PTTI Author Resource Center

Paper Preparation Instructions

ION Follows APA Style.
It is important that you follow these instructions for preparing your paper for the conference proceedings.

Paper Style Formatting

The final copy should be styled according to the templates provided. Papers should be in a single-column format, in 10-point Times Roman or Calibri font style, and use full justification. All text should be single-spaced. A double space may be used when beginning a new section or paragraph. Paper Title MUST be 24-point Times Roman or Calibri font size, bold face, and in title case style.

Please use as many automatic features as possible from your word processing software. Input your text continuously; in other words, only insert hard returns at the end of paragraphs or headings, subheadings, lists, etc. Do not use space bar to make indents (e.g., to indicate paragraphs or in a list). A tab or an indent command should be used for this purpose.

Submission of Electronic Version: Submit the PDF version through the ION Abstract Management Portal (AMP). When creating the PDF file please make sure all the fonts (including the true fonts) are embedded. If you have any questions, please contact Miriam Lewis at 703-366-2723 or by e-mail at


Your paper should be organized in the manner specified on the templates and samples provided. 

For Letter Size Paper: 8.5” x 11” paper use margins: top = 1.0” inches, bottom = 1.0” inches, and 0.75” inches for left and right. 

For A4 paper, use the following margins: top and bottom margins = 1.18”; right and left margin = 0.59. Please note the title and authors list should be centered at the beginning of the paper.

Begin your paper with a brief Biography (approximately 80 words or less) followed by the Abstract (300 words maximum) and Introduction. Your paper should conclude with Acknowledgments and/or References

Use full justification for your text. Use automatic hyphenation and check spelling. Digitize or paste down figures.

Paper Length: Papers submitted for peer review should not exceed 15 pages. There is no page limit for papers not undergoing the peer review process.

Use of Graphics and Photos

Incorporate graphics in the body of the text, centered within the text. Figure numbers and captions/titles should be placed at the bottom of the figure. Give each figure a brief but descriptive title and capitalize/bold face “FIGURE”. Example: FIGURE 1 Research methods and software setup

Figure axis labels are often a source of confusion. Use words rather than symbols. For example, write “magnetization,” or “magnetization (M),” rather than just “M.” Put units in parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization (A .m1).” Do not label axes with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write “Temperature (K),” not “Temperature/K.” Multipliers can be especially confusing. Write “Magnetization (kA/m)” or “Magnetization (103 A/m).”

Figure labels should be legible; use a sans serif font between 10 and 14 points. Figure legend, or key, if present, should be positioned within the borders of the figure and explains any symbols used in the figure image. Capitalize words in the figure legend in title case.

Use of Tables

Tables should be centered within the text. Table number should appear above the table in capital lettering and bold face. Number the tables in the order in which they are mentioned in your paper. The title of the table should appear one double-space line below the table number in title case. Example:


Means and Standard Deviations of Scores on Baseline Measures

The table title should be brief but descriptive, using italic and title case style. When possible, use a table editor to create tables for your electronic version. Do not use spaces to align the columns of your table. Do not use the "columns" feature to create tables. 


Do not insert page numbers to your paper.


Your paper must be in English.

Paper Title

Use 24-point Times New Roman or Calibri bold font style in title case.

Author and Affiliation

Use 10-point Times New Roman or Calibri font style with affiliation(s) in italics. 

Section Headings

Heading levels should be numbered, flush left, bold, all caps.

The paper may be broken into sub-sections as desired.

Section Sub-Headings

  1. First-level headings should be numbered, flush left, bold, and written in title case; text begins on a new line (indent first line). 
  2. Second-level headings should be numbered, flush left, bold, italic, and written in title case; text begins on a new line (indent first line).
  3. Third-level headings should be unnumbered, indented, bold, title case, and ending with a period; text should begin on the same line.
  4. Fourth-level headings should be unnumbered, indented, bold, italic, title case, and ending with a period; text should begin on the same line.

Text (for Electronic Version)

  • Do not adjust line spacing. 
  • Disclaimers or notes should be placed just prior to references. 
  • Do not use footnotes.
  • Text should have full justification.
  • References should appear at the END of the paper.


References should be listed in alphabetical order in the text, and should appear at the end of the paper. Follow the APA style according to the 7th Edition Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Invert all individual author's names, providing the surname first, followed by a comma and the initials of the first name. Use a comma to separate an author’s name/initials from additional author names, even when there are only two authors; use an ampersand (&) before the final author's name.

Please note that only initials of authors' first and listed middle names are given in the reference list. If there is more than one initial, there should be a space between them. Initials are not used in in-text citations.


Author Last Name, First Initial., & Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the Journal/proceedings, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).


Lu, M., Li, W., Yao, Z., & Cui, X. (2019). Overview of BDS III new signals. NAVIGATION, 66(1), 19–35.

Rothmaier, F., Chen, Y-H., & Lo, S. (2019). Improvements to steady state spoof detection with experimental validation using a dual polarization antenna.  Proc. of the 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2019), Miami, FL, 967–983.

In-text citations

There should be a brief citation in parentheses when you mention a source directly as part of a sentence, citing the author’s last name and, in parentheses, the year of publication. The paper should identify the full source information in the reference list.

This is mentioned in Lu et al. (2019).

There should be a fully parenthetical citation when the source material is not explicitly mentioned as part of the sentence, but is meant to signify what work a given assertion is based on. The paper should identify the full source information in the reference list.

This is mentioned in a number of works (Lu et al., 2019; Rothmaier et al., 2019).

When listing multiple citations in the same parenthetical, separate them with semicolons after placing them in alphabetical order by last name. For sources with two or more authors, use an ampersand (&) rather than the word “and” between the last two names.

When citing multiple sources from the same author(s), simply list the author(s) then list the years of the sources chronologically separated by commas.

If you have more than one identical in-text citation with the same author/year (such as “Lu et al., 2019”), be sure to label the subsequent references with an “a,” “b,” and when necessary “c.” 

Example: “(Lu et al., 2019a, 2019b, 2019c)” for normal parenthetical in-text citations or “Lu et al. (2019a, 2019b, 2019c)” for in-text citations in which the author's work is explicitly stated as part of the sentence..

Additional Instructions for Electronic Paper Preparation for Publication

Electronic files must be submitted electronically via the ION Abstract Management Portal (AMP). PDF files are accepted. 

Acceptable Software

Files must be in Adobe Acrobat PDF. LaTex files are NOT accepted; convert such files to PDF before uploading to the AMP. Files must not have any password restrictions.

Special Markings and Clearances

All papers will be public release. Manuscripts received with any special markings will be excluded from the proceedings.

It is likely that your paper will need to go through a clearance process before it can be released to be presented at the conference; please begin the process immediately to ensure you will be able to present at the conference and be included in the published conference proceedings (if applicable).

Technical Resources

NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all areas related to the art, science, and technology of positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT).  

NAVIGATION is indexed and abstracted in the Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database (ProQuest), COMPENDEX (Elsevier), Current Contents: Engineering Computing & Technology (Clarivate Analytics), Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database (ProQuest), Electrical & Electronic /abstracts (IET), Google Scholar (Google), INSPEC (IET), Material Science & Engineering Database (ProQuest), Natural Science Collection (ProQuest), Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics), SciTech Premium Collection (ProQuest), SCOPUS (Elsevier), Technology Collection (ProQuest), and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics). For more information, visit

NAVIGATION is an excellent resource for the latest state-of-the-art technical information and it is suggested you reference recent articles as a resource when preparing your manuscripts. Recent issues can be accessed at the following link: