Session C1: Collaborative and Networked Navigation


Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Scarbrough Ballroom 3/4 (Lobby Level)

Session Chairs:
Dr. Zak Kassas
University of California, Riverside
Dr. Carole Teolis
TRX Systems

1. Improving the Availability of LDACS-Based APNT with Air-to-Air Ranging: Okuary Osechas, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany; Gerhard Berz, Eurocontrol, Belgium
2. Improving Position MSE Estimation for Biased Estimators without True Position Knowledge: Jeannette Nounagnon and Timothy Pratt, Virginia Tech
3. Cooperative Localization for Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Anusna Chakraborty, Rajnikant Sharma, Utah State University; Clark N. Taylor, and Kevin M. Brink, Air Force Research Laboratory
4. Range-based Trilateration using Multipurpose Cost Function Optimization with Lagrangian Multipliers: Ali Khalajmehrabadi, David Akopian, Daniel Pack, University of Texas at San Antonio
5. Generalized Approach for Dyadic Cooperation in Code Acquisition: Yazan Abdoush and Giovanni E. Corazza, University of Bologna, Italy
6. UNILS: Unconstrained Indoors Localization Scheme Based on Cooperative Smartphones Networking with Onboard Inertial, Bluetooth and GNSS Devices: Halgurd S. Maghdid, The University of Buckingham, UK; Ali Al-Sherbaz, The University of Northampton, UK; Naseer Aljawad, and Ihsan Alshahib Lami, The University of Buckingham, UK

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch in the Exhibit Hall