Pacific PNT Call for Abstracts

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Abstracts due November 1, 2023

Program Committee

General Chair: Dr. Sherman Lo, Stanford University
Program Co-Chair: Dr. Jiyun Lee, KAIST
Program Co-Chair: Dr. Mingquan Lu, Tsinghua University
Program Co-Chair: Dr. Takeyasu Sakai, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology
Plenary Co-Chair: Dr. Frank van Graas, Air Force Institute of Technology
Plenary Co-Chair: Dr. Y. Jade Morton, University of Colorado, Boulder

International Advisory Board

Dr. Loren Chang, National Central University
Dr. Wu Chen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, The Ohio State University
Dr. Allison Kealy, Environmental Land Water & Planning of Australia
Dr. Changdon Kee, Seoul National University
Dr. Eng Kee Poh, Singapore DSO/Nanyang Technological University
Dr. Nobuaki Kubo, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Dr. Charles Lin, National Cheng-Kung University
Dr. Mingquan Lu, Tsinghua University
Dr. Y. Jade Morton, University of Colorado, Boulder
Dr. Takeyasu Sakai, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology
Dr. Jiwon Seo, Yonsei University
Dr. Jun Shen, China Satellite Navigation Office
Dr. Frank van Graas, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
Dr. Kefei Zhang, RMIT University

Submit Your Abstract

Plenary Session: GNSS Policy/Status; and Polynesian Navigation

Updates and status of satellite-based navigation systems that are in operation or under development. System overview, current and planned performance, schedule and plans, current policies, and services and special challenges affecting Asian-Pacific areas. Special guest speaker(s) addressing Polynesian navigation will be featured.
Dr. Frank van Graas, Air Force Institute of Technology
Dr. Y. Jade Morton, University of Colorado, Boulder

Special Session Topics

The Chinese satellite navigation system BeiDou is now a fully operational worldwide GNSS with 35 Phase III satellites in orbit.  This special session will feature invited and contributed presentations on all aspects of current and new BeiDou systems and application developments: new BDS signal designs and receiver development, BDS signal-in-space quality monitoring and assessment, interoperable space service volume for autonomous orbital determination, BeiDou/GNSS Interference detection, inter-satellite link technology, messaging systems, and new BeiDou/GNSS applications.
Dr. Ruizhi Chen, Wuhan University
Dr. Mingquan Lu, Tsinghua University

COSMIC/FORMOSAT is a constellation of six micro-satellites launched one decade ago through a partnership between Taiwan and the US.  These extremely cost-effective LEO satellites rely on occultation measurements of GPS signals to infer atmospheric profiles to improve weather forecasting, climate modeling, and ionosphere and space weather monitoring.  The resounding success of the project led to a follow-on mission, COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7, launched in 2019.  This special session will feature invited presentations and contributed work on all aspects of this exemplifying project and future of the next generation capabilities.
Dr. Loren Chang, National Central University
Dr. John Braun, UCAR

Japan’s Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) became operational in 2018. Four future satellites are being planned to provide independent navigation capabilities over Japan. This session will have presentations from the government, contractors, universities, and industries. Attending the session, you will be fully informed about the QZSS regional satellite navigation program, including the latest QZSS program status, launch schedule of satellites, navigation performance, payload design/characteristics, receiver development, technical validation results, and application development activities.
Dr. Takeyasu Sakai, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology
Dr. Nobuaki Kubo, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Session Topics

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Track A

Alternative Navigation and Signals of Opportunity 
Navigation using signals from digital TV and radio, radar, cellular networks, Wi-Fi, telecommunications networks, ultra-wideband signals, pattern matching, sensor integration and indoor messaging systems. Advances in systems, algorithms, and integration techniques for terrestrial PNT, including eLoran, DME, pseudolites, terrestrial transmitters, Wi-Fi, cellular, VLF/LF systems, one-way and two-way RF ranging. Other signals include those from low earth orbiting (LEO) satellites. Navigation using signals and standards unique to Pacific Rim countries is especially welcome.
Dr. Kyle Kauffman, Integrated Solutions for Systems (IS4S)
Dr. Li-Ta Hsu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

