Title | Author | Pages |
Update on the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) | Jun Shen | 1 - 28 |
COSMIC/FORMOSAT: Ionospheric Weather Observed by GNSS Radio Occultation | Tiger J.Y. Liu and CAPE Group | 29 - 35 |
Future of Space-based PNT | David C. Chapman | 36 - 51 |
Research on Standalone BeiDou Radio Frequency Minimum Performance Test for Mobile Communication Terminals | Zhang Qinjuan, Dai Xun, Chen Xiaochen | 52 - 57 |
Robust Low-Latency Indoor Localization Using Bluetooth Low Energy | Haojun Ai, Sheng Zhang, Kaifeng Tang, Ning Li, Weiyi Huang, Yifeng Wang | 58 - 72 |
Crowd-sensing Simultaneous Localization and Radio Fingerprint Mapping Based on Probabilistic Similarity Models | Ran Liu, Sumudu Hasala Marakkalage, Madhushanka Padmal, Thiruketheeswaran Shaganan, Chau Yuen, Yong Liang Guan, U-Xuan Tan | 73 - 83 |
Initialization of a Pedestrian Navigation System: A Transfer Alignment Approach | Archit Thopay, David Bevly, Scott Martin | 84 - 97 |
Urban Wi-Fi Fingerprinting for Routing of Multi-modal Transport Users | Guenther Retscher, Aizhan Bekenova | 98 - 107 |
Toward GPS-denied Navigation Utilizing Back Projection-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery | Randall S. Christensen, Jacob Gunther, David Long | 108 - 119 |
Development of an Implementation-Agnostic Quality Metric for Evaluating the Accuracy of Position Estimations from Vision-Based Navigation Algorithms | Jacob Stewart, Michael Payne, Gregory Reynolds, Kelly Risko, Clinton Blankenship | 120 - 129 |
An Adaptive Method for BeiDou Dual-Frequency Joint Acquisition Based on SNR Estimation | Wuxun Zhang, Xin Chen, Di He, Yueming Yang | 130 - 141 |
Autonomous and Resilient Management of All-Source Sensors | Juan D. Jurado and John F. Raquet | 142 - 159 |
Geolocation of Pulses Using Bispherical Coordinates and Multiple Omnidirectional Receivers | George N. Gilliam, Tracie A. Severson | 160 - 170 |
Barometer Assisted GPS Denied Trilateration Algorithm for Traversing Vertical Three-Dimensional Spaces | Alvin Goh Cheng Ann, Alvee Ahmed, Gim Song Soh, Shaohui Foong | 171 - 184 |
Ionospheric Weather Observations with FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Prospects with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 | Tiger J.Y. Liu, Loren C. Chang, F.Y. Chang, C.K. Chao | 185 - 189 |
Seasonality of the Local-time Variations in Formosat-3/COSMIC S4 Indices and Ionospheric Electron Density | Cornelius Csar Jude H. Salinas, Loren C. Chang | 190 - 198 |
Performance Assessment and Improvements for the FORMOSAT-5 Onboard Orbit Propagator Using GPS Ephemeris | Edward Chi-Ting Liao, Loren C. Chang, Wen-Lung Chiang, Ming-Yu Yeh | 199 - 205 |
Towards a Comprehensive Approach for Obtaining Resilient PNT | Logan Scott | 206 - 261 |
Measurement Characterization for Localizing Multiple RFI Sources Simultaneously from a UAS | Adrien Perkins, Sherman Lo, J. Dave Powell | 262 - 273 |
Accommodating Direction Ambiguities in Direction of Arrival based GNSS Spoof Detection | Hridayangam Jain, Sherman Lo, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Fabian Rothmaier, J. David Powell | 274 - 289 |
Kalman Filter Derivation and Comparison to MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) | Russell Powell, Caleb Perry, Adam Simmons, Gregory Reynolds, Clinton Blankenship | 290 - 303 |
