Capt. Jefferson Z. Amacker, and Lt. Francis J. Mason

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: Within the inertial navigation industry, the concept of CEP (Circle of Equal Probability or Circular Error probable) as it is applied to inertial navigation systems is not uniform. CEP is defined as the radius of a circle centered at the expected impact point such that on the average 50 per cent of the missiles or bullets of a specified class may be expeccted to hit wiethin this circle. Historically, CEP was the statistical parameter applied to determine the equal probability of hit or miss with artillery shells. This practice had a firm statistical basis in the theory of probable error. With the advent of ballistics missiles, this same theory was directly applicable as a meaningful measure of missile accuracy. After all, ballistic missiles are merely long range artillery shells which use an inertial guidance system as a gun barrel.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 12, Number 3
Pages: 252 - 255
Cite this article: Amacker, Capt. Jefferson Z., Mason, Lt. Francis J., "SPECIFICATION OF INERTIAL NAVIGATION ACCURACIES", NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 12, No. 3, Fall 1965, pp. 252-255.
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