GNSS Meta Signals: Coherently Composite Processing of Multiple GNSS Signals

M. Paonni, J.T. Curran, M. Bavaro, J. Fortuny-Guasch

Abstract: The goal of this work is to discuss the concept of meta-signals combining, introduced for the first time in [1]. The fundamental concept of GNSS meta-signals is to process different signals broadcast on different carrier frequencies as a single signal. The benefits of this approach with respect to other classical combining techniques are discussed in the first part of the paper. After that, an accurate analytical discussion is provided, presenting in particular the properties of the AltBOC modulation. A complete characterization of the most general asymmetric AltBOC scheme is introduced, providing a general expression for the asymmetric AltBOC power spectral density. The asymmetric AltBOC is of interest in this context because any meta-signal combination can be seen as an asymmetric AltBOC, where the two signals to be combined become the two main lobes of the AltBOC signal. Based on the analytical expression of the asymmetric AltBOC, the expected performance in terms of multipath rejection and ranging accuracy are assessed. The last part of the paper is devoted to a real signals test. Live Galileo signals are processed with an SDR receiver based on vector architecture and meta-signal tracking is performed. The receiver architecture is widely discussed and the obtained results are presented.
Published in: Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2014)
September 8 - 12, 2014
Tampa Convention Center
Tampa, Florida
Pages: 2592 - 2601
Cite this article: Paonni, M., Curran, J.T., Bavaro, M., Fortuny-Guasch, J., "GNSS Meta Signals: Coherently Composite Processing of Multiple GNSS Signals," Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2014), Tampa, Florida, September 2014, pp. 2592-2601.
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