GNSS-R and GNSS-RO for Environmental Monitoring
Use of GNSS and GNSS reflections for remote sensing of ocean roughness, wave height, and wind speed; soil moisture and vegetation water content measurements; Use of GNSS radio occultation for tropospheric and ionospheric profiling; and airborne, balloon, mountain top, and other satellite-based reflectometry and radio occultation advances.
Sidd Subramanyam, Purdue University
Dr. Yang Wang, University of Colorado Boulder

High Precision GNSS Correction and Monitoring Networks
Local area, wide area and worldwide GNSS correction networks, design, status, precise clock and orbit products, ionosphere/troposphere corrections, signal anomalies, performance results, multi-constellation networks, new developments and applications, and unique characteristics of corrections in Asian-Pacific areas.
Dr. Jianghui Geng, Wuhan University
Xin Li, Wuhan University

Natural Hazards Detection and other Remote Sensing Applications
The use of GNSS receiver networks to monitor geophysical events. Atmospheric and ionospheric remote sensing applications in real-time or post-processed modes are encouraged including e.g., GNSS detection of seismic waves, volcano eruptions, explosions, tsunamis, and space weather events using ground-based and space-based GNSS observations along with novel processing and analysis techniques are also solicited.
Dr. Attila Komjathy, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dr. Chris Bartone, Ohio University

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Track B

Algorithms and Methods
Methods and advanced algorithms for positioning, navigation, and timing with a diversity of sensors and signals. Approaches to exploit multiple GNSS constellations and new signal structures. Nonlinear estimation, optimization, and fusion algorithms. Techniques to improve acquisition and tracking in terms of sensitivity, robustness, accuracy, and multipath mitigation. 
Dr. Xin Chen, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Dr. Madeleine Naudeau, Air Force Research Laboratory

Challenging Navigation Problems
Navigation in indoor, urban, surface, underwater, and other GNSS-degraded environments.  Inertial navigation, acoustic devices for bathymetry, positioning, and velocity determination for underwater vehicles and ships, sonar developments, and transponder networks. Non-traditional and collaborative navigation techniques, including terrain-aided navigation, low-cost sensors, non-linear signal processing techniques, reconfigurable filter designs, plug-and-play concepts, connectivity, information sharing, and safety aspects. Topics addressing special challenges in Pacific Rim regions, especially those in-volving the use of the open-source dataset, urban navigation, to develop and evaluate GNSS positioning in urban canyons for pedestrians and autonomous systems and multi-sensor integration or urban areas, are encouraged.
Steve Malkos, Google Inc.

Emerging PNT Consumer Applications
PNT for advancement in intelligent transportation, social media, domestic and healthcare products, precision agriculture and machine control.  Driverless cars, driver-assist technologies, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, automotive radar, lane-keeping, parking assist; positive train control; augmented reality; health and contact tracing; and gaming systems integration with PNT; autonomous wheel chairs, lawnmowers, snowplows, vacuums; Alzheimer and Autistic patient tracking systems; monitoring, navigation, and control of machinery used in agriculture, construction, and mining.
Dr. Frank van Diggelen, Google Inc.
Dr. Taro Suzuki, Chiba Institute of Technology

Ionosphere Monitoring with GNSS
Processing algorithms for ionosphere monitoring, characterization from single and multiple GNSS receivers, ionospheric propagation phenomena, receiver design and tracking algorithms, tomography, ionospheric attenuation and scintillation, higher-order effects, plasma drift estimation and gradient measurements, and Asian-Pacific regional ionosphere characteristics.
Dr. Charles Lin, National Cheng Kung University
Dr. Zhe (Jenny) Yang, Tongji University

Time and Frequency Distribution
Precise time synchronization and frequency transfer between fixed or mobile platforms using any means including terrestrial techniques, satellite time transfer and GNSS. This session also welcomes developments in oscillator technology and atomic frequency standards for laboratory, commercial or space applications including (but not limited to) chip scale clocks and optical clocks. Algorithms, statistics or characterization methods for clocks, ensembles or precise timing systems are also encouraged to submit to this session.
Dr. Michael Coleman, Naval Research Laboratory
Dr. Xiaochun Lu, National Time Service Center

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Track C

Aircraft Navigation and Surveillance
Advances in aircraft navigation and surveillance. Future navigation requirements, integrity monitoring (RAIM/FDE), integration with inertial, automatic dependent surveillance, collision avoidance, and radar.
Halim Lee, Yonsei University
Dr. Todd Walter, Stanford University

