, and David M. Bevly 241 - 255
Development and Assessment of a Multiple Rover Network Approach for Real-Time GNSS Networks Nicholas Zinas 257 - 277
   Volume 58, Number 4 (Winter 2011)
Title Author Page Numbers
Multi-Magnetometer Based Perturbation Mitigation for Indoor Orientation Estimation Muhammad Haris Afzal, Valerie Renaudin, and Gerard Lachapelle 279 - 292
GPS Based Relative Navigation for the TanDEM-X Mission - First Flight Results Oliver Montenbruck, Martin Wermuth, and Ralph Kahle 293 - 304
Collective Detection and Direct Positioning Using Multiple GNSS Satellites Penina Axelrad, Ben K. Bradley, James Donna, Megan Mitchell, and Shan Mohiuddin 305 - 321
Cross Correlation Impacts and Observations in GNSS Receivers Asghar Tabatabaei Balaei and Dennis M. Akos 323 - 333
GNSS Spoofing Detection for Single Antenna Handheld Receivers John Nielsen, Ali Broumandan, and Gerard Lachapelle 335 - 344
A Novel Method to Measure Array Manifolds of GNSS Adaptive Antennas Christopher M. Church, Andrew J. O’Brien, and Inder J. Gupta 345 - 356