Timescale Development for GNSS Applications | Michael J. Coleman and Ronald L. Beard | 304 - 317 |
Bobcat-1: The Ohio University CubeSat for Inter-Constellation Time Offset Determination | Sabrina Ugazio, Kevin Croissant, Brian Casey Peters, Frank van Graas | 318 - 325 |
Distance Determination Between WGS84 Coordinates: An Assessment of Approximation Methods for Reduced Computational Complexity | David Seiferth, Christopher Blum, Matthias Heller, Florian Holzapfel | 326 - 339 |
Paper Trends in ION Conferences from 2007 - 2018 | Adrien Perkins and Todd Walter | 340 - 348 |
The Operational Phase Performance of Centimeter-Level Augmentation Service (CLAS) | Rui Hirokawa, Kenji Nakakuki, Seigo Fujita, Yuki Sato, Akinari Uehara | 349 - 360 |
Evaluation of QZSS SLAS (Sub-meter Level Augmentation Service) Performance | Daiki Matsumoto, Takayuki Kaneso, Takashi Urushido, Satoru Owada | 361 - 366 |
Capturing Method of Millimeter Displacement in Centimeter Class PPP-RTK Measured Data | Koki Asari, Masayuki Saito, Izumi Mikami | 367 - 375 |
Brief Study to Improve Robustness for RTK-GNSS with QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) | Hiromune Namie, Nobuaki Kubo, Osamu Okamoto, Hiroki Irie, Masashi Yoshida, Akio Yasuda | 376 - 381 |
DFMC SBAS Prototype System Performance Using Global Monitoring Stations of QZSS | Mitsunori Kitamura, and Takeyasu Sakai | 382 - 387 |
Integration of GNSS-PPP and IMU/SPEED Sensors in Urban Areas | Nobuaki Kubo, Yize Zhang, Daisuke Hatta | 388 - 401 |
Navigation of Multiple sUAS Using GNSS, Inertial and Range Radios | Joel Huff and Maarten Uijt de Haag | 402 - 412 |
New UAV Velocity Estimation Using Array of Hall Effect Sensors for Indoor Navigation | S. Zahran, A.M. Moussa, N. El-Sheimy, Abu B. Sesay | 413 - 423 |
Predictive Guidance for Automated Velocity Obstacle Collision Avoidance | Josh Wilkerson | 424 - 438 |
Comparing Detection Techniques of Coseismic Disturbances by using Differential Ionospheric Delay of GNSS Signal | Bugyeom Kim, Seonho Kang, Deokhwa Han, Changdon Kee, Junesol Song | 439 - 450 |
Deep Neural Network Based Multipath Mitigation Method for Carrier Based Differential GNSS Systems | Dongchan Min, Minchan Kim, Jinsil Lee, Jiyun Lee | 451 - 466 |
GPS/BDS-based Virtual Balise - Enabling Satellite-based Train Control with a Train-centric Approach | Jiang Liu, Bai-gen Cai, De-biao Lu, Jian Wang | 467 - 477 |
Intelligent Antennas for Mitigating GNSS Jamming & Spoofing Hazards on the ERTMS Train Control | Cosimo Stallo, Pietro Salvatori, Andrea Coluccia, Massimo Capozzi, Giovanni Gamba, Ernestina Cianca, Tommaso Rossi, Simone Di Domenico, Alessandro Neri, Francesco Rispoli, Massimiliano Ciaffi | 478 - 492 |
Indoor Vehicle Localization Based on Wi-Fi Navigation Beacons for Multi-Modal Transportation Applications | Alessandro Neri, Pietro Salvaroti, Massimo Massaro, Francesco Rispoli | 493 - 506 |
The Necessary Consideration for More Effective Location Information on E911 | Masaaki Hayashi | 507 - 518 |
A Script Hook-based Ultra-Low Cost Driving Simulator for Development of Self-Driving Algorithms | Ji-Ung Im, Sang-Hun Ahn, Jong-Hoon Won | 519 - 528 |
GNSS Signal in Railway Train Operation Scenario Quality Grid Generation Method | Debiao Lu, Jun Tan, Baigen Cai, Jiang Liu, Jian Wang | 529 - 539 |
