Title | Author | Pages |
EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service) for Added Value Applications | J. Vázquez, E. Lacarra, M.A. Sánchez | 1 - 13 |
Ionospheric Monitoring and Prediction Center (IMPC) | J. Berdermann, N. Jakowski, M.M. Hoque, N. Hlubek, K.D. Missling, M. Kriegel, C. Borries, V. Wilken, H. Barkmann, M. Tegler | 14 - 21 |
European GNSS Service Centre Infrastructure in the Works | Jose Caro, Joan Clua, Frederic Domps, Juan R. Martín, Joaquin Estremera, Jesus Cegarra, Jorge Calvín, Roger Vilagut, Eric Chatre, Chris Payne, Jean Verniolle, Reinhard Blasi, Javier Simón, Aitor Álvarez | 22 - 33 |
A Train Integrity Solution Based on GNSS Double-Difference Approach | A. Neri, F. Rispoli, P. Salvatori, A.M. Vegni | 34 - 50 |
The Research on the Regional Precise Troposphere Delay by using Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis | Chuang Qian, Hui Liu, Changyong He | 51 - 59 |
Triangle AR of Long-Range Network RTK Based on Failure Rate | Zhang Ming, Liu Hui, Fan Chengcheng, Zhou Peng, Li Zuohu | 60 - 68 |
The Triple-frequency Multi-system RTK Engine for Challenging Environments | J. Van Hees, F. Boon, P. Jacobs, F. Kleijer, J. Viana, B. Durinck, A. Simsky | 69 - 99 |
OMA/AGPS | Steve Malkos | 100 - 107 |
Enhanced WiFi Ranging with Round Trip Time (RTT) Measurements | Steven Malkos and Andrew Hazlett | 108 - 116 |
Use of Inertial Dead Reckoning and Activity Recognition to Enable Always-On, Low-Power Contextually Aware Applications in Mobile Devices | W. Abdelfatah, J. Georgy, Z. Syed, R. Bakshi, and C. Goodall | 117 - 124 |
What is the Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Accuracy that Can be Achieved with Today’s MEMS Sensors in Mobile Phones and Why is it Important? | Andrew Taylor, George Hsu, Becky Oh | 125 - 140 |
Performance Comparison Analysis of FOGS and MEMS IMUS Under an Enhanced GPS/Reduced INS Land Vehicles Navigation System | Tashfeen B. Karamat, Mohamed M. Atia, Aboelmagd Noureldin, Sidney Givigi | 141 - 153 |
Small Pipeline Trajectory Estimation Using MEMS Based IMU | H. Sahli, A. Moussa, A. Noureldin, and N. El-Sheimy | 154 - 161 |
The Limits of In-run Calibration of MEMS and the Effect of New Techniques | Henry Martin, Paul Groves, Mark Newman | 162 - 176 |
In-Motion Alignment Algorithm of the Low-Grade IMU Using Inexpensive Multi Sensor Measurements | Moonseok Choi, Seong-Won Kong, Sangkyong Seong, Eunsung Lee, Moonbeom Heo, Young Jae Lee | 177 - 183 |
Ultra Low Power - High Accuracy Location for Wearables | Steve Malkos and Manuel del Castillo, Steve Mole | 184 - 193 |
Location Low Energy on Wearable Devices | Chin-Tang Weng, Ching-Hua Chen, C.hih-Wei Chen and Chen-Ming Hu | 194 - 200 |
An Analysis of the Accuracy of Bluetooth Low Energy for Indoor Positioning Applications | R. Faragher and R. Harle | 201 - 210 |
Distributed Estimation for Vehicular Collaborative Navigation | Chun Yang, Andrey Soloviev | 211 - 222 |
T-PN ME: An Enhanced Real-Time Indoor/Outdoor Navigation System Using Multiple Portable/Wearable Devices | Medhat Omr, Jacques Georgy, Walid Abdelfatah, David Auld, and Shi Shen | 223 - 228 |
BDS Application on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Air Traffic Management | Jisi Fang, Yanbo Zhu, Zhipeng Wang | 229 - 234 |
Vision-based Navigation in Indoor Environments Without Using Image Database | Hyunho Lee, Jaehun Kim, Chulki Kim, Minah Seo, Seok Lee, Soojung Hur, Taikjin Lee | 235 - 242 |
A Step Length Estimation Based on Motion Recognition and Adaptive Gait Cognition Using a Smartphone | Jung Ho Lee, Beomju Shin, Seok Lee, Jinwoo Park, Jaehun Kim, Chulki Kim, Taikjin Lee | 243 - 249 |
Improving Extended Precise Orbit Quality by Using New Error Prediction Method | C.Y. Chong, C.W. Chen, C.T. Weng and M.H. Tsai | 250 - 254 |
Innovative GNSS-based Core Technologies in a Multi-GNSS Hybridized Receiver | Damien Serant, Alexandra Ubeda-Farre, Michel Monnerat, Giuseppe Avellone | 255 - 273 |
A Galileo Hardware Receiver for the Multi-Constellation Mass Market | Fabio Pisoni, Giuseppe Avellone and Domenico Di Grazia | 274 - 279 |
A Quad-Constellation Monolithic GNSS Receiver | Charles Norman and Andreas Warloe | 280 - 284 |
A Family of Solutions Based on the srx-10, a SW Defined Multi-Constellation GNSS Receiver | Teresa Ferreira, Manuel Toledo, Jose Maria López Almansa | 285 - 306 |
A Core Constellation Based Multiple-GNSS Positioning and Integrity Monitoring Algorithm | Shaojun Feng, Shenghai Wang, Washington Ochieng | 307 - 314 |
AUSPOS: Geoscience Australia’s On-line GPS Positioning Service | Minghai Jia, John Dawson, and Michael Moore | 315 - 320 |
Optimal Search Strategy in a Multi-constellation Environment | E. Anyaegbu, B.R. Townsend and R. Zuo | 321 - 329 |
Features and Applications of the Adaptable Flexiband USB3.0 Front-end | Alexander Rügamer, Frank Förster, Manuel Stahl, Günter Rohmer | 330 - 362 |
Adaptively Steered Antenna Array and Receiver Testing with Multi-RF Output GNSS Simulator NavX®-NCS Professional | Thorsten Lück and Günter Heinrichs, Achim Hornbostel | 363 - 371 |
Tips and Tricks to Finding GNSS Jammers – A Field Story | Darren McCarthy, Logan Scott, Alex Tkatch | 372 - 391 |
Galileo Commercial Service from the Early Definition to the Early Proof-of-Concept | J. David Calle, Enrique Carbonell, Irma Rodríguez, Guillermo Tobías, Eckart Göhler, Oscar Pozzobon, Matteo Cannale, Ignacio Fernández | 392 - 405 |
Galileo Precision Receivers Test Campaign | M. Bavaro, D. Borio, J.T. Curran, J. Fortuny-Guasch, C. Gioia, M. Paonni | 406 - 432 |
A Satellite Independent High Dynamic Test Bed and First Measurement Results | D. Spiegel, F. Grasso Toro, E. Schnieder | 433 - 439 |
The Importance of Human Motion for Simulation Testing of GNSS | Kimon Voutsis, Paul D. Groves, Mark Holbrow, Colin Ford | 440 - 453 |
SPRING: A Powerful 3D GNSS Simulator for Constraint Environment | Thierry Chapuis, Bernard Bonhoure, Sébastien Rougerie, Frédéric Lacoste, Thomas Grelier, Didier Lapeyre, Pierre Noirat | 454 - 465 |
ESSP Receiver Laboratory in Support of EGNOS Interoperability Analysis and Standardization | Miguel Aguilera, Nuria Blanco, Roberto Roldán, Javier Gómez | 466 - 475 |
Validation of PRS Tracking Algorithms Using Real Life Signals | J. Wendel, F.M. Schubert, C. Kurzhals, D. Fernandez-Prim, M. Soellner | 476 - 485 |
Artificial Obstructions Employing Fabry-Perot Principles for GNSS Positioning Equipment Test Ranges | Dmitry Tatarnikov and Ivan Chernetsky | 486 - 489 |
