Garage DRive - Navigation Engine for under Roof Parking

Ruslan Budnik and Boris Oblakov

Abstract: GNSS signals (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, Baidu etc.) are not available in garages, under roof and underground parking lots. Drivers face with loss of navigation at the entrance of garage because of absence of seamless positioning support. Turn-by-turn navigation inside parking lots does not operate as well. Moreover no urgent route recalculation to vacant places, no cumulative end-to-end outdoor/garage routing. Related problem is bad GNSS-only navigation in urban canyons and loss positioning inside a tunnels. At the same time drivers wish list includes 3D in-garage navigation operating on smartphone, turn-by-turn navigation there, seamless outdoor/in-garage routing right to parking place, sufficient 1-3 meter positioning accuracy, the possibility to use own device in car-shared vehicle. All these features should work without installation of additional appliance inside a car like OBD II dongle, wired connection with CAN bus etc. On the other side parking holders would like to solve the navigation problem without installation of special infrastructure like beacons, land marks or any other appliance to avoid expenses. To supply this demand the Garage DRive innovative technology has been developed based on sensor fusion+, software only and lean technological design approaches. The technology called Advanced Dead Reckoning (ADR) consist of gyro based heading estimator plus synthesized speedometer, calibrating and traditional map matching running on smartphone platform. Synthesized speedometer is the speed estimator based on fusion of accelerometers and gyros data. Calibrating Map Matching (CMM) is a planimetric data extracted from garage’s floor plan (entrances, exits, turns, crossroads, humps, speed bumps etc.) which are being used for positioning correction. Traditional Map Matching component supposes the use of in-garage driveways graph. The operation of Garage DRive in real environment will be demonstrated.
Published in: Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017)
September 25 - 29, 2017
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon
Pages: 368 - 386
Cite this article: Budnik, Ruslan, Oblakov, Boris, "Garage DRive - Navigation Engine for under Roof Parking," Proceedings of the 30th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2017), Portland, Oregon, September 2017, pp. 368-386.
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