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Program Committee:
Program Chair: Dr. Christian Gentner, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Tutorials Chair: Dr. Fabio Dovis, Politecnico di Torino
Program Track Chairs:
Dr. Vibhor Bageshwar, Honeywell
Dr. Thomas Pany, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Dr. Zak Kassas, The Ohio State University
Dr. Mohammed Khider, Google
Advances in MEMS-Based Inertial Sensors and Inertial Measurement Units
The creation of low-cost, lightweight, and power-efficient MEMS inertial sensor solutions for navigation in harsh environments. Innovative designs and applications of MEMS inertial sensors to develop solutions for prolonged navigation in GNSS available and GNSS-denied environments. Applications include self-calibrating sensors, miniature timing and inertial measurement units for ubiquitous deployment, miniature atom-based inertial sensors for extended operation, IMUs/IRUs for high-dynamics, space, missiles, aircraft, weapons, and land vehicles.
Chris Matthews, Honeywell
Tom Jakel, Veth Research Associates
Cutting-Edge Inertial-Based Pedestrian Localization
Supporting pedestrian mobility is crucial in a world where we strive to reduce our environmental footprint. The challenges of inertial-based pedestrian localization, including integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and other techniques to improve accuracy, robustness and efficiency, are important. This session welcomes contributions on IMU sensor-based localization and fusion with data from GNSS, pseudolites, BLE, Wi-Fi, UWB, 5G, lidar, camera, radar, and new 6G networks. Applications include hybrid IMU-based pedestrian localization, foot-mounted IMU and smartphone-based localization, as well as crowdsourced approaches for seamless navigation in both GNSS-available and GNSS-denied environments.
Dr. Valérie Renaudin, Gustave Eiffel University
Sally-Ann Keyes, Honeywell Aerospace
Inertial Vehicle Navigation
New developments in inertial navigation systems for autonomous ground vehicles; uncrewed aircraft systems; marine vessels; and vehicle swarms using tactical, navigation, and strategic grade systems. Innovative uses of inertial navigation systems to enable automatic or autonomous operations of one or more vehicles in different operating environments. Applications include inertial navigation system designs including aiding for autonomous vehicles in GNSS available and GNSS-denied environments, open system architectures for inertial navigation systems; and navigation system performance testing and calibration techniques, error modeling, and compensation.
Dr. Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, University of Minnesota
Dr. Rajnikant Sharma, Air Force Institute of Technology
Innovations in Inertial Navigation Systems: Advanced Calibration and Precision Timing Solutions
New developments in all grades of inertial navigation systems. Innovative designs, timing, and calibration techniques for IMUs, and inertial navigation systems. Applications include fiber optic gyros; calibration techniques; measurement error modeling and compensation; testing techniques; precision time synchronization and time transfer; cold atom sensors; and IMUs emphasizing compact, low-power, high-performance atomic clocks.
Dr. Alexander Trusov, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Dr. Andrei Shkel, University of California, Irvine
Quantum Inertial Sensor Technologies and Applications
Inertial navigation using quantum sensor technology. Novel sensor types and designs and performance of precision inertial navigation systems. Applications include sensors proof of concepts, evaluation of quantum inertial sensors, calibration techniques, simulations, measurements, and performance comparisons with ring laser gyros or fiber optic gyros.
Dr. Steffen Schön, Leibniz University Hannover
Dr. Karl Nelson, Honeywell Aerospace
Resilient Inertial Navigation Systems and Alternative Sensors
Development of navigation systems resilient to different cyber and physical attacks. The design of sensors and algorithms to detect and exclude the effects of signals sent to disrupt sensor measurements or algorithms that process the signals or sensor measurements. Applications include the design of cyber physical resilient systems including resilience of hardware and sensing systems to different attacks and the integrity of navigation systems with multiple IMUs and/or alternative sensors including GNSS, eLoran, DME/VOR, cameras, radars, and lidars.
Dr. Jindrich Dunik, University of West Bohemia
Dr. Mathieu Joerger, Virginia Tech
Frontiers of GNSS
Presentations/papers for this session will be invited by session chairs.
Today, four global satellite navigation systems, several regional systems and various augmentation systems form the backbone of navigation. These systems are constantly being modernized to push the boundaries and enable new applications - either through incremental evolution or even the introduction of new disruptive approaches such as quantum technologies, artificial intelligence, etc. But where are the frontiers of GNSS and where are they going? The session will attempt to answer this question by discussing aspects such as the performance of current systems, proposed modernization/evolution of systems and their predicted performance, new technologies and system architectures, new services, applications and niche markets, innovative combinations of GNSS with sensors and augmentation systems, emerging challenges/threats, and considerations for authorized, authenticated and open signals.
