The Role of the Deep Space Network's Frequency and Timing System in the Detection of Gravitational Waves

John C. Mankins

Abstract: A review of the projected role of the Deep Space Network (RSN) in the planned detection of gravitational waves using precision doppler-tracking of deep space vehicles is presented. The review emphasizes operational and configurational aspects; considering: 1. the projected configuration of the DSN's Frequency and Timing System during the experiment, and 2. the environment within the DSN provided by the precision atomic standards within the Frequency and Timing System--both current and projected 3. the qeneral requirements placed on the DSN and the Frequency and Timing System for both the baseline and the nominal gravitational wave experiments. A comment is made concerning the current probability that such an experiment will be carried out in the foreseeable future.
Published in: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting
December 1 - 3, 1981
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC
Pages: 729 - 755
Cite this article: Mankins, John C., "The Role of the Deep Space Network's Frequency and Timing System in the Detection of Gravitational Waves," Proceedings of the 13th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, Washington, DC, December 1981, pp. 729-755.
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