Lifelog using Mobility Context Information in Urban City Area | Yanlei Gu, Dailin Li, Yoshihiko Kamiya, Shunsuke Kamijo | 540 - 553 |
Chip-grade Multi-Band Multi-GNSS RTK and Attitude Determination with Low Cost Dual Antennas for Mass Market Applications | Ryan K.Y. Yang, Shi Xian Yang, Gary Hau | 554 - 569 |
Generation of Crustal Movement Correction Parameter Considering Valid Period and Accuracy Guarantee | Yuki Ichikawa and Mikihiro Hosoi | 570 - 581 |
Step-Based Attitude Update (SBUPT) Technique for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) using Handheld Devices | Maan E. Khedr, Ahmed Radi, and Naser El-Sheimy | 582 - 593 |
Transfer Alignment Using Synergistic IMUs | Shahram Moafipoor, Brad Despres, Jeff A. Fayman, Lydia Bock | 594 - 605 |
An Efficient Method for Gyroscope-aided Full Magnetometer Calibration | Maoran Zhu, Yuanxin Wu, Wenxian Yu | 606 - 614 |
Indoor Altitude Determination Using MEMS-based Sensors in Smartphones | Guenther Retscher | 615 - 627 |
Factor Graph-Based Cooperative Positioning Algorithm for Pedestrian Navigation Systems in Indoor Environments | Chunyang Yu, Haiyu Lan, Yiran Luo, Shiwei Fan, Naser El-Sheimy | 628 - 634 |
On the Feasibility of Smartphone-based Interferometric GNSS Reflectometry | Mehmet Kurum, Ali Cafer Gurbuz, Claudia Nelson, Lauren Orsini, Mia Scheider | 635 - 640 |
Function and Performance Assessment of a GNSS-R Receiver in Airborne Tests | Jyh-Ching Juang, Sheng-Hsiung Ma, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chen-Tsung Lin | 641 - 645 |
A Novel Application of Deformation Monitoring using GNSS-R Technology | Yang Yang, Yu Zheng, Wenkun Yu, Duojie Weng, Wenbin Li, Wu Chen | 646 - 654 |
Mountaintop GNSS-R and GNSS-RO Experiment: New Results and Insights | Jade Morton, Harrison Bourne, Brian Breitsch, Ian Collett, Steve Taylor, Neeraj Pujara | 655 - 661 |
The FengYun-3 Radio Occultation Sounder GNOS: A Review of the Missions and Early Results | Yueqiang Sun, Congliang Liu, Weihua Bai, Yan Liu, Qifei Du, Xianyi Wang, Guanglin Yang, Mi Liao, Zhongdong Yang, Xiaoxin Zhang, Xiangguang Meng, Danyang Zhao, Junming Xia, Yuerong Cai, Gottfried Kirchengast | 662 - 675 |
GNSS Expert Witness Evidence in Australian Courts | Solange Cunin, Andrew Dempster, Allison Kealy, Gary Edmond | 676 - 690 |
Position-Domain Hatch Filter for Integrated GPS/BeiDou/Altimeter | La Woo Kim, Won Jae Yoo, and Hyung Keun Lee | 691 - 701 |
NLOS Detection and Compensation using a Vector Tracking-based GPS Software Receiver | Bing Xu and Li-Ta Hsu | 702 - 712 |
A GNSS Software-Defined Receiver with Vector Tracking Techniques for Land Vehicle Navigation | Yiran Luo, Jian Li, Chunyang Yu, Zhitao Lyu, Zhe Yue, Naser El-Sheimy | 713 - 727 |
Direct Estimation of Multipath in a Deep Urban Area using Multi-GNSS Carrier Phase Variation and Previous Position | Yongjun Lee, Byungwoon Park, Yoola Hwang, Byoung-Sun Lee, Jaeyoung Ahn | 728 - 736 |
Range-based 3D Mapping Aided GNSS with NLOS Correction based on Skyplot with Building Boundaries | Hoi Fung Ng, Guohao Zhang, Li-Ta Hsu | 737 - 751 |
Linear Blend: Data Fusion in the Image Domain for Image-based Aircraft Positioning during Landing Approach | M. Angermann, S. Wolkow, A. Dekiert, U. Bestmann, P. Hecker | 752 - 766 |
Model-based Threshold and Centerline Detection for Aircraft Positioning during Landing Approach | Stephan Wolkow, Maik Angermann, Andreas Dekiert, Ulf Bestmann | 767 - 776 |