DGNSS-C: A Differential Solution for Enhancing Smartphone GNSS Performance | Ruizhi Chen, Tianxing Chu, Jingbin Liu, Xiao Li, Yuwei Chen, Liang Chen, Wenchao Xu | 490 - 497 |
A Crowdsourcing Solution for Road Surface Roughness Detection Using Smartphones | Xiao Li, Ruizhi Chen, Tianxing Chu | 498 - 502 |
SILS: A Smart Indoors Localisation Scheme Based on on-the-go Cooperative Smartphones Networks Using Onboard Bluetooth, WiFi and GNSS | Ihsan A. Lami, Halgurd S. Maghdid, Torben Kuseler | 503 - 509 |
The Applicability Analysis of Using Smart Phones for Indoor Mobile Mapping Applications | Jhen-Kai Liao, Zhi-Ming Zhou, Guang-Je Tsai, Thanh-Trung Duong, Kai-Wei Chiang | 510 - 531 |
Mobile Mapping Using Smartphones | A. Al-Hamad, A. Moussa and N. El-Sheimy | 532 - 538 |
GPS Privacy: Enabling Proximity-based Services while Keeping GPS Locations Private | Athindran Ramesh Kumar, Liang Heng, Grace X. Gao | 539 - 547 |
An Integrated Solution Based Irregular Driving Detection | Rui Sun, Shaojun Feng, Washington Y. Ochieng | 548 - 558 |
Redblade: Miami University’s Multi-functional Autonomous Robot | Richard Marcus, James Morton, Robert Cole, Yu Morton, Peter Jamieson | 559 - 568 |
Portable Real-time Indoor/Outdoor Navigation for Runners using Smart Devices | A.S. Ali, M. Omr, A. Al-Hamad, and J. Georgy | 569 - 578 |
A State Constraint Kalman Filter for Pedestrian Navigation with Low Cost MEMS Inertial Sensors | Haiyu Lan and Naser El-Sheimy | 579 - 589 |
Do GNSS Parameters Always Benefit from Integer Ambiguity Resolution? A PPP-RTK Network Scenario | P.J.G. Teunissen, A. Khodabandeh | 590 - 600 |
A New Ambiguity Resolution Method Based on Searching in Both Geometric and Ambiguity Spaces | Wu Chen, Ying Xu, and Duoji Weng | 601 - 608 |
Quantifying the Impact of Adding High-Grade Inertial Measurements to Long-Baseline Aircraft GPS Positioning: Application to Airborne Gravimetry | Theresa M. Damiani and Gerald Mader | 609 - 626 |
Enhancing Vision-Aided GNSS/INS Navigation Systems Using Nonlinear Modeling Techniques Based on Fast Orthogonal Search with Double-Filtering Mechanism | H. Nematallah, M. Korenberg, A. Noureldin, M.M. Atia | 627 - 634 |
Investigation of the Vertical Movement of the Great Lake Using Times Series of GPS Data | T. Richardson, D. A. Grejner-Brzezinska, C. Toth, G.L. Mader | 635 - 644 |
Centimeter Level Augmentation Service (CLAS) in Japaneses Quasi-Zenith Satellite System, its Preliminary Design and Plan | Masakazu Miya, Yuki Sato, Seigo Fujita, Norizumi Motooka, Masayuki Saito, Jun-ichi Takiguchi | 645 - 652 |
GLONASS Only and BeiDou Only RTK Positioning | X. Luo, B. Richter and A. Cole | 653 - 661 |
High Precision GNSS – What Will it Look Like in 2020 | Ivan Di Federico | 662 - 672 |
High Precision GNSS – What Will it Look Like in 2020? | J. Van Hees | 673 - 680 |
High Precision GNSS: What Will it Look Like in 2020? | Shaowei Han | 681 - 692 |
The High Precision Market – Outlook and Drivers | Gian Gherardo Calini | 693 - 706 |
Crowdsourcing Arctic Navigation Using Multispectral Ice Classification & GNSS | Tyler Reid, Todd Walter and Per Enge, Ananda Fowler | 707 - 721 |
Multichannel Based Integrated Navigation for Scalable Maritime Applications | Ralf Ziebold, L. Lanca, E. Engler | 722 - 744 |
GNSS Spoof Detection Using Shipboard IMU Measurements | Peter F. Swaszek, Scott A. Pratz, Benjamin N. Arocho, Kelly C. Seals, Richard J. Hartnett | 745 - 758 |
ACCSEAS: e-Navigation in the North Sea Region | Martin Bransby, A. Williams, G. Shaw, P. Williams, C. Hargreaves, G. Button, P. Cruddace and A. Grant | 759 - 781 |
Investigations into GPS Receiver Performance with an Increased Noise Floor Due to New Signals Broadcast from New and Amended GNSS Constellations | A. Grant, J. Safár and M. Bransby | 782 - 786 |
Architectures for Advanced RAIM: Offline and Online | Juan Blanch, Todd Walter, Per Enge, Boris Pervan, Mathieu Joerger, Samer Khanafseh, Jason Burns, Ken Alexander, Juan Pablo Boyero, Young Lee, Victoria Kropp, Carl Milner, Christophe Macabiau, Norbert Suard, Gerhard Berz, Markus Rippl | 787 - 804 |
Analysis of the use of GPS + GLONASS for Aviation Applications | Angelo Joseph, Bernard Schnaufer and Jeremy Kazmierczak | 805 - 814 |
Performance Improvement of GAST-D Airborne Monitor Algorithms Under Disturbed Ionospheric Conditions | Susumu Saito, Kévin Vernez, Takayuki Yoshihara, Atsushi Kezuka | 815 - 821 |
GBAS CAT II/III Business Aircraft Flight Trials and Validation – Phase 1 | J. Dvorska, L. Podivin, M. Musil, L. Zaviralova, M. Kren | 822 - 834 |
Investigation and Modeling of Effects of Ionospheric Plasma Bubbles on GBAS Availability | Takeshi Fujiwara and Toshiaki Tsujii | 835 - 840 |
Low-cost Real-time Tightly-coupled GNSS/INS Navigation System Based on Carrier Phase Double Differences for UAV Applications | Gianluca Falco, María Campo-Cossío Gutiérrez, Ernesto López Serna, Fabio Zacchello, Serge Bories | 841 - 857 |
Spoofing Mitigation, Robust Collision Avoidance, and Opportunistic Receiver Localisation Using a New Signal Processing Scheme for ADS-B or AIS | R. Faragher, P.F. MacDoran, M.B. Mathews | 858 - 868 |
High Integrity GNSS Navigation and Safe Separation Distance to Support Local-Area UAV Networks | Minchan Kim, Kiwan Kim, Jiyun Lee, S. Pullen | 869 - 878 |
Intent-based Dynamic Model Estimation for Airborne GNSS Positioning | Li Fu, Jun Zhang, and Rui Li | 879 - 887 |
Deriving Bearing Measurements from Video Images using Haar-like Features for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Navigation | Elmira Amirloo Abolfathi and Kyle O'Keefe | 888 - 895 |
Real-time Navigation and Mapping with Mobile Mapping Systems using LiDAR/Camera/INS/GNSS Advanced Hybridization Algorithms: Description and Test Results | A. Fernández, M. Wis, G. Vecchione, P.F. Silva, I. Colomina, Eduard Angelats, M.E. Parès | 896 - 904 |
Precise Positioning in Urban Environments | Olivier Julien, Lina Deambrogio, Damien Serant | 905 - 916 |
Evaluation of GNSS Receiver Clock Drift Predictability in Urban Scenarios Based on Vehicle Dead Reckoning Sensor Data | Martin Escher, Ulrich Haak, Peter Hecker | 917 - 924 |
Six Live GNSS: What RTK Performance One Can Expect? | I. Khazanov, D. Kozlov, G. Zyryanov, Spectra Precision | 925 - 932 |
Latency Compensation by Compact RTK Under Harsh Communication Environment of Land Transportation | Byungwoon Park, Donghwan Yoon, Junesol Song, Changdon Kee | 933 - 939 |
