Proceedings of the ION 2019 Pacific PNT Meeting

April 8 - 11, 2019
Hilton Waikiki Beach
Honolulu, Hawaii
ISSN: 2331-6284
ISBN: 0-936406-22-4

To view abstracts or download a paper, click on the underlined title:

Update on the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)Jun Shen1 - 28
COSMIC/FORMOSAT: Ionospheric Weather Observed by GNSS Radio OccultationTiger J.Y. Liu and CAPE Group29 - 35
Future of Space-based PNTDavid C. Chapman36 - 51
Research on Standalone BeiDou Radio Frequency Minimum Performance Test for Mobile Communication TerminalsZhang Qinjuan, Dai Xun, Chen Xiaochen52 - 57
Robust Low-Latency Indoor Localization Using Bluetooth Low EnergyHaojun Ai, Sheng Zhang, Kaifeng Tang, Ning Li, Weiyi Huang, Yifeng Wang58 - 72
Crowd-sensing Simultaneous Localization and Radio Fingerprint Mapping Based on Probabilistic Similarity ModelsRan Liu, Sumudu Hasala Marakkalage, Madhushanka Padmal, Thiruketheeswaran Shaganan, Chau Yuen, Yong Liang Guan, U-Xuan Tan73 - 83
Initialization of a Pedestrian Navigation System: A Transfer Alignment ApproachArchit Thopay, David Bevly, Scott Martin84 - 97
Urban Wi-Fi Fingerprinting for Routing of Multi-modal Transport UsersGuenther Retscher, Aizhan Bekenova98 - 107
Toward GPS-denied Navigation Utilizing Back Projection-based Synthetic Aperture Radar ImageryRandall S. Christensen, Jacob Gunther, David Long108 - 119
Development of an Implementation-Agnostic Quality Metric for Evaluating the Accuracy of Position Estimations from Vision-Based Navigation AlgorithmsJacob Stewart, Michael Payne, Gregory Reynolds, Kelly Risko, Clinton Blankenship120 - 129
An Adaptive Method for BeiDou Dual-Frequency Joint Acquisition Based on SNR EstimationWuxun Zhang, Xin Chen, Di He, Yueming Yang130 - 141
Autonomous and Resilient Management of All-Source SensorsJuan D. Jurado and John F. Raquet142 - 159
Geolocation of Pulses Using Bispherical Coordinates and Multiple Omnidirectional ReceiversGeorge N. Gilliam, Tracie A. Severson160 - 170
Barometer Assisted GPS Denied Trilateration Algorithm for Traversing Vertical Three-Dimensional SpacesAlvin Goh Cheng Ann, Alvee Ahmed, Gim Song Soh, Shaohui Foong171 - 184
Ionospheric Weather Observations with FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Prospects with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2Tiger J.Y. Liu, Loren C. Chang, F.Y. Chang, C.K. Chao185 - 189
Seasonality of the Local-time Variations in Formosat-3/COSMIC S4 Indices and Ionospheric Electron DensityCornelius Csar Jude H. Salinas, Loren C. Chang190 - 198
Performance Assessment and Improvements for the FORMOSAT-5 Onboard Orbit Propagator Using GPS EphemerisEdward Chi-Ting Liao, Loren C. Chang, Wen-Lung Chiang, Ming-Yu Yeh199 - 205
Towards a Comprehensive Approach for Obtaining Resilient PNTLogan Scott206 - 261
Measurement Characterization for Localizing Multiple RFI Sources Simultaneously from a UASAdrien Perkins, Sherman Lo, J. Dave Powell262 - 273
Accommodating Direction Ambiguities in Direction of Arrival based GNSS Spoof DetectionHridayangam Jain, Sherman Lo, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Fabian Rothmaier, J. David Powell274 - 289
