Picosecond-Accuracy Digital-To-Time Converter for Phase-Interpolation DDS

F. Baronti, D. Lunardini, R. Roncella, R. Saletti

Abstract: A high-resolution CMOS Digital-to-Time Converter for Direct-Digital-Synthesis (DDS) applications is presented in this paper. The novel architecture permits one to perform 4096 phase-interpolation levels introducing a delay proportional to a 12-bit digital control word with a resolution of about 2 ps. The virtual multiplication of the 120 MHz accumulator clock frequency by the factor 4096 is, thus, realized achieving a great reduction of the DDS output spurious components. The phase interpolation, implemented in two steps, is based on Delay-Locked Delay-Lines that are able to assure the reliability of the introduced delay by fully compensating environmental and process variations. The circuit is very compact in terms of occupied silicon area, since it employs only 35 delay-cells.
Published in: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting
December 2 - 4, 2003
Hilton Resort on Mission Bay
San Diego, California
Pages: 347 - 358
Cite this article: Baronti, F., Lunardini, D., Roncella, R., Saletti, R., "Picosecond-Accuracy Digital-To-Time Converter for Phase-Interpolation DDS," Proceedings of the 35th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, San Diego, California, December 2003, pp. 347-358.
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