Captain J. O. Sanders

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: Since the first polar flight was made in 1947, navigation requirements, problems, and results in the polar regions have been born, raised through adolescence, developed, and matured. The rock-bottom basis of air navigation is determining the heading of the aircraft. Once the heading is obtained, all the other information- celestial, drift, airspeed, groundspeedis used in conjunction therewith. With the magnetic North Pole being located in the Canadian Archipelago, there are numerous complications which render the magnetic compass unreliable for polar flying. During the infancy stage of high latitude work, the use of the compasses was abandoned.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 3, Number 4
Pages: 104 - 108
Cite this article: Sanders, Captain J. O., "POLAR NAVIGATION", NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1952-1953, pp. 104-108.
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