Kalman Filter Derivation and Comparison to MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC)Russell Powell, Caleb Perry, Adam Simmons, Gregory Reynolds, Clinton Blankenship290 - 303
Timescale Development for GNSS ApplicationsMichael J. Coleman and Ronald L. Beard304 - 317
Bobcat-1: The Ohio University CubeSat for Inter-Constellation Time Offset DeterminationSabrina Ugazio, Kevin Croissant, Brian Casey Peters, Frank van Graas318 - 325
Distance Determination Between WGS84 Coordinates: An Assessment of Approximation Methods for Reduced Computational ComplexityDavid Seiferth, Christopher Blum, Matthias Heller, Florian Holzapfel326 - 339
Paper Trends in ION Conferences from 2007 - 2018Adrien Perkins and Todd Walter340 - 348
The Operational Phase Performance of Centimeter-Level Augmentation Service (CLAS)Rui Hirokawa, Kenji Nakakuki, Seigo Fujita, Yuki Sato, Akinari Uehara349 - 360
Evaluation of QZSS SLAS (Sub-meter Level Augmentation Service) PerformanceDaiki Matsumoto, Takayuki Kaneso, Takashi Urushido, Satoru Owada361 - 366
Capturing Method of Millimeter Displacement in Centimeter Class PPP-RTK Measured DataKoki Asari, Masayuki Saito, Izumi Mikami367 - 375
Brief Study to Improve Robustness for RTK-GNSS with QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System)Hiromune Namie, Nobuaki Kubo, Osamu Okamoto, Hiroki Irie, Masashi Yoshida, Akio Yasuda376 - 381
DFMC SBAS Prototype System Performance Using Global Monitoring Stations of QZSSMitsunori Kitamura, and Takeyasu Sakai382 - 387
Integration of GNSS-PPP and IMU/SPEED Sensors in Urban AreasNobuaki Kubo, Yize Zhang, Daisuke Hatta388 - 401
Navigation of Multiple sUAS Using GNSS, Inertial and Range RadiosJoel Huff and Maarten Uijt de Haag402 - 412
New UAV Velocity Estimation Using Array of Hall Effect Sensors for Indoor NavigationS. Zahran, A.M. Moussa, N. El-Sheimy, Abu B. Sesay413 - 423
Predictive Guidance for Automated Velocity Obstacle Collision AvoidanceJosh Wilkerson424 - 438
Comparing Detection Techniques of Coseismic Disturbances by using Differential Ionospheric Delay of GNSS SignalBugyeom Kim, Seonho Kang, Deokhwa Han, Changdon Kee, Junesol Song439 - 450
Deep Neural Network Based Multipath Mitigation Method for Carrier Based Differential GNSS SystemsDongchan Min, Minchan Kim, Jinsil Lee, Jiyun Lee451 - 466
GPS/BDS-based Virtual Balise - Enabling Satellite-based Train Control with a Train-centric ApproachJiang Liu, Bai-gen Cai, De-biao Lu, Jian Wang467 - 477
Intelligent Antennas for Mitigating GNSS Jamming & Spoofing Hazards on the ERTMS Train ControlCosimo Stallo, Pietro Salvatori, Andrea Coluccia, Massimo Capozzi, Giovanni Gamba, Ernestina Cianca, Tommaso Rossi, Simone Di Domenico, Alessandro Neri, Francesco Rispoli, Massimiliano Ciaffi478 - 492
Indoor Vehicle Localization Based on Wi-Fi Navigation Beacons for Multi-Modal Transportation ApplicationsAlessandro Neri, Pietro Salvaroti, Massimo Massaro, Francesco Rispoli493 - 506
The Necessary Consideration for More Effective Location Information on E911Masaaki Hayashi507 - 518
A Script Hook-based Ultra-Low Cost Driving Simulator for Development of Self-Driving AlgorithmsJi-Ung Im, Sang-Hun Ahn, Jong-Hoon Won519 - 528
GNSS Signal in Railway Train Operation Scenario Quality Grid Generation MethodDebiao Lu, Jun Tan, Baigen Cai, Jiang Liu, Jian Wang529 - 539
