Session B3: Interference, Jamming, and Spoofing 1


Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Session Chairs:
Dr. Jong-Hoon Won
Inha University
Dr. Juan Blanch
Stanford University

Abstracts in this session are listed alphabetically. Following peer review of the full manuscripts, each abstract will be designated as a primary or as an alternate presentation.

Effectiveness of Detection Methods for GNSS Spoofing Signals in the Eastern Mediterranean Airspace: A Flight Study: Philipp Rudnik, German Aerospace Center (DLR); Manuel Cuntz, and Michael Meurer, DLR and RWTH Aachen University
Experimental Validation for GNSS Spoofing Detection by Decomposition of the Complex Cross Ambiguity Function: Sahil Ahmed, Samer Khanafseh, Boris Pervan, Illinois Institute of Technology
Exploiting GNSS Spoofers for PNT: Zachary L. Clements and Todd E. Humphreys, The University of Texas at Austin
Exploring Relocalization Opportunities due to Effect of Jamming and Spoofing on Commercial GNSS Receivers: Mike Stas, Saswat Priyadarshi Nayak, and Matthew J. Barth, UC Riverside
Exploring the Potential and Limits of LEO-Based RFI Monitoring in GNSS band Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations of a Real Capture in Norway: Fortuny-Guasch, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC); O. M. Picchi, External consultant for European Commission, JRC; F. Menzione, European Commission, JRC
Inertial Measurement Aiding for an Attitude-Aided Baseline Spoofing Detection Technique: Mike Blois and Kyle O'keefe, University of Calgary
Machine Learning Detection and Classification of Internal and External Radio Frequency Interference in Spire Global GNSS-RO Signals: Jason Li, Hyeyeon Chang, Tim Dittmann, and Yu (Jade) Morton, University of Colorado Boulder
Multiple Statistical Tests for Spoofing Detection and Rejection using Tightly-Coupled GNSS/INS: Isaac Lyss-Loren, Gina Staimer, Fatah Iskandar, Michael Thompson, and Sharad Shankar, The Aerospace Corporation
Spoofing Detection in Time Domain for Stationary and Moving Receiver: Oliver Kost, Ondrej Straka, Ondrej Dohnal, University of West Bohemia; Jindrich Dunik, Honeywell International, Advanced Technology Europe, and University of West Bohemia
Spoofing Mitigation Based on Doppler Frequency and Pseudorange Corrections in GNSS Receivers: Jingxiaotao Fang and Bing Xu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
UnReference: Spoofing GNSS Differential Reference Stations and Effects on Connected Rovers: Marco Spanghero, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Panos Papadimitratos, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Lunch in the Exhibit Hall