Automatic Operation of an Articulated Dump Truck: State Estimation by Combined QZSS CLAS and Moving-Base RTK Using Multiple GNSS Receivers
Taro Suzuki, Chiba Institute of Technology; Shotaro Kojima, Kazunori Ohno, Naoto Miyamoto, Takahiro Suzuki, Tohoku University; Kimitaka Asano, Sanyo-Technics Co., Ltd.; Tomohiro Komatsu, Kowatech Co., Ltd., Hiroto Kakizaki, Sato Koumuten Co., Ltd.
Location: Prince Edward (Third Floor)
Date/Time: Wednesday, Apr. 17, 11:17 a.m.
Peer Reviewed
Labor shortage due to the declining birth rate has become a serious problem in the construction industry, and automation of construction work is attracting attention as a solution to this problem. This paper proposes a method to realize state estimation of dump truck position, orientation and articulation angle using multiple GNSS for automatic operation of dump trucks. RTKGNSS is commonly used for automation of construction equipment, but in mountainous areas, mobile networks often unstable, and RTK-GNSS using GNSS reference stations cannot be used. Therefore, this paper develops a state estimation method for dump trucks that does not require a GNSS reference station by using the Centimeter Level Augmentation Service (CLAS) of the Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS). Although CLAS is capable of centimeter-level position estimation, its positioning accuracy and ambiguity fix rate are lower than those of RTK-GNSS. To solve this problem, we construct a state estimation method by factor graph optimization that combines CLAS positioning and moving-base RTK-GNSS between multiple GNSS antennas. Evaluation tests under real-world environments have shown that the proposed method can estimate the state of dump trucks with the same accuracy as conventional RTK-GNSS, but does not require a GNSS reference station.