Automation of Precise Time Reference Stations (PTRS)

Paul J. Wheeler

Abstract: The U. S. Naval Observatory is presently engaged in a program of automating precise time stations PTS and precise time reference stations (PTRS) by using a versatile mini-computer controlled data acquisition system (DAS). The data acquisition system is configured to monitor locally available PITI signals such as LORAN-C. OMEGA, and/or the Global Positioning System. In addition, the DAS performs local standard intercomparison. Computer telephone communications provide automatic data transfer to the Naval Observatory. Subsequently, after analysis of the data, results and information can be sent back to the precise time reference station to provide automatic control of remote station timing. The DAS configuration is designed around state of the art standard industrial high reliability modules. The system integration and software are standardized but allow considerable flexibility to satisfy special local requirements such as stability measurements, performance evaluation and printing of messages and certificates. The DAS operates completely independently and may be queried or controlled at any time with a computer or terminal device (control is protected for use by authorized personnel only). Such DAS equipped PTS are operational in Hawaii, California, Texas and Florida.
Published in: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting
December 6 - 8, 1983
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC
Pages: 41 - 52
Cite this article: Wheeler, Paul J., "Automation of Precise Time Reference Stations (PTRS)," Proceedings of the 15th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, Washington, DC, December 1983, pp. 41-52.
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