Extending Required Navigation Performance to Include Time Based Operations and the Vertical Dimension

Thomas Dautermann

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: We derived a concept for a four dimensional Required Navigation Performance (RNP) by extending the existing lateral RNP into the vertical and along-track dimensions. The new concept also complies with existing requirements of reduced vertical separation minima and required time of arrival. Based on the desired target safety level and traffic on a given route, the along track requirements are formulated for the traffic using the airway. In the vertical, some accuracy requirements at the 3s level are already specified, however monitoring and alerting is not foreseen. We suggest a monitoring technology based on regionally augmented satellite navigation. The vertical RNP requirement can be fulfilled with a system governed by a zero-mean Gaussian with s = 16m. The required along- track accuracy depends on the number of aircraft occupying the specific route and their respective speed.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 63, Number 1
Pages: 53 - 64
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