Benefit Analysis of GALILEO to Improve Reliability of GNSS Localization in Harsh Environments | Pierre Reisdorf, Andreas Auerswald, Gerd Wanielik, Marcus Obst | 940 - 946 |
Locata Positioning Used for World’s First Fully-autonomous Robotic Testing in Vehicle Collision Avoidance Systems | Paul Perrone, Geoff Hoekstra, David Zuby, Russ Rader | 947 - 953 |
Characterization of GNSS Integrity Threats in Terrestrial Applications Using Real Signal Captures | E. Domínguez, G. Seco-Granados, J. Salcedo, D. Egea, E. Aguado, D. Lowe, D. Naberezhnykh, F. Dovis, J.P. Boyero, I. Fernandez | 954 - 966 |
Inertial Aided Cycle Slip Detection by Considering Satellite Geometry for Land Vehicle | Y. Kim, H. No, J. Song, H. Yun, C. Kee, B. Park | 967 - 975 |
Real-time PPP with Ambiguity Resolution – Determination and Application of Uncalibrated Phase Delays | K. Huber, F. Hinterberger, R. Lesjak, R. Weber | 976 - 985 |
Integrity Monitoring for Precise Point Positioning | Shaojun Feng, Altti Jokinen and Washington Ochieng | 986 - 1007 |
Real-time PPP Ambiguity Resolution with Satellite FCBs Estimated Considering Obit Errors | Yihe Li, Yang Gao, Junbo Shi | 1008 - 1019 |
Kinematic Performance of NovAtel CORRECT with TerraStar-D Precise Point Positioning (PPP) Service | Altti Jokinen, Cameron Ellum, Janet Neumann, David Chan, Iain Webster, Sara Masterson and Thomas Morley | 1020 - 1034 |
Gap Bridging in Precise Point Positioning | Andrew Simsky | 1035 - 1045 |
magicGNSS’ Real-Time POD and PPP Multi-GNSS Service | Guillermo Tobías, J. David Calle, Pedro Navarro, Irma Rodríguez and Daniel Rodríguez | 1046 - 1055 |
SSR PPP for Asia-Pacific Services | Koki Asari, Taro Suzuki, Nobuaki Kubo, Mitsuhide Shima, Masayuki Saito | 1056 - 1064 |
Monitoring of Network Residual Ionosphere using ROT Index and its Application to the "Centimeter Level Augmentation Service" | Yuki Sato, Masakazu Miya, Norizumi Motooka, Seigo Fujita, Jun-ichi Takiguchi | 1065 - 1072 |
VPPP Algorithms with Multiple Antennas and their Applications | S. Sugimoto, Y. Suzuki, Y. Karatsu, M. Ozaki, A. Mouri and Y. Kubo | 1073 - 1084 |
Tropospheric Monitoring Over the Ocean using Shipborne GNSS Receiver | M. Fujita, A. Wada, T. Iwabuchi, C. Rocken | 1085 - 1089 |
Effects of Ionospheric Scintillation on GNSS-Based Positioning | Xiaoqing Pi, Byron A. Iijima, and Wenwen Lu | 1090 - 1100 |
Auroral Scintillation Phase Analysis from a Short-Baseline GPS Array | Seebany Datta-Barua, Yang Su, Kshitija Deshpande, Gary S. Bust, Donald Hampton | 1101 - 1107 |
Experimentally Recorded Amplitude and Phase Scintillation Through a Spirent Simulator | T. Pinto Jayawardena, A.M. Ali, B. Forte, J. Kinrade, C. Mitchell, S. Smith, T. Walter | 1108 - 1114 |
Detecting Amplitude Scintillations Using C/N0 Differences | Ryan J.R. Thompson, Ediz Cetin and Andrew G. Dempster | 1115 - 1125 |
Scintillation Characterization for WAAS in the Auroral Region | Eric Altshuler, Karl Shallberg, B.J. Potter, Todd Walter | 1126 - 1137 |
Phase Scintillation Estimates in the Polar Ionosphere Inferred from Radio Occultation on Board CASSIOPE: A Summary | Esayas B. Shume, Attila Komjathy, Richard B. Langley, Olga Verkhoglyadova, Mark D. Butala, Anthony J. Mannucci | 1138 - 1141 |
Developing a Multi-Frequency for GNSS-Based Scintillation Monitoring Receiver | James T. Curran, Michele Bavaro, Aiden Morrison, Joaquim Fortuny | 1142 - 1152 |
Facing Strong Ionosphere in SBAS Systems: Comparison of Different Techniques for Ionosphere Estimation | J. Arenas, B. Ochoa, M.E. Ramírez, A. Sainz, and E. Sardón | 1153 - 1162 |
GPS and Ionosonde Data Fusion for Ionospheric Tomography | Karen Q.Z. Chiang and Mark L. Psiaki | 1163 - 1172 |
Novel Ionospheric Activity Indicator Specifically Tailored for GNSS Users | J. Sanz, J.M. Juan, G. González-Casado, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, S. Schlüter, R. Orús | 1173 - 1182 |
A New Approach for Mitigating Ionospheric Mapping Function Errors | M.M. Hoque, N. Jakowski and J. Berdermann | 1183 - 1189 |
GNSS Data Processing Investigations for Characterizing Ionospheric Scintillation | M. Najmafshar, S. Skone and F. Ghafoori | 1190 - 1202 |
Characteristics of Low-latitude Signal Fading Across the GPS Frequency Bands | Yu Jiao, Yu Morton, Steve Taylor, Mark Carroll | 1203 - 1212 |
The Mahali Space Weather Project: Advancing GNSS Ionospheric Science | A. Coster, V. Pankratius, F. Lind, P. Erickson, J. Semeter | 1213 - 1221 |
Implementing GNSS-Reflectometry in Space on the TechDemoSat-1 Mission | M. Unwin, S. Duncan, P. Jales, P. Blunt, J. Tye | 1222 - 1235 |
Operational Composite Clock for SBAS Systems | Matthias Suess, Marion Goedel, Johann Furthner, Michael Meurer | 1236 - 1252 |
An Improvement of RINEX-Shift Algorithm for Continuous GPS Carrier-Phase Time Transfer | Jian Yao and Judah Levine | 1253 - 1260 |
Robust GPS-Based Timing for Phasor Measurement Units: A Position-Information-Aided Approach | Daniel Chou, Liang Heng and Grace Xingxin Gao | 1261 - 1269 |
Analysis of GNSS Signal Strength | Jeffrey C. Tracey | 1270 - 1273 |
Description and Simulation Results for a GNSS Signal-Based Navigation System for a Mission to the Moon | M. Manzano, J. Alegre, A. Pellacani, G. Seco, J. López, E. Guerrero, A. García | 1274 - 1285 |
Introductory Remarks | Logan Scott | 1286 - 1293 |
Emerging Applications and Market Estimation for a Signal in Space Authentication | Fiammetta Diani | 1294 - 1306 |
The Case for Position Authentication in Small UAS (SUAS) Operations | Demoz Gebre-Egziabher | 1307 - 1316 |
The Challenge of Authentication for the Next Generation Air Transportation System | Mitchell J. Narins | 1317 - 1327 |
Digital Message Authentication for SBAS (and APNT) | Per Enge and Todd Walter | 1328 - 1336 |
The Provision of GNSS Authentication Services | Ignacio Fernández Hernández | 1337 - 1350 |
Limitations of Signal-side GNSS Signal Authentication | Todd Humphreys | 1351 - 1363 |
GNSS-SDRLIB: An Open-Source and Real-Time GNSS Software Defined Radio Library | Taro Suzuki and Nobuaki Kubo | 1364 - 1375 |
An Open-Source Real-Time L1/L2 Dual Frequency Software Receiver with an Open Source GPS-Disciplined Clock – Design, Implementation and Test | Xin Zhang, Xingqun Zhan, Shaojun Feng, Washington Y. Ochieng | 1376 - 1382 |
Fastening GPS and Galileo Tight with a Software Receiver | Javier Arribas, Mara Branzanti, Carles Fernández-Prades, Pau Closas | 1383 - 1395 |
