Dynamic User Test and Evaluation System for the Korean Regional Navigation Satellite System

Jung-Hoon Lee, Jong-Sun Ahn, Sung-Hyuck Im, Jung-Min Joo, Moon-Beom Heo

Abstract: Currently, Korea heavily relies on overseas satellite navigation systems, which raises the concern that the use of satellite navigation information may be limited because of the international situation. According to the recent trends, Korea intends to develop and build the Korea Regional Navigation Satellite System (KRNSS) that compliments the Global Positioning System (GPS) and can operate on its own if necessary based on the Third Basic Plan for the promotion of space development to guarantee the stability and improve the accuracy of satellite navigation service. Globally, most of the studies conducted on vehicle positioning technology using navigation satellite systems focus on performance evaluation and verification of technology in driving environments that deal with overall driving performance; however, they have a limitation in classifying and evaluating dynamic and diverse environments. In this paper, we introduce a method for the evaluation and analysis to examine the positioning performance of indicators to be considered for the KRNSS and the applicability of the dynamic user positioning technology to road environments. Indicators for evaluating the performance of the dynamic user positioning technology are evaluated based on accuracy of positioning. Additionally, we introduce the software developed to reliably evaluate and analyze the performance of dynamic user positioning technology and the evaluation system implemented in actual vehicles. The evaluation system comprises reference equipment for acquiring positioning reference points, an antenna for receiving positioning of satellite navigation signals, a signal splitter for providing the same signals to the reference equipment and evaluation equipment, and others for recording and analysis. Furthermore, we present the criteria for performance analysis according to the driving environment, such as traffic and road, for the satellite positioning system and discuss the results obtained by evaluating the performance of the positioning technology using the development system and the suitability of the evaluation system.
Published in: Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020)
September 21 - 25, 2020
Pages: 2641 - 2651
Cite this article: Lee, Jung-Hoon, Ahn, Jong-Sun, Im, Sung-Hyuck, Joo, Jung-Min, Heo, Moon-Beom, "Dynamic User Test and Evaluation System for the Korean Regional Navigation Satellite System," Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020), September 2020, pp. 2641-2651. https://doi.org/10.33012/2020.17746
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