M. P. Ananda, H. Bernstein, W. A. Feess, T. C. Paugstat

Peer Reviewed

Abstract: A GPS autonomous navigation system will be operational with the GPS Block IIR satellites in the first decade of the twenty-first century. This system will provide the user with full navigation accuracy for 180 days even if the GPS Operational Control Segment (OCS) is inoperable. Until such a system is operational, GPS navigation accuracy depends on a functioning OCS. If the OCS fails, the navigation accuracy degrades rapidly. To provide interim full-system accuracy in the event of loss of the OCS, an Autonomous User System (AUS), requiring user segment modification only, has been designed, implemented, and field tested. In this paper, the AUS is described, and test results are presented. These results indicate that, in the HO-day period, the autonomous user can achieve a navigation accuracy of the same order of magnitude as is obtained when the OCS is functioning. The AUS concepts are also applicable to other navigation systems.
Published in: NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, Volume 35, Number 2
Pages: 197 - 216
Cite this article: Ananda, M. P., Bernstein, H., Feess, W. A., Paugstat, T. C., "GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) AUTONOMOUS USER SYSTEM", NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 35, No. 2, Summer 1988, pp. 197-216.
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