Implementation Details of a Real-Time SoC-Based Vector Tracking Receiver | B. Keyser, D. Hodo, S. Martin and D. Bevly | 1396 - 1402 |
Adjustments of a Real-time Software GNSS Receiver for use on a Medium Earth Orbit | Ulrich Haak and Peter Hecker | 1403 - 1409 |
Implementation of GPGPU Based Real-time Signal Acquisition and Tacking Module for Multi-constellation GNSS Software Receiver | Kwi Woo Park, Joon Seok Yang and Chansik Park, Min Jun Lee | 1410 - 1416 |
A Python Software Platform for Cooperatively Tracking Multiple GPS Receivers | Eliot Wycoff and Grace Xingxin Gao | 1417 - 1425 |
Initial Report of Activities of the GNSS SDR Metadata Standard Working Group | Sanjeev Gunawardena, Thomas Pany | 1426 - 1432 |
GNSS/INS/Star Tracker Integrated Navigation System for Earth-Moon Transfer Orbit | Vicenzo Capuano, Cyril Botteron, Yanguang Wang, Jia Tian, Jérôme Leclère, Pierre-André Farine | 1433 - 1447 |
Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of GNSS Signal Tracking in Highly Elliptical Orbits Using the GSNRx™ Software Receiver | Erin Kahr, Kyle OKeefe, Oliver Montenbruck | 1448 - 1458 |
SWARM GPS Precise Orbit Determination Receiver Initial In-Orbit Performance Evaluation | F. Zangerl, F. Griesauer, M. Sust, O. Montenbruck, B. Buchert, A. Garcia | 1459 - 1468 |
The Use of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System for Near Lunar Navigation | Dale A. Force, Gregory W. Heckler | 1469 - 1472 |
Space-Based Remote Sensing of Natural-Hazard-Induced Ionosphere-Thermosphere Perturbations | Y-M. (Oscar) Yang, A. Komjathy, X. Meng, R.B. Langley, M. Butala, E.B. Shume, A.J. Mannucci | 1473 - 1477 |
Analysis of Error Sources in Phase Rate Measurements in GPS Radio Occultation | Elliot H. Barlow, Penina Axelrad, Peter Withnell, and Danielle Nuding | 1478 - 1491 |
TOPCAT: A Space-Borne Dual-Frequency GPS Receiver for Topside Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Computer Assisted Tomography | T. Pinto Jayawardena, C. Mitchell, R.J. Watson, J.R. Rose, C.J. Coleman and M. Jessop | 1492 - 1498 |
Spatial Characterization of High Latitude Ionosphere Scintillations Using an Array of Software Receiver Measurements | Jun Wang, Yu (Jade) Morton, Jeffery Spaleta, William Bristow | 1499 - 1507 |
Assessment of Simultaneous GNSS Occultation Data on Ionosphere Probing | Viet-Cuong Pham and Jyh-Ching Juang | 1508 - 1512 |
GPS/Galileo Miniaturised Multi-Frequency Space Receiver (GAMIR) | Peter A. Krauss, Georg Klein, Stefan Sassen, Alberto Garcia-Rodriguez, Josep Roselló, Andreas Grillenberger, Markus Markgarf, Angelo Consoli, Francesco Piazza, Eveline Gottzein | 1513 - 1523 |
Orbital Accelerometry by LEO GNSS Tracking: Theory and Practice | Da Kuang, Shailen Desai, Bruce Haines and Anthony Sibthorpe | 1524 - 1535 |
GNSS-Based Navigation for Lunar Missions | Hugo D. Lopes, João S. Silva, Pedro F. Silva, Luciano Musumeci, Fabio Dovis, Damien Serant, Thibaud Calmettes, Rémi Challamel, Jose A. Ospina, Ivan Pessina, Jose V. Perello | 1536 - 1553 |
Joint Detection and Estimation of Weak GNSS Signals with Application to Coarse Time Navigation | Zhe He and Mark Petovello | 1554 - 1567 |
Centimeter Positioning with a Smartphone-Quality GNSS Antenna | Kenneth M. Pesyna, Jr., Robert W. Heath, Jr., Todd E. Humphreys | 1568 - 1577 |
Benefits of an Ultra Stable Oscillator for Long Coherent Integration | Naveen S. Gowdayyanadoddi, Ali Broumandan, James T. Curran, Gérard Lachapelle | 1578 - 1594 |
A Novel Multi Image Based Navigation System to Aid Outdoor – Indoor Transition Flights of Micro Aerial Vehicles | Manuel Popp, Philipp Crocoll, Jan Ruppelt and Gert F. Trommer | 1595 - 1608 |
The Potential of Electromyography to Aid Personal Navigation | James Pinchin, Gavin Smith, Chris Hill, Terry Moore, Ian Loram | 1609 - 1615 |
Floor Classification Algorithm Based on Stair Awareness Using MEMS IMU | So Young Park, Min Su Lee, Ho Jin Ju, and Chan Gook Park | 1616 - 1621 |
Assessment of Indoor Positioning System Using Kriging Fingerprinting Method and IEEE 802.11v Standard | Ya-Wen Liu and Shau-Shiun Jan | 1622 - 1628 |
Locata’s VRay™ Antenna Technology – Multipath Mitigation for Indoor Positioning | Chris Rizos, Allison Kealy, Binghao Li, Mazher Choudhury, Suelynn Choy, Yanming Feng | 1629 - 1635 |
Image-Aided Navigation Using Cooperative Binocular Stereopsis | J. Soeder and J. Raquet | 1636 - 1645 |
Seamless Indoor/Outdoor Positioning Using Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting (DTMB) Technology Integrated with GNSS | Jinsong Xu, Xiaochun Lu, Haitao Wu, Decai Zou | 1646 - 1651 |
Indoor Navigation Based on Computer Vision Utilizing Information from Patterned Surfaces | N. Dawar and J. Nielsen | 1652 - 1660 |
A Low Overhead Receive Only Wi-Fi Based Location Mechanism | Erik Lindskog, Hong Wan, Raja Banerjea, Naveen Kakani, Dave Huntingford | 1661 - 1668 |
Collaborative Wi-Fi Fingerprint Training for Indoor Positioning | Hao Jing, James Pinchin, Chris Hill, Terry Moore | 1669 - 1678 |
Adaptive Estimation of Signals of Opportunity | Zaher M. Kassas, Vaibhav Ghadiok, Todd E. Humphreys | 1679 - 1689 |
Multipath Assisted Positioning using a Single Antenna with Angle of Arrival Estimations | Christian Gentner, Robert Pöhlmann, Thomas Jost and Armin Dammann | 1690 - 1697 |
Tightly-Coupled GPS/UWB-Ranging for Relative Navigation During Formation Flight | Jason N. Gross and Yu Gu, Brandon Dewberry | 1698 - 1708 |
Cooperative Positioning for Low Energy Bluetooth Technology | Bassem I. Sheta, Mohamed Youssef | 1709 - 1719 |
A Reference Design for the Radionavigation of Femtosatellites | R. Benjamin Harris, Namrata Kamte, Tracie Perez, Joshua Berry and Ziad Bakhaya | 1720 - 1737 |
Design and Test of Algorithms and Real-Time Receiver to use Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) for Alternative Positioning Navigation and Timing (APNT) | Yu-Hsuan Chen, Sherman Lo, Shau-Shiun Jan, Guan-Jhih Liou, Dennis M. Akos, Per Enge | 1738 - 1746 |
High-Precision Image Aided Inertial Navigation with Known Features: Observability Analysis and Performance Evaluation | Li Wang, Xiaoji Niu, Quan Zhang, Hui Zhang, Weiping Jiang | 1747 - 1760 |
Quasi Tightly Coupled GNSS-INS Integration | Bruno Scherzinger | 1761 - 1767 |
Broad Motion Mode Recognition for Portable Navigation | Mostafa Elhoushi, Jacques Georgy, Michael Korenberg, Aboelmagd Noureldin | 1768 - 1773 |
A New Method in Modelling the IMU Stochastic Errors | Yingwei Zhao | 1774 - 1783 |