Lifelog using Mobility Context Information in Urban City AreaYanlei Gu, Dailin Li, Yoshihiko Kamiya, Shunsuke Kamijo540 - 553
Chip-grade Multi-Band Multi-GNSS RTK and Attitude Determination with Low Cost Dual Antennas for Mass Market ApplicationsRyan K.Y. Yang, Shi Xian Yang, Gary Hau554 - 569
Generation of Crustal Movement Correction Parameter Considering Valid Period and Accuracy GuaranteeYuki Ichikawa and Mikihiro Hosoi570 - 581
Step-Based Attitude Update (SBUPT) Technique for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) using Handheld DevicesMaan E. Khedr, Ahmed Radi, and Naser El-Sheimy582 - 593
Transfer Alignment Using Synergistic IMUsShahram Moafipoor, Brad Despres, Jeff A. Fayman, Lydia Bock594 - 605
An Efficient Method for Gyroscope-aided Full Magnetometer CalibrationMaoran Zhu, Yuanxin Wu, Wenxian Yu606 - 614
Indoor Altitude Determination Using MEMS-based Sensors in SmartphonesGuenther Retscher615 - 627
Factor Graph-Based Cooperative Positioning Algorithm for Pedestrian Navigation Systems in Indoor EnvironmentsChunyang Yu, Haiyu Lan, Yiran Luo, Shiwei Fan, Naser El-Sheimy628 - 634
On the Feasibility of Smartphone-based Interferometric GNSS ReflectometryMehmet Kurum, Ali Cafer Gurbuz, Claudia Nelson, Lauren Orsini, Mia Scheider635 - 640
Function and Performance Assessment of a GNSS-R Receiver in Airborne TestsJyh-Ching Juang, Sheng-Hsiung Ma, Yung-Fu Tsai, Chen-Tsung Lin641 - 645
A Novel Application of Deformation Monitoring using GNSS-R TechnologyYang Yang, Yu Zheng, Wenkun Yu, Duojie Weng, Wenbin Li, Wu Chen646 - 654
Mountaintop GNSS-R and GNSS-RO Experiment: New Results and InsightsJade Morton, Harrison Bourne, Brian Breitsch, Ian Collett, Steve Taylor, Neeraj Pujara655 - 661
The FengYun-3 Radio Occultation Sounder GNOS: A Review of the Missions and Early ResultsYueqiang Sun, Congliang Liu, Weihua Bai, Yan Liu, Qifei Du, Xianyi Wang, Guanglin Yang, Mi Liao, Zhongdong Yang, Xiaoxin Zhang, Xiangguang Meng, Danyang Zhao, Junming Xia, Yuerong Cai, Gottfried Kirchengast662 - 675
GNSS Expert Witness Evidence in Australian CourtsSolange Cunin, Andrew Dempster, Allison Kealy, Gary Edmond676 - 690
Position-Domain Hatch Filter for Integrated GPS/BeiDou/AltimeterLa Woo Kim, Won Jae Yoo, and Hyung Keun Lee691 - 701
NLOS Detection and Compensation using a Vector Tracking-based GPS Software ReceiverBing Xu and Li-Ta Hsu702 - 712
A GNSS Software-Defined Receiver with Vector Tracking Techniques for Land Vehicle NavigationYiran Luo, Jian Li, Chunyang Yu, Zhitao Lyu, Zhe Yue, Naser El-Sheimy713 - 727
Direct Estimation of Multipath in a Deep Urban Area using Multi-GNSS Carrier Phase Variation and Previous PositionYongjun Lee, Byungwoon Park, Yoola Hwang, Byoung-Sun Lee, Jaeyoung Ahn728 - 736
Range-based 3D Mapping Aided GNSS with NLOS Correction based on Skyplot with Building BoundariesHoi Fung Ng, Guohao Zhang, Li-Ta Hsu737 - 751
Linear Blend: Data Fusion in the Image Domain for Image-based Aircraft Positioning during Landing ApproachM. Angermann, S. Wolkow, A. Dekiert, U. Bestmann, P. Hecker752 - 766
Model-based Threshold and Centerline Detection for Aircraft Positioning during Landing ApproachStephan Wolkow, Maik Angermann, Andreas Dekiert, Ulf Bestmann767 - 776
