Latest Improvements at INRIM Time Laboratory

E.K. Bertacco, D. Calonico, E. Cantoni, G. Cerretto, R. Costa, F. Fiasca, V. Formichella, F. Levi, A. Mura, A. Perucca, M. Pizzocaro, F. Pollastri, M. Sellone, I. Sesia, G. Signorile, P. Terzi, T. T. Thai, G.A. Costanzo, G.D. Rovera

Abstract: The INRIM Time Laboratory is in charge of different important tasks. In this paper the Laboratory and related activities description will be provided. Some improvements have been introduced in the Laboratory during the last year, and the most relevant ones will be hereafter explained. An overview of all the Laboratory institutional, scientific and contractual activities will be also addressed.
Published in: Proceedings of the 51st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting
January 21 - 24, 2020
Hyatt Regency Mission Bay
San Diego, California
Pages: 159 - 168
Cite this article: Bertacco, E.K., Calonico, D., Cantoni, E., Cerretto, G., Costa, R., Fiasca, F., Formichella, V., Levi, F., Mura, A., Perucca, A., Pizzocaro, M., Pollastri, F., Sellone, M., Sesia, I., Signorile, G., Terzi, P., Thai, T. T., Costanzo, G.A., Rovera, G.D., "Latest Improvements at INRIM Time Laboratory," Proceedings of the 51st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, San Diego, California, January 2020, pp. 159-168.
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