Quadrotor Inertial Navigation Aided by a Vehicle Dynamics Model with In-Flight Parameter Estimation | Philipp Crocoll, Gert F. Trommer | 1784 - 1795 |
Continuous Motion Recognition for Natural Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Using Smartphone Sensors | Jiuchao Qian, Ling Pei, Rendong Ying, Xin Chen, Danping Zou, Peilin Liu, Wenxian Yu | 1796 - 1801 |
Observability Improvement of Transfer Alignment for Ground Launchers with Engine Vibration | Chul Woo Kang and Chan Gook Park | 1802 - 1806 |
Inertial Sensor Error Model Selection Based on Dominant Energy Features | Li Fu, Kanli Tian, Lingling Wang | 1807 - 1811 |
Development of Mini-UAV Based Mobile Mapping System | Shahram Moafipoor, Sudhagar Nagarajan, Lidia Bock and Jeff A. Fayman | 1812 - 1821 |
An Investigation on MEMS IMU Error Mitigation Using Rotation Modulation Technique | Shuang Du, Wei Sun, Yang Gao | 1822 - 1838 |
Coarray Based Optimum Geometries for DOA Estimation with Multiple CRPA GPS Arrays | Xiangrong Wang, Moeness Amin, Fauzia Ahmad, Elias Aboutanios | 1839 - 1846 |
A Map Aided Localization System for Safety-relevant Automotive Assistance Systems | Tobias Scheide and Peter Hecker | 1847 - 1854 |
Tightly Coupled INS/DGPS System for Collaborative Navigation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | G. Pages, A-D. Nguyen, B. Priot, T. Pérennou and V. Calmettes | 1855 - 1866 |
Development of a Positioning Tool for the Navigation of Visually Impaired People | Petra Hafner, Katrin Huber, Thomas Moder, Manfred Wieser, Gernot Hollinger, Clemens Strauß | 1867 - 1878 |
Automotive WiFi Availability in Dynamic Urban Canyon Environments | Jefferey L. Wilson | 1879 - 1890 |
Improving Accuracy and Integrity with a Probabilistic Urban Trench Modeling | D. Bétaille, F. Peyret, M. Ortiz, S. Miquel, F. Godan | 1891 - 1896 |
N-LOS GNSS Signal Detection Using Fish-Eye Camera for Vehicle Navigation in Urban Environments | Taro Suzuki and Nobuaki Kubo | 1897 - 1906 |
Kinematic GNSS Shadow Matching Using a Particle Filter | L. Wang | 1907 - 1919 |
GNSS Collaborative Positioning and Performance Analysis | Bin Huang, Zheng Yao, Xiaowei Cui, Mingquan Lu, Jing Guo | 1920 - 1930 |
Accurate Positioning of Autonomous Vehicles in Adverse Visibility Conditions | John Nielsen, and Vahid Dehghanian | 1931 - 1940 |
Real-Time Ultra-Tight Integration of GNSS and Multi-Sensors with Block Processing | Tao Li, Jacques Georgy, and Zainab Syed | 1941 - 1947 |
Navigation 2034 | John F. Raquet | 1948 - 1966 |
NAV 2034 - Never Make Predictions Especially About the Future | Frank van Diggelen, Mark Twain, Niels Bohr, Robert Storm Petersen, Yogi Berra, and Ssamuel Goldwyn | 1967 - 1973 |
Navigation 2034 – A Maritime Perspective | Martin Bransby | 1974 - 1978 |
Navigation for Land Based Applications | David M. Bevly | 1979 - 1986 |
Opening Remarks | Christopher J. Hegarty | 1987 - 1990 |
Social Engineering Strategies for Limiting Civil Interference Effects | Logan. Scott | 1991 - 2004 |
Developing Defenses Against Jamming & Spoofing of Civilian GNSS Receivers | Mark L. Psiaki | 2005 - 2012 |
An Advanced Real-Time Navigation Solution for Cycling Applications Using Portable Devices | Hsiu-Wen Chang, Jacques Georgy, Naser El-Sheimy | 2013 - 2020 |
Inter-Sensor Validation for Improved Reliability of Multi-Sensor Systems | Anup Dhital, Gérard Lachapelle, Jared B. Bancroft | 2021 - 2033 |
A Smart Reconfigurable Multi-sensor Multi-filter Navigation Engine with Modular Architecture Design for Plug-and-Play Navigation | M.M. Atia, S. Givigi, A. Noureldin, M. Youssef | 2034 - 2042 |
Methodology for Kalman Filter Design: Algorithms and Software. | Zeev Berman | 2043 - 2055 |
Optimal Pre-filter Design for SINS based on Particle Swarm Optimization | L. Fu, J.Z. Li, L.L, Wang | 2056 - 2061 |
Estimating Conservative Error Bounds for INS Output Errors | Demoz Gebre-Egziabher | 2062 - 2068 |
GNSS-aided INS Integrity Concept | O. García Crespillo, A. Grosch and B. Belabbas, and M. Rippl | 2069 - 2077 |
The MPEG7 Visual Search Solution for Image Recognition Based Positioning Using 3D Models | Giorgio Ghinamo, Cecilia Corbi, Gianluca Francini, Skjalg Lepsoy, Piero Lovisolo, Andrea Lingua, Irene Aicardi | 2078 - 2088 |
An Inertial-aided LiDAR Scan Matching Algorithm for Multisensor Land-based Navigation | Shifei Liu, Mohamed M. Atia, Yanbin Gao, Sidney Givigi, Aboelmagd Noureldin | 2089 - 2096 |
The DG Performance Verifications of UAV Borne MMS Payload with Two Tactical Grade Low Cost MEMS IMUs Using New Calibration Method | Chien-Hsun Chu, Meng-Lun Tsai | 2097 - 2117 |
Real-time Vision-aiding for Reliable 3D Indoor Location | Bashir Kazemipur, Zainab Syed, Jacques Georgy, Naser El-Sheimy | 2118 - 2131 |
A Parallax Based Robust Image Matching for Improving Multisensor Navigation in GNSS-denied Environments | Eduard Angelats, Pere Molina, M. Eulalia Parés, Ismael Colomina | 2132 - 2138 |
A Novel GNSS Positioning Technique for Improved Accuracy in Urban Canyon Scenarios Using 3D City Model | Rakesh Kumar and Mark G. Petovello | 2139 - 2148 |
Icemole as Platform for Magnetometer and IMU Aided Positioning w/o External Reference | B. von Wulfen, B. Kohn. S. Macht, P. Hecker, H. Niedermeier, G. Ameres, J Clemens | 2149 - 2159 |
Assured Vision Aided Inertial Localization | Andrey Soloviev, Chun Yang, Michael Veth, Clark Taylor | 2160 - 2173 |
Navigation Application of 3D Corner Features Measured with a 2D Laser Scanner | Zhen Zhu, Chris Venters, Maarten Uijt de Haag | 2174 - 2182 |
Terrain Aided Flight Solution: TerraFliteTM | G. Soysal, Y. Ersoy, M. Efe, H. Kurtoglu and S. Cak | 2183 - 2190 |
The Performance Analysis of a Smartphone Based Three Dimension Pedestrian Dead-reckoning and Map-Matching Algorithm for Indoor Navigation Applications | G-J Tsai, J-K. Liao, H-J Chu, K-W. Chiang | 2191 - 2201 |
Development of a Tightly Coupled Vision/GNSS System | Bernhard M. Aumayer, Mark G. Petovello, Gérard Lachapelle | 2202 - 2211 |
Robustified, Multi-epoch Stochastic Constraints for Outlier Detection and Removal in Online Multi-sensor Inertial Navigation Systems | M.J. Veth, A. Soloviev, C. Yang, C. Taylor | 2212 - 2219 |
Ultra-tight GPS/INS Receiver Performance in the Presence of Jamming Signals | Sergey Krasovski, Mark Petovello and Gérard Lachapelle | 2220 - 2232 |
Single Antenna GPS Spoof Detection that is Simple, Static, Instantaneous and Backwards Compatible for Aerial Applications | Emily McMilin, David S. De Lorenzo, Todd Walter, Thomas H. Lee, and Per Enge | 2233 - 2242 |
