Session B5: Receiver Design, Signal Processing, and Antenna Technology 1


Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Location: Windjammer

Session Chairs:
Dr. Thomas Pany
University of Bundeswehr Munich
Dr. Joe Khalife

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1. SNAP: A Xona Space Systems and GPS Software-Defined Receiver: Noah S. Miller, J. Tanner Koza, Samuel C. Morgan, and Scott M. Martin, GPS & Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory, Auburn University; Andrew Neish, Robert Grayson, and Tyler Reid, Xona Space Systems
2. Required Memory Analysis of a GPS Receiver for Implementing CHIMERA SCA: Hyoungmin So, Agency for Defense Development; Sanjeev Gunawardena, Air Force Institute of Technology; Jeffrey Hebert, Air Force Research Laboratory
3. Precise Direct Position Estimation: Validation Experiments: Shuo Tang, Haoqing Li, Helena Calatrava and Pau Closas. Electrical, and Computer Engineering Dept., Northeastern University
4. Self-Contained Implementation of Nullsteering and Beamforming with a Standalone Antenna Array for GNSS Signals under Interference: Chun Yang and Andrey Soloviev, QuNav
5. Low-Complexity Multipath Mitigation Technique Based on Multi-Correlator Structures: Christian Siebert, Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR) & Chair of Navigation, RWTH Aachen University; Andriy Konovaltsev, Institute of Communications and Navigation, DLR; Michael Meurer, Institute of Communications and Navigation, DLR & Chair of Navigation, RWTH Aachen University
6. Theoretical Performance Analysis of GNSS Tracking Loops: Samy Labsir, IPSA; Gaël Pages, ISAE-SUPAERO; Lorenzo Ortega, IPSA; Jordi Vilà-Valls, Eric Chaumette, ISAE-SUPAERO
7. Innovative Multicarrier Broadband Waveforms for Future GNSS Applications – A System Overview: Tien M. Nguyen, Charles H. Lee, Yinwei Chen, and Sam Behseta, California State University Fullerton; Dan Shen, Genshe Chen, John Nguyen, and Xiwen Kang, Intelligent Fusion Technology; Khanh D. Pham, Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate
8. Receiver Clock Estimation for RTK-Grade Multi-GNSS Multi-Frequency Synthetic Aperture Processing: Mohamed Bochkati, Jürgen Dampf, Thomas Pany; Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications (ISTA), Space Systems Research Center (FZ-Space); Universität der Bundeswehr München

12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Awards Luncheon (late arrivals cannot be served after 12:30 p.m.)