A Compact, Continuous Beam Cold Atom Clock for Satellite Applications

Walter F. Buell, He Wang

Abstract: Highly stable atomic frequency standards are of increasing importance for a variety of space applications, ranging from communication to navigation and time transfer to tests of fundamental science. The requirements for an atomic clock vary significantly depending on the application, and for many space systems compactness and robust design are at a premium, and stability dominates over absolute accuracy. We report on progress with our design for a compact laser-cooled Cs-beam atomic clock suitable for satellite applications such as GPS. The basic design features a continuous cold atomic beam extracted from a magneto-optic trap (MOT). This cold atomic beam is then to be used in a laser-pumped Ramsey clock, with the clock signal derived from either a microwave C-field or alternatively by Raman resonance between the Ramsey fields. In order to reduce light shifts from the MOT light and improve signal-to-noise, the atomic beam will be optically deflected and transversely cooled upon extraction from the MOT. We estimate that the shot-noise-limited stability achievable with this physics package can be two to three orders of magnitude better than current cesium-beam clocks used in satellite applications. We present our experimental progress towards a working frequency standard, including characterization of our six-beam magneto-optic cold atom trap and production and characterization of a cold atomic beam.
Published in: Proceedings of the 33th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting
November 27 - 27, 2001
Hyatt Regency Long Beach
Long Beach, California
Pages: 33 - 44
Cite this article: Buell, Walter F., Wang, He, "A Compact, Continuous Beam Cold Atom Clock for Satellite Applications," Proceedings of the 33th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, Long Beach, California, November 2001, pp. 33-44.
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