Aviation Applications of GNSS
Applications of GNSS to aviation navigation, precision approach and landing. Ground-based and space-based augmentation systems (LAAS, WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, MSAS), flight test performance, integrity designs, integration with other aircraft sensors such as inertial and barometric altimeter. Challenges, issues, policy, and progress toward certification of GNSS receivers for aviation applications.  Topics relevant to Pacific Rim countries are especially welcome.
Heiko Engwerda, Technical University Berlin
Dr. Juan Blanch , Stanford University

Inertial Navigation Technology and Applications
Applications and integration of INS with other navigation sensors. Design, modeling, calibration, advanced processing techniques, performance characteristics of different technologies, including but not limited to MEMS, FOG, laser gyro and cold-atom. Open architecture design, integration, fault detection and isolation, and testing.  New developments in low-cost inertial sensing for personal and automotive applications. Design, manufacturing, and testing of low-cost sensors in emerging application areas. Algorithms for calibration and integration with other low-cost sensors.  Navigation algorithm and sensor development for UAS navigation, stabilization, guidance, and control.  Integration with autopilots, flight management systems and UAS sensors. Considerations for safety of flight, testing, and standardization especially in Asia Pacific countries.
Sally Ann Keyes, Honeywell Aerospace
Dr. Yuanxin Wu, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Interference and Spectrum
Effects of interference on GNSS performance, compatibility of GNSS with terrestrial and satellite-based services.  Radiofrequency compatibility between satellite navigation systems. Interference detection, characterization, and mitigation techniques. Robust navigation in the presence of interference.
Dr. Jiwon Seo, Yonsei University
Dr. Andrew Neish, Reliable Robotics

Space Navigation Technologies 1
Equipment, systems, and algorithms for navigating in different space regimes. GNSS and other systems for operating in near earth orbit such as LEO, MEO and HEO. New and up and coming navigation satellites and satellite systems such as Korean Positioning System (KPS). Validation and testing of suitable GNSS receivers for space use. Navigation in cislunar and lunar space. Applications and technologies for navigating beyond earth such as navigating to bodies within the solar system and pulsar navigation.
Dr. Andrew Neish, Reliable Robotics
Dr. Eugene Bang, Gyeongsang National University

Space Navigation Technologies 2

Dr. Yang Gao, University of Calgary

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Submit Your Abstract

Abstracts should be submitted via the ION Abstract Management Portal no later than November 1, 2023. To submit an abstract, click the button above and sign in with your ION user account. If you have not used the Abstract Management Portal before, click “Create My Account”. Once signed in, click on ION Pacific PNT and complete the form.

  • Abstracts should describe objectives, anticipated or actual results, conclusions, any key innovative steps and the significance of your work.
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance in December and provided with an author’s kit with presentation and publication guidelines.
  • Abstracts/papers will be circulated in the public domain. Classified or ITAR restricted abstracts/papers will not be accepted.
  • Authors will be required to present in person in Honolulu, HI; no virtual presentation options will be made available.

All authors and session chairs will be required to pay conference registration fees.

Final Manuscripts

Completed manuscripts must be uploaded to the Abstract Management Portal (AMP) by February 9, 2024. Manuscripts will be designated as a primary paper, or as an alternate paper, in the onsite program based on the Session Chairs’ peer review of the full manuscripts.

Manuscripts will be peer reviewed once (note that there will be no secondary review). Manuscripts not representative of the original abstract submitted will not be included in the conference proceedings regardless of whether or not they were presented at the conference; and this may affect the acceptance of future abstracts by the author. While full manuscripts are required for peer review by February 9, corrected/updated manuscripts will be accepted through April 29, 2024.

To be included in the conference proceedings, final manuscripts must meet the peer review requirements; an author must present at the conference as scheduled in the conference program and pay the conference registration fee.

Exceptional manuscripts will be considered for Best Paper Awards.

Complimentary online access to papers will be provided to all eligible conference registrants through May 30, 2024. Eligible conference registrants will be able to download the proceedings following the conference.

Journal Publication

Authors of appropriate papers are encouraged to submit papers for possible publication in the ION’s archival journal, NAVIGATION, indexed by Thomson Reuters. Papers may be submitted online at