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Session : BeiDou

A Direction Finding Method of GNSS Spoofer for Commercial Receiver
Zhongxiao Wang, Tsinghua University

With the increasing applications of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and the rising threat of spoofing attacks in daily life, it is necessary to conduct anti-spoofing research for commercial receivers. In this presentation, we propose a direction finding method of the GNSS spoofer for commercial receivers. This method fully utilizes the Doppler measurements and clock drift information provided by motion receivers in the horizontal plane. The double difference measurement is constructed to extract the Doppler information generated by the receiver’s motion, which is later used to determine the direction of the spoofer. The maximum likelihood estimation of the azimuth and elevation of the spoofer is given, and the Cramer-Rao lower bound is derived, with the factors affecting the performance of angle estimation analyzed. We conduct field experiments to estimate the arrival direction of the deception signal broadcast by the helical antenna. The test results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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