Charles F. Saunders

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: A model avionics system is presented showing how a doubly redundant, moderate speed digital computer subsystem can be made to solve the requirements of SST Navigation and Control. This paper also considers that triple redundancy is feasible in terms of cost, performance, and realiability in the concept of functional modularity for SST application. The modular avionics systems presumes that the digital computer subsystem will be held to a sufficient minimum and that all the decision making will be made at the prerogative of the pilot. A brief elaboration of this philosophy suggests that the flight profile will be programmed for standard conditions and only deviations from standard will be computed and shown to the pilot etc., etc., etc.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 11, Number 3
Pages: 299 - 305
Cite this article: Saunders, Charles F., "AIRBORNE CENTRAL DIGITAL COMPUTER", NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 11, No. 3, Fall 1964, pp. 299-305.
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