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Session A2: GNSS Security: Interference, Jamming, and Spoofing 1


Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Location: Beacon A
In-Person presenters in this session provide pre-recorded presentations for viewing by registered attendees on Tuesday, January 28.

Session Chairs

Zixi Liu
Stanford University

Dr. Jianming She
The MITRE Corporation

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In-Person Presentations
These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by virtual attendees.
8:35 Evaluation of NovAtel's Jamming and Spoofing Detection and Mitigation Capabilities During Jammertest2024
Ali Broumandan, Ali Pirsiavash, Isabelle Tremblay, and Sandy Kennedy, Hexagon Autonomy & Positioning Division Peer Reviewed
8:57 Real-World Spoofing Detection and Characterization Using Low-Cost Receivers
Argyris Kriezis, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Stanford University; Dennis Akos, University of Colorado Boulder; Sherman Lo, and Todd Walter, Stanford University Peer Reviewed
9:20 Observations of GNSS Spoofing in Russia in 2023-2024
Sherman Lo, Zixi Liu, Lyla Ibrahim, Yu Hsuan Chen, and Todd Walter, Stanford University Peer Reviewed
9:43 Navigating Interference - Examining In-Flight GNSS Spoofing Patterns and Signal Disruptions
Michael Felux, Valentin Fischer, Sophie Jochems, Benoit Figuet, and Raphael Monstein, ZHAW - Zurich University of Appl. Sci. Peer Reviewed
10:05-10:35, Break. Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
10:40 Combining ADS-B, LCM and DPA to Detect and Locate the Interference in a Massive GNSS Jammer Test
Yu-Hsuan Chen, Zixi Liu, Argyris Kriezis, Sherman Lo and Todd Walter, Stanford University Peer Reviewed
11:03 Real-Time Multi-Constellation Navigation Message Authentication for Enhanced GNSS Security
Xifeng Wen, Tor Melgård, Roel de Vries, Erik Vigen, and Armine Panosyan, Fugro
11:26 Authentication of GPS Modernized Signals Using TESLA Chimera
Michael H. Cole, James T. Gillis, Rachel Allen, Albert H. Hayden, The Aerospace Corporation
11:48 Towards a Trustworthy Position Solution; OSNMA Authentication and the use of Multi-Constellations
Annemarie van Zwol, Heiko Engwerda, Kjeld van der Linden, Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre
On-Demand Presentations
Pre-recorded presentations will become available for viewing by registered attendees on Tuesday, January 28.
  A Low Complexity Implementation of the MLE-Based GNSS Anti-Spoofing Method
Xiaoxuan Xu, Hong Li, and Mingquan Lu, Tsinghua University Peer Reviewed
  A New Method for AOA Estimation and TDOA/AOA Joint Localization of GNSS Spoofer
Mingxiu Chen, Yanhong Kou, Yiwei Wang, and Chun Wang, Beihang University Peer Reviewed
  Co-Frequency Interference and Suppression of GBAS VDB and VOR/ILS Based on the Fast Independent Component Analysis
Ziqi He, Hongxia Wang, Kun Fang, Beihang University; Xiao Li, Beijing Space-Time information Co,.Ltd;

12:15 p.m.–1:15 p.m. Attendee Lunch Buffet Served in Exhibit Hall