M. V. N. Bradford

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: I have now had the privilege of sailing in the Peninsular and Oriental Company’s liner Canberra for nearly two years, originally as Senior Watchkeeping Officer and for the last year as Navigating Officer, and I am now even mow convinced that the bridge design in Canberra is the only workable one in fast passenger liners on world routes. All officers who have had the privilege of sailing her are agreed that with the increase in the numbers of ships fitted with radar our system and layout are essential for safe navigation where a quick reliable radar plot is required and where all the navigational equipment is at one's finger tips and not buried in obscure corners, as is the practive of most merchant ships.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 10, Number 2
Pages: 136 - 142
Cite this article: Bradford, M. V. N., "CANBERRA: HER BRIDGE AND NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT", NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer 1963, pp. 136-142.
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