Standards for ARAIM ISM Data AnalysisTodd Walter, Juan Blanch, Kazuma Gunning777 - 784
SIS Monitoring for ARAIM in the Absence of Precise Clock EstimatesKazuma Gunning, Todd Walter, David Powell785 - 801
Development Status of DFMC-SBAS using QZSS PTD (Positioning Technology Development) SubsystemHiroko Tokura, Takayuki Kaneso, Satoru Owada, Takashi Urushido, Mitsunori Kitamura802 - 806
Assessment and Mitigation of Ionospheric Spatial Decorrelation on GBAS: Lessons LearnedJiyun Lee807 - 826
Characteristics of Ionospheric Gradients in the Transition Region from Magnetic Low to Mid-latitudes for GBAS ImplementationM. Nakamura, S. Saito, T. Yoshihara827 - 834
Analysis of Ionospheric Scintillation and its Impact on PPP at Low LatitudesKai Guo, Marcio Aquino, Sreeja Vadakke Veettil, Zhizhao Liu, Wu Chen, Haroldo Antonio Marques835 - 845
Tidal Forcing Effects on the Zonal Variation of Solstice Equatorial Plasma BubblesLoren C. Chang, Cornelius Csar Jude H. Salinas, Yi-Chung Chiu, Pei-Yun Chiu, Charles C.H. Lin846 - 853
Modeling the Near-field Ionospheric Disturbances During EarthquakesXing Meng, Attila Komjathy, Olga P. Verkhoglyadova, Giorgio Savastano, Mattia Crespi, Michela Ravanelli854 - 861
Real-time GNSS NLOS Detection and Correction Aided by Sky-Pointing Camera and 3D LiDARXiwei Bai, Weisong Wen, Guohao Zhang, Li-Ta Hsu862 - 874
Hyper-parameter Comparison on Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Aerial LocalizationJ. Mark Berhold, Robert C. Leishman, Brett Borghetti, Donald Venable875 - 885
Simulated Maritime Magnetic Navigation in the Asia-Pacific RegionPaul Frontera, Stephen Alessandrini886 - 895
An Overview of Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM)Todd Walter896 - 914
Lower Bounds in Optimal Integrity MonitoringJuan Blanch and Todd Walter915 - 924
ARAIM with More than two ConstellationsYawei Zhai, Xingqun Zhan, Jin Chang, Boris Pervan925 - 941
GNSS Satellite Orbit and Clock Truth Generation for ARAIM Offline MonitoringJaymin Patel, Samer Khanafseh, Boris Pervan942 - 955
Revaluation of Spatial Decorrelation Parameters of Atmospheric Delay for GBAS (Ground-based Augmentation System) Safety DesignTakayuki Yoshihara, Susumu Saito, Atsushi Kezuka, Shinji Saitoh956 - 963
Design and Analysis of a Public Key Infrastructure for SBAS Data AuthenticationAndrew Neish, Todd Walter, J. David Powell964 - 988
Discrepancies Between Provided DCB Estimates and Equivalent Formulations in CAS DCB ProductHarrison Bourne and Jade Morton989 - 996
GPS C/A Code Self-Interference: Error Detection Using Existing GBAS MonitorsJessica A. Belzer, Frank van Graas997 - 1012
Instantaneous Decimeter-level Positioning using Triple-frequency GPS/BeiDou/Galileo/QZSS Data Over Wide AreasJianghui Geng, Jiang Guo, Hua Chang and Ran Zeng1013 - 1022
Signal Deformation Monitoring for Anomalous Multipath ThreatsR. Eric Phelts and Todd Walter1023 - 1030
Preliminary Test Results of RTK-aided Conical Domain Model for SBAS Ionospheric CorrectionDonguk Kim, Deokhwa Han, Changdon Kee1031 - 1044
Application Research of IGS Products in GPS Real-time Positioning and TimingRan Yan, Jianfeng Wu, Yonghui Hu1045 - 1054