Development and Assessment of a Multiple Rover Network Approach for Real-Time GNSS Networks

Nicholas Zinas

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: In this paper multiple GNSS users are considered as a virtual network of stations that can operate autonomously and combine with the reference station network. The existing network infrastructure is densified through the shorter inter-receiver distances. A new network RTK methodology that encompasses the multiple users of network RTK services for instantaneous positioning is presented. Users are equipped with a means of two-way communication that enables the data to be transmitted to a central processing facility (CPF) on an epoch by epoch basis. Once the reference station ambiguities are resolved and the regional ionospheric corrections are estimated and filtered, the proposed Multiple Rover Network (MRN) solution is applied. The MRN solution increases the ambiguity success rates for all rovers for the designed testbed network compared to the single baseline solution (SBS) and the single rover network solution (SRN). The highest increment is observed for the rover operating outside the network.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 58, Number 3
Pages: 257 - 277
Cite this article: Zinas, Nicholas, "Development and Assessment of a Multiple Rover Network Approach for Real-Time GNSS Networks", NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 58, No. 3, Fall 2011, pp. 257-277.
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