On the Performance of a Low-cost Single-frequency GPS+BDS RTK Positioning Model

Robert Odolinski, Peter J.G. Teunissen

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: When the GPS was the only satellite constellation in orbit, instantaneous single-frequency precise (millimeter-level) positioning was not possible and more expensive survey-grade multiple-frequency receivers had to be used. With the advent of the GNSSs, such as the Chinese BDS, low-cost receiver precise positioning will potentially become feasible. In this contribution we investigate the performance of such a low-cost single-frequency GPS+BDS model, making use of ublox EVK-M8T receivers, and compare its performance to a survey-grade dual-frequency GPS receiver solution, in Dunedin New Zealand. The least-squares variance-component estimation (LS-VCE) procedure is used to investigate the precision of the receiver code and phase observables of the low-cost receivers. The estimated (co)variances are needed so as to formulate a realistic stochastic model for precise RTK positioning. The performance of ambiguity resolution would otherwise deteriorate and hence the achievable positioning precisions as well. The low-cost RTK performance is then evaluated by formal and empirical ambiguity success-rates and positioning precisions. Our results indicate that the quality of the antennas used plays an important role, especially in suppressing multipath. We will demonstrate that the low-cost solution, which costs a few hundred USDs, can give a competitive ambiguity resolution and positioning performance to the survey-grade receivers, which cost several thousand USDs.
Published in: Proceedings of the 2017 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation
January 30 - 2, 2017
Hyatt Regency Monterey
Monterey, California
Pages: 745 - 753
Cite this article: Odolinski, Robert, Teunissen, Peter J.G., "On the Performance of a Low-cost Single-frequency GPS+BDS RTK Positioning Model," Proceedings of the 2017 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Monterey, California, January 2017, pp. 745-753. https://doi.org/10.33012/2017.14914
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