Standards for ARAIM ISM Data Analysis | Todd Walter, Juan Blanch, Kazuma Gunning | 777 - 784 |
SIS Monitoring for ARAIM in the Absence of Precise Clock Estimates | Kazuma Gunning, Todd Walter, David Powell | 785 - 801 |
Development Status of DFMC-SBAS using QZSS PTD (Positioning Technology Development) Subsystem | Hiroko Tokura, Takayuki Kaneso, Satoru Owada, Takashi Urushido, Mitsunori Kitamura | 802 - 806 |
Assessment and Mitigation of Ionospheric Spatial Decorrelation on GBAS: Lessons Learned | Jiyun Lee | 807 - 826 |
Characteristics of Ionospheric Gradients in the Transition Region from Magnetic Low to Mid-latitudes for GBAS Implementation | M. Nakamura, S. Saito, T. Yoshihara | 827 - 834 |
Analysis of Ionospheric Scintillation and its Impact on PPP at Low Latitudes | Kai Guo, Marcio Aquino, Sreeja Vadakke Veettil, Zhizhao Liu, Wu Chen, Haroldo Antonio Marques | 835 - 845 |
Tidal Forcing Effects on the Zonal Variation of Solstice Equatorial Plasma Bubbles | Loren C. Chang, Cornelius Csar Jude H. Salinas, Yi-Chung Chiu, Pei-Yun Chiu, Charles C.H. Lin | 846 - 853 |
Modeling the Near-field Ionospheric Disturbances During Earthquakes | Xing Meng, Attila Komjathy, Olga P. Verkhoglyadova, Giorgio Savastano, Mattia Crespi, Michela Ravanelli | 854 - 861 |
Real-time GNSS NLOS Detection and Correction Aided by Sky-Pointing Camera and 3D LiDAR | Xiwei Bai, Weisong Wen, Guohao Zhang, Li-Ta Hsu | 862 - 874 |
Hyper-parameter Comparison on Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Aerial Localization | J. Mark Berhold, Robert C. Leishman, Brett Borghetti, Donald Venable | 875 - 885 |
Simulated Maritime Magnetic Navigation in the Asia-Pacific Region | Paul Frontera, Stephen Alessandrini | 886 - 895 |
An Overview of Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) | Todd Walter | 896 - 914 |
Lower Bounds in Optimal Integrity Monitoring | Juan Blanch and Todd Walter | 915 - 924 |
ARAIM with More than two Constellations | Yawei Zhai, Xingqun Zhan, Jin Chang, Boris Pervan | 925 - 941 |
GNSS Satellite Orbit and Clock Truth Generation for ARAIM Offline Monitoring | Jaymin Patel, Samer Khanafseh, Boris Pervan | 942 - 955 |
Revaluation of Spatial Decorrelation Parameters of Atmospheric Delay for GBAS (Ground-based Augmentation System) Safety Design | Takayuki Yoshihara, Susumu Saito, Atsushi Kezuka, Shinji Saitoh | 956 - 963 |
Design and Analysis of a Public Key Infrastructure for SBAS Data Authentication | Andrew Neish, Todd Walter, J. David Powell | 964 - 988 |
Discrepancies Between Provided DCB Estimates and Equivalent Formulations in CAS DCB Product | Harrison Bourne and Jade Morton | 989 - 996 |
GPS C/A Code Self-Interference: Error Detection Using Existing GBAS Monitors | Jessica A. Belzer, Frank van Graas | 997 - 1012 |
Instantaneous Decimeter-level Positioning using Triple-frequency GPS/BeiDou/Galileo/QZSS Data Over Wide Areas | Jianghui Geng, Jiang Guo, Hua Chang and Ran Zeng | 1013 - 1022 |
Signal Deformation Monitoring for Anomalous Multipath Threats | R. Eric Phelts and Todd Walter | 1023 - 1030 |
Preliminary Test Results of RTK-aided Conical Domain Model for SBAS Ionospheric Correction | Donguk Kim, Deokhwa Han, Changdon Kee | 1031 - 1044 |
Application Research of IGS Products in GPS Real-time Positioning and Timing | Ran Yan, Jianfeng Wu, Yonghui Hu | 1045 - 1054 |