Deeply Coupled GNSS, INS and Visual Sensor Integration for Interference Mitigation | L. Ruotsalainen, M. Kirkko-Jaakkola, M.Z.H. Bhuiyan, S. Söderholm, S. Thombre and H. Kuusniemi | 2243 - 2249 |
Overview of Weak Interference Detection and Localization Techniques for the GNSS Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) | Ediz Cetin, Matthew Trinkle, Alexandre Bours, Giulio Gabelli, Ryan J.R. Thompson, Andrew G. Dempster, Giovanni E. Corazza | 2250 - 2259 |
Off-Grid High Resolution DOA Estimation for GNSS Circular Array Receivers | Xiangrong Wang, Elias Aboutanios, Moeness Amin, Chow Yii Pui | 2260 - 2267 |
GNSS Performance Quantification in the United Kingdom | C.S. Dixon, S. Hill, G. Buesnel, A. Ucar, P. Alfaro, J. Beasley | 2268 - 2276 |
Two Stage Beamformer for GNSS Receiver Antenna Arrays | Ying Chieh (Jay) Chuang and Inder J. Gupta | 2277 - 2285 |
An Analytical Method for Performance Evaluation of CRPA Based GPS Anti-Jamming Systems | J.H. Lee, Y.S. Choi, S.Y. Lee, S.W. Hwang, S.J. Lee, C.S. Park | 2286 - 2290 |
GNSS Vulnerability Assessment Based on Application Suitability | Shuai Jing, Xingqun Zhan and Xuan Liu, Shaojun Feng | 2291 - 2298 |
Fast Generation and Tracking of GNSS Visibility and Dilution-of-Precision Regions Using Level Set Methods | Nora E.H. Stack, Walter Z. Cai, Scott Manifold, Ana C. Perez-Gea, Sante R. Scuro, Joseph E. Papac, Yanina Landa, Jaime Y. Cruz, Paul D. Massatt, Frederick E. Fritzen | 2299 - 2309 |
Toward a New Definition of a PNT Trust Level in a Challenged Multi Frequency / Multi-Constellation Environment | Damien Kubrak, Guillaume Carrié | 2310 - 2316 |
Comparing Multi-constellation and Multi-frequency Based on GPS/ BeiDou RTK Positioning | J. Dou and K. O'Keefe | 2317 - 2325 |
Combined GPS+BDS+Galileo+QZSS for Long Baseline RTK Positioning | R. Odolinski, P.J.G. Teunissen, D. Odijk | 2326 - 2340 |
Improving Availability and Accuracy of Multi-GNSS Positioning Using QZSS | M. Kitamura, T. Ota, and Y. Amano | 2341 - 2345 |
Estimation of Galileo Uncalibrated Hardware Delays for Ambiguity-fixed Precise Point Positioning | Javier Tegedor, Xianglin Liu, Kees de Jong, Matthew Goode, Ola Øvstedal, Erik Vigen | 2346 - 2353 |
Real-Time PPP with Galileo, Paving the Way to European High Accuracy Positioning | Guillermo Tobías, J. David Calle, Pedro Navarro, Irma Rodríguez and Daniel Rodríguez | 2354 - 2362 |
Solution for Inter-Satellite Linked Space-Time Network Using Reference and Transition Point Indicators | B. Oszczak, M. Grzegorzewski, J. Cwiklak | 2363 - 2370 |
Precise Orbit Determination of Next Generation GPS Satellites | Alec J. Winetrobe, Phillip W. Mann, Edward J. Fernandez, Janaki Potukuchi, Kazuma Gunning | 2371 - 2377 |
Analyzing Scintillation Using Ionospheric Asymmetry Index | M.M. Shaikh, R. Notarpietro, P. Yin | 2378 - 2383 |
Assessment of Single-difference Ionospheric Residuals in a Regional Network for GBAS | K. Wang, M. Meindl, A. Geiger, M. Rothacher, M. Scaramuzza, M. Troller, P. Truffer | 2384 - 2393 |
GPS Scintillation Modeling and Receiver Design Strategies for Low-latitude Regions | F. Ghafoori and S. Skone | 2394 - 2409 |
SBAS Performance Analysis in Equatorial Regions | A. Cezón, M. Cueto, E. Ramírez, J. Ostolaza, V. Izquierdo, D. Pérez, E. Sardón | 2410 - 2430 |
Applying Miniaturized Atomic Clocks for Improved Kinematic GNSS Single Point Positioning | T. Krawinkel and S. Schön | 2431 - 2439 |
Analytical Non-Conservative Disturbance Modeling for QZS-1 Precise Orbit Determination | Satoshi Ikari, Takuji Ebinuma, Ryu Funase and Shinichi Nnakasuka | 2440 - 2447 |
Characterization of Expected Multipath Error for the NICER X-Ray Telescope Payload | Viliam Klein, Penina Axelrad and Jeanette Veldman | 2448 - 2456 |
Modeling the Ionospheric Delay Based on Collocation for BDS Augmentation System | Zishen Li, Hong Yuan, Yunbin Yuan, Ningbo Wang, Wenwu Ding | 2457 - 2466 |
Transmission of Augmentation Messages for Precise Point Positioning Utilizing Japanese QZSS LEX Signal | Ken Harima, Suelynn Choy, Yaka Wakabayashi, Satoshi Kogure, Chris Rizos | 2467 - 2477 |
PPP for Advanced Precise Positioning Applications, Including Reliability Bound | María D. Laínez Samper, Miguel M. Romay Merino, Guillermo Tobías Gonzáles, David Barba Martí | 2478 - 2493 |
A Novel Ambiguity Acceptance Test Threshold Determination Method with Controllable Failure Rate | Lei Wang, Sandra Verhagen, Yanming Feng | 2494 - 2502 |
Precise Cooperative Positioning: A Case Study in Canada | Simon Banville, Paul Collins, Pierre Tétreault, Francois Lahaye, and Pierre Héroux | 2503 - 2511 |
Analysis and Modelling of Pseudorange and Carrier-phase Biases in GNSS Precise Point Positioning | John Aggrey and Sunil Bisnath | 2512 - 2522 |
Array-aided Single-Differenced Satellite Phase Bias Determination: Methodology and Results | Amir Khodabandeh | 2523 - 2532 |
A Real-time World-wide Ionospheric Model for Single and Multi-frequency Precise Navigation | A. Rovira-Garcia, J. M. Juan, J. Sanz | 2533 - 2543 |
GNSS Array-Aided Positioning and Attitude Determination: Real Data Analyses | N. Nadarajah, P.J.G. Teunissen, P.F. de Bakker | 2544 - 2554 |
Precise GNSS Attitude Determination Based on Antenna Array Processing | Saeed Daneshmand, Negin Sokhandan, Gérard Lachapelle | 2555 - 2562 |
Exploiting Quasi-periodicity in Receiver Dynamics to Enhance GNSS Carrier Phase Tracking | Srinivas Bhaskar | 2563 - 2578 |
BaSE-II: A Robust and Experimental Galileo PRS Receiver Development Platform | Alexander Rügamer, Philipp Neumaier, Philipp Sommer, Fabio Garzia, Günter Rohmer, Andriy Konovaltsev, Matteo Sgammini, Stefano Caizzone, Michael Meurer, Jan Wendel, Frank Schubert, Stefan Baumann | 2579 - 2591 |
GNSS Meta Signals: Coherently Composite Processing of Multiple GNSS Signals | M. Paonni, J.T. Curran, M. Bavaro, J. Fortuny-Guasch | 2592 - 2601 |
Compressive Sensing Approach for the Cycle Slips Detection, Isolation, and Correction | Lev B. Rapoport | 2602 - 2610 |
Analysis of GPS-SPS Inter-PRN Pseudorange Biases due to Receiver Front-End Components | Sanjeev Gunawardena, Frank van Graas | 2611 - 2624 |
Reference Oscillator Short-Term Drift as it’s Sensed by GNSS Receiver | Alexander Y. Shatilov | 2625 - 2634 |
GNSS – Our Strongest Asset or Weakest Link? | Glen Gibbons | 2635 - 2644 |
10 Good Ideas for GNSS+ | Todd Humphreys | 2645 - 2656 |
