GBAS Availability Assessment and Modeling of Ionospheric Scintillation Effects

Takeshi Fujiwara and Toshiaki Tsujii

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is promoting a research and development program named DREAMS (Distributed and Revolutionary Efficient Air-safety Management System) to contribute to the realization of next-generation air transportation systems. One of the most important targets of this program is a reliable, high-precision navigation system. This paper describes an investigation into the effects of ionospheric plasma bubbles on the availability of Ground-based Augmentation Systems (GBAS). Although the effects of ionospheric anomalies on GBAS integrity have been well researched, their effects on GBAS availability have not received much attention. Since ionospheric plasma bubbles occur much more frequently than the Storm-enhanced Density (SED) phenomenon in regions at low magnetic latitude, their effects on availability as well as on integrity should be investigated.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 63, Number 4
Pages: 403 - 411
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