Frequency Stability in a Wall-Coated Evacuated Cell: Preliminary Results

C. Rahman, H.G. Robinson

Abstract: Using a high-quality evacuated wall-coated sealed cell, first measurements on the frequency stability of the 6 835 MHz 0-0 rubidium 87 hyperfine transition are reported. The intrinsic linewidth in the 24cc cell was ~10 Hz FWHM. A saturated absorption locked diode laser provided a stable optical pumping light source. Available equipment showed a monotonic frequency drift rate of +1 x 10/day. Additional experiments appear to confirm that light gas diffusion into the cell is the cause of this drift. The observed drift is closely matched by the calculated rate due to the diffusive influx of atmospheric helium through the cell wall. If such diffusion is the dominant cause of drift, improvement in frequency stability by orders of magnitude should be possible without penalties in size, weight, or cost.
Published in: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting
December 2 - 4, 1986
DuPont Plaza Hotel
Washington, DC
Pages: 559 - 564
Cite this article: Rahman, C., Robinson, H.G., "Frequency Stability in a Wall-Coated Evacuated Cell: Preliminary Results," Proceedings of the 18th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, Washington, DC, December 1986, pp. 559-564.
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