GNSS – Our Strongest Asset or Weakest Link? | Bruno Bougard and Peter Grognard | 2657 - 2673 |
Top 5 Weaknesses/Challenges Facing GNSS | Paul Benshoof | 2674 - 2683 |
Measurement Quality Assessment in Urban Environments Using Correlation Function Distortion Metrics | Philippe Brocard, Paul Thevenon, Olivier Julien, Daniel Salos, Mikael Mabilleau | 2684 - 2697 |
Characterization of Tracking and Position Errors in GNSS Receivers with Intermittent Tracking | Vijaykumar Bellad, Mark G. Petovello, and Gérard Lachapelle | 2698 - 2712 |
Adaptive Multipath Mitigation in Urban GNSS Positioning | I-Wen Chu and Jyh-Ching Juang | 2713 - 2719 |
Performances of Multicorrelator-based Maximum Likelihood Discriminator | G. Carrie, D. Kubrak, M. Monnerat | 2720 - 2727 |
Multi GNSS RAIM Module in a Software Defined Receiver for High-Reliability Terrestrial Applications | K. Frankl, V. Kropp, H. Beckmann, B. Eissfeller | 2728 - 2735 |
Deep Integration of GPS/INS Based on a Software Defined Receiver – Implementation and Test Results | Sihao Zhao, Sara Powell, Mingquan Lu, Dennis Akos | 2736 - 2746 |
Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Multi-frequency GPS Signal Tracking Algorithm | Hang Yin, Yu (Jade) Morton, Mark Carroll | 2747 - 2753 |
Modeling and Analysis of Composite Multipath Characteristics for a Bayesian-Based Dense Multipath Mitigation Algorithm | Nesreen I. Ziedan | 2754 - 2766 |
An Efficient Time-frequency Algorithm for Weak Signal Acquisition of Modernized GNSS Signals | Yanguang Wang, Jia Tian, Jérôme Leclère, Cyril Botteron, Vincenzo Capuano, Pierre-André Farine | 2767 - 2775 |
GNSS Spoofing Detection Using Two-Antenna Differential Carrier Phase | Mark L. Psiaki, Brady W. OHanlon, Steven P. Powell, Jahshan A. Bhatti, Kyle D. Wesson, and Todd E. Humphreys Andrew Schofield | 2776 - 2800 |
Cooperative GPS Signal Authentication from Unreliable Peers | Liang Heng, Daniel Chou, and Grace Xingxin Gao | 2801 - 2809 |
Design Drivers, Solutions and Robustness Assessment of Navigation Message Authentication for the Galileo Open Service | Ignacio Fernández-Hernández, Vincent Rijmen, Gonzalo Seco-Granados, Javier. Simón, Irma Rodríguez, J. David Calle | 2810 - 2827 |
Securing GNSS: An End-to-end Feasibility Analysis for the Galileo Open-service | James T. Curran and Matteo Paonni | 2828 - 2842 |
Investigating and Utilizing the Limitations of Spoofing in a Map-Matching Anti-Spoofing Algorithm | Nesreen I. Ziedan | 2843 - 2852 |
Autonomous Spoofing Detection and Mitigation with a Miniaturized Adaptive Antenna Array | Andriy Konovaltsev, Stefano Caizzone, Manuel Cuntz, Michael Meurer | 2853 - 2861 |
Supersonic GNSS Authentication Codes | Oscar Pozzobon, Giovanni Gamba, Matteo Canale, Samuele Fantinato | 2862 - 2869 |
GPS Program Update | Matthew Cooley | 2870 - 2885 |
Galileo System Status and Technology Pre-developments | Marco Falcone | 2886 - 2917 |
Galileo Programme Status Update | Eric Chatre | 2918 - 2941 |
Operation and Development of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System | Qiao Hua Huang | 2942 - 2973 |
Project Overview: Quasi-Zenith Satellite System | Yoshiyuki Murai | 2974 - 3008 |
From L-Band Measurements to a Preliminary Channel Model for APNT | N. Schneckenburger, D. Shutin, T. Jost, M. Walter, T. Thiasiriphet, A. Filip, M. Schnell | 3009 - 3015 |
Evaluation of Positioning Algorithms for Wide Area Multilateration Based Alternative Positioning Navigation and Timing (APNT) Using 1090 MHz ADS-B Signals | Shau-Shiun Jan, Siang-Lin Jheng, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Sherman Lo | 3016 - 3028 |
Hybrid APNT: Terrestrial Radionavigation to Support Future Aviation Needs | Sherman Lo, Yu-Hsuan Chen and Per Enge | 3029 - 3039 |
Analysis of Position and Timing Solutions for an APNT-System – A Look on Convergence, Accuracy and Integrity | E. Nossek, M. Suess, B. Belabbas, M. Meurer | 3040 - 3047 |
Analysis of DME Ranging Error Fluctuation Caused by Atmospheric Delay to Clarify Ranging Accuracy for APNT | Atsushi Kezuka, Takayuki Yoshihara, Susumu Saitoh, Takeyasu Sakai and Naoki Fujii | 3048 - 3054 |
Alternative Position and Navigation Based on DME Accumulated Delta Range | Tunc Ertan and Mark L. Psiaki | 3055 - 3064 |
Application of Bayesian Filtering for Multipath in LDACS1-Based APNT Applications | T. Thiasiriphet, D. Shutin, N. Schnekenburger | 3065 - 3075 |
The Feasibility of R-Mode to Meet Resilient PNT Requirements for e-Navigation | Gregory Johnson, Peter Swaszek, Juergen Alberding, Michael Hoppe, Jan-Hendrik Oltmann | 3076 - 3100 |
eLoran Initial Operational Capability – Providing Resilient PNT to Mariners | Erik Johannessen, Gerard Offermans, Stephen Bartlett, Andrei Grebnev, Martin Bransby, Paul Williams, Chris Hargreaves | 3101 - 3112 |
Characterization of Nominal Signal Distortions and Impact on Receiver Performance for GPS (IIF) L1/L5 and Galileo (IOV) E1 /E5a Signals | S. Thoelert, M. Vergara, M. Sgammini, C. Enneking, F. Antreich, M. Meurer, D. Brocard, C. Rodriguez | 3113 - 3128 |
Mitigation of Nominal Signal Deformations on Dual-Frequency WAAS Position Errors | Gabriel Wong, Yu-Hsuan Chen, R. Eric Phelts, Todd Walter, Per Enge | 3129 - 3147 |
Early Adoptions of BDS High-precision Applications | Jun Shen, Jun Lu, Wei Wang, Miao Tian | 3148 - 3156 |
Development of GLONASS Metrological Assurance Complex | Oleg Denisenko, Igor Silvestrov, Vyacheslav Fedotov, Anatoly Frolov | 3157 - 3162 |
Orthogonality-based Constant Envelope Multiplexing | Fu Guo, Zheng Yao, Mingquan Lu | 3163 - 3173 |
Using Indoor Maps to Enhance Real-time Unconstrained Portable Navigation | Tao Li and Jacques Georgy | 3174 - 3183 |
A Fast LiDAR-based Features Extraction/Tracking Using Hough Transforms and Fuzzy C-means Clustering for LiDAR-aided Multisensor Navigation Systems | H. Nematallah, S. Liu, M.M. Atia, S. Givigi, A. Noureldin | 3184 - 3193 |
Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology Architecture Overview | Jason W. Mitchell, Munther A. Hassouneh, Luke M. Winternitz, Jennifer E. Valdez, Paul S. Ray, Zaven Arzoumanian, and Keith C. Gendreau | 3194 - 3200 |
Joint Semi-supervised RSS Dimensionality Reduction and Fingerprint Based Algorithm for Indoor Localization | C.F. Zhou, L. Ma, X.Z. Tan | 3201 - 3211 |
UWB/GNSS-Based Cooperative Positioning Method for V2X Applications | Yang Gao, Xiaolin Meng, Craig M. Hancock, Scott Stephenson, Qiuzhao Zhang | 3212 - 3221 |
On-the-fly Indoor Positioning and Attitude Determination Using Terrestrial Ranging Signals | Wei Jiang, Yong Li, Chris Rizos | 3222 - 3230 |
A Performance Model of an Integrated Navigation Solution Using Satellite Observations from Star Trackers | Scott Pierce and John Raquet, Bryan Dorland and Gregory Hennessey | 3231 - 3242 |
The UHARS Non-GPS-Based Positioning System (NGBPS) | Angelo Trunzo, Robert Ramirez, Jason Baldwin | 3243 - 3248 |
Construction of Gravity Gradient Referenced Inertial Navigation System and its Performance Analysis | Jisun Lee, Jay Hyoun Kwon, Myeongjong Yu | 3249 - 3253 |
Analysis and Reduction of Stereo Vision Alignment and Velocity Errors for Vision Navigation | Yashar Balazadegan Sarvrood and Yang Gao | 3254 - 3262 |
High Integrity System Test Bed (HISTB): The Preliminary Step to EGNOS Dual Frequency/Multi-constellation Evolution | H. Delfour, J.A. Gicquel, P. Larhantec, D. Joly, D. Lekaim, M. Jeannot | 3263 - 3269 |
Evaluation of a Covariance-based Clock and Ephemeris Error Bounding Algorithm for SBAS | Juan Blanch, Todd Walter, Per Enge, Abe Stern, Eric Altshuler | 3270 - 3276 |
Challenging EGNOS on the LPV 200 Vertical Accuracy Tail Requirements | F. Bauer, E. Tapias, C. López de Echazarreta | 3277 - 3288 |
SBAS L5 Enhanced ICD for Aviation: Definition and Preliminary Experimentation Results | J. Fidalgo, M. Odriozola, M. Cueto, A. Cezón, J. Caro, C. Rodriguez, D. Brocard, J.C. Denis, E. Chatre | 3289 - 3298 |
Improving WAAS Availability Along the Coast of California | Lawrence Sparks, Eric Altshuler | 3299 - 3311 |
Detection Performances of Evil Waveform Monitors for the GPS L5 Signal | P. Thevenon, O. Julien, Q. Tessier, D. Maillard, M. Cabantous, F. Amarillo-Fernández, F. De Oliveira-Salgueiro | 3312 - 3322 |
Robust EGNOS GEO Ranging with Electric Propulsion Satellite | H. Secretan, F. Mercier, S. Trilles, J. Mancuso, X. Berenguer | 3323 - 3330 |
SBAS Satellite Selection and Performance Monitoring at the Region Where Multiple SBAS are Available | Takeyasu Sakai, Kazuaki Hoshinoo, and Ken Ito | 3331 - 3342 |
Challenges and Opportunities of EGNOS/EDAS Augmentation and Integrity Computation in the Cloud | A. Favenza, M. Pasin, G. Marucco, J. Huang, F. Scullino | 3343 - 3351 |
GPS III Accuracy and Integrity Improvements Using ARAIM with Shorter Age of Data | Sam Pullen and Per Enge | 3352 - 3362 |
GPS Civil Signal Monitoring – Advancing Toward Implementation | Andrew Hansen, Karen Van Dyke, Calvin Miles, John W. Lavrakas | 3363 - 3372 |
Inter-Satellite Links Study for GEO/MEO Satellite Network | Dongxia Wang, Jinxian Zhao, and Chunxia Liu | 3373 - 3379 |
Robust Timing Subsystem - Generating the Next Generation Timing Signal | Peter A. Krauss, Alexander Zenzinger, Stephan Fischer | 3380 - 3388 |
Satellite Navigation Regional Augmentation System Performance Analysis Based on BDS | Zhipeng Wang, Yanbo Zhu, Rui Xue, Jisi Fang | 3389 - 3398 |
Preparing for the Galileo Commercial Service – Proof of Concept and Demonstrator Development | I. Rodríguez, G. Tobías, D. Calle, J.M. Martín, O. Pozzobon, M. Canale, D. Maharaj, P. Walker, E. Göhler, P. Toor, I. Fernández | 3399 - 3410 |
Demodulation Performance Assessment of New GNSS Signals in Urban Environments | M. Roudier, A. Garcia-Pena, O. Julien, T. Grelier, L. Ries, C. Poulliat, M-L. Boucheret, D. Kubrak | 3411 - 3429 |
A BDS Based Positioning Framework with CoMP over LTE-A Networks | Jizhe Zhou and Yueying Zhang | 3430 - 3434 |
Design of a European GNSS Interference Data Exchange Service | Roland Bauernfeind, Elias Gkougkas, Alejandro Ramirez, Kim Schindhelm, Bernd Eissfeller | 3435 - 3448 |
Interference Detection and Localization within the GNSS Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) – System Update and Latest Field Test Results | Ediz Cetin, Ryan J.R. Thompson, Matthew Trinkle, Andrew G. Dempster | 3449 - 3460 |
Distributed-Sensing Waveform Estimation for Interference Cancellation | Marco Bartolucci, Roberta Casile, Giulio Gabelli, Alessandro Guidotti, Giovanni E. Corazza | 3461 - 3468 |
Nonstationary Jammer Excision for GPS Receivers using Sparse Reconstruction Techniques | Moeness G. Amin and Yimin D. Zhang | 3469 - 3474 |
SVD-based RF Interference Detection and Mitigation for GNSS | Matteo Sgammini, Felix Antreich, Michael Meurer | 3475 - 3483 |
A Simple Model for C/A-Code Self-Interference | Christopher J. Hegarty | 3484 - 3494 |
Use of the Signal Polarization for Anti-jamming and Anti-spoofing with a Single Antenna | T. Kraus, F. Ribbehege and B. Eissfeller | 3495 - 3501 |
A Spatial-Temporal Filter for Interference Mitigation in GNSS Receivers | E. Tasdemir, L. Kurz and T.G. Noll | 3502 - 3509 |
Implications of C/A-on-CA Interference on Carrier Tracking Loop Performance | Robert Golshan, Tiange Fan, Alberto Arredondo, Tom Stansell | 3510 - 3525 |
Detection and Isolation of Ionospheric Fronts for GBAS | Jing Jing, Samer Khanafseh, Steven Langel and Boris Pervan | 3526 - 3531 |
Estimating Satellite Excessive Acceleration in the Presence of Phase Scintillations | Morten Stakkeland, Yngvild L. Andalsvik and Knut S. Jacobsen | 3532 - 3541 |
A New System for the Detection and Monitoring of Carrier Phase Anomalies in the GPS Constellation | Aaron Kerkhoff, Johnathan York, Scotland Nelsen, Otto Caldwell, David Munton, Thomas Garcia, Michael Bratton | 3542 - 3553 |
Architectures for High Integrity Multi-Constellation Solution Separation | Zdenek Kana, Martin Orejas, Milos Sotak, Jindrich Dunik | 3554 - 3565 |
VPL Parameter Determination for Improved Performance of Advanced RAIM | Jinsil Lee, Dongwoo Kim, Jiyun Lee, Todd Walter | 3566 - 3574 |
Analysis of ARAIM Against EOP GPS-Galileo Faults on LPV-200 Precision Approach | Santiago Perea Díaz, Mathieu Joerger, Boris Pervan, Markus Rippl, Ilaria Martini | 3575 - 3586 |
A Practical Approach to Optimal Estimator Design in RAIM | Mathieu Joerger and Boris Pervan | 3587 - 3599 |
Avionics-Based GNSS Integrity Augmentation for Unmanned Aerial Systems Sense-and-Avoid | Roberto Sabatini, Terry Moore and Chris Hill | 3600 - 3617 |
Trusted Overbounding Position Errors for GNSS Positioning in Urban Environments | K.A. Bin Ahmad, M. Sahmoudi, C. Macabiau | 3618 - 3628 |
Performance Analysis of Advanced RAIM with the Inclusion of BeiDou | Yuqiang Liu, Jun Zhang, Rui Xue, Zhipeng Wang | 3629 - 3636 |
The First Multi-Constellation SBAS Trial: GPS/GLONASS Multi-Constellation | Takeyasu Sakai | 3637 - 3646 |
The First Dual Frequency SBAS Trial | Takeyasu Sakai | 3647 - 3655 |