Dr. Michael Meurer, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Dr. Joanna Hinks, AFRL Space Vehicles
Integrity and Augmentation
Algorithm and requirement definition for accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability evaluation. Safety-critical applications that make use of ABAS (e.g., ARAIM), GBAS, SBAS and other safety critical GNSS technologies. Architecture and requirement allocation for augmentation systems including PPP/RTK services and LEO augmentation. Integrity of high accuracy GNSS algorithms. Nominal error modeling, classical and frequency domain over-bounding. Threat modeling and multi-measurement fault detection and exclusion. Instantaneous and sequential integrity risk bounding and protection level derivation. High-integrity sensor fusion and integrity budget allocation for individual sensors including IMU, barometers, camera or lidar. Integrity assessment of artificial intelligence algorithms. Integrity, continuity and availability of new multi-constellation systems, including using LEOs. Integrity of PNT systems that augment and complement GNSS (radar, DME/VOR/TACAN, LDACS, eLORAN, R-Mode).
Dr. Omar García Crespillo, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Dr. Eugene Bang, Gyeongsang National University
Interference, Jamming, and Spoofing
Signal processing fundamentals of interference, jamming and spoofing. Controlled jamming/spoofing for denial of service. Robust GNSS solutions through complementary PNT (CPNT) or other means. GNSS/INS integration and antenna arrays as anti-jam/spoofing means. Applications in robust positioning and secure time transfer. Threat modeling, assessment, and mitigation. Receiver internal detection and mitigation. Terrestrial and space-based monitoring. Impact of security measures on the reliability and integrity of GNSS. GNSS signal authentication (OSNMA, CHIMERA, ACAS, commercial services).
Dr. Jong-Hoon Won, Inha University
Dr. Sanjeev Gunawardena, Air Force Institute of Technology
LEO-PNT: Concepts, Systems and Use Cases
LEO-PNT is considered to increase accuracy, availability and robustness of existing GNSS significantly exploiting the multi-layer concept (MEO/LEO/terrestrial/sensors) of navigation. This session covers ideas to extend, augment or replace existing GNSS while meeting similar or better performance metrics. LEO-PNT with GNSS-like signal structures. Fusion of communication and navigation signals. Exploitation of 3GPP standards. Link budget, regulative and interference considerations. Transmitter synchronization to GNSS time scales and considerations for high-accuracy (code/phase biases) and integrity. New space concepts, operations, inter-satellite-links. Benefits at the user sector. Ground-segment and operations concepts.
Dr. Bernd Eissfeller, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
Aliac Jojaghaian , OHB SE
Precise Positioning and Atmosphere
Precise positioning with carrier phase-based techniques with/without multi-sensor setups (e.g., IMU). Multi-frequency, multi-constellation PPP/RTK. Low-cost single frequency PPP/RTK. Modeling of ionospheric and tropospheric effects. Use of single- and multi-frequency receivers for atmospheric studies. Novel signal processing and machine learning methods for characterization and mitigation of atmospheric effects. Forecasting, now-casting, kriging. New application scenarios and mapping functions.
Dr. Y. Jade Morton, University of Colorado Boulder
Dr. Sandra Verhagen, Delft University of Technology
Receiver Design, Signal Processing, and Antenna Technology
Receivers, antennas, and processing methods for improving accuracy, reliability, or robustness of GNSS observables. Advanced filtering and estimation methods including (vector) tracking loops, (suboptimal) multi-antenna systems, beamforming (real/synthetic), use of polarization, and direction-of-arrival methods. Methods to minimize SWaP, and software-defined implementations. Methods that incorporate machine learning techniques to enhance receiver designs. Multi-constellation and multi-frequency receiver methods specific for GNSS, LEO-PNT and fused signals. Synergies with communication receivers. GNSS/INS integration to increase sensitivity, accuracy and robustness.
Dr. Justin D. Kuric, The Ohio State University
Dr. Nesreen Ziedan, Zagazig University
Frontiers of Radionavigation: Signals of Opportunity, 5G, LEO, and Beyond
Presentations/papers for this session will be invited by session chairs.
Beyond GNSS is a frontier of radionavigation technologies that may dramatically change the way we and our machines navigate. Non-cooperative positioning based on terrestrial radio systems, enable both outdoor and indoor coverage. Cooperative wireless positioning systems based on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or ultra-wideband transceivers could further enhance indoor positioning coverage. With the advent of 5G cellular systems, fine timing measurements in Wi-Fi systems, millimeter wave transceivers (for both cellular and Wi-Fi systems), and low Earth orbit (LEO) megaconstellations, there are many new opportunities for improving the performance of these systems. This session will focus on non-GNSS radio technologies, explore the vast possibilities for positioning which significantly enhance coverage, reduce cost, or improve accuracy compared to the current state of the art.
Amy-Marie Dykstra, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren
Dr. John Janeski, The Aerospace Corporation
Multisensor Integrated Systems and Sensor Fusion Technologies
Systems and algorithms involving innovative ways of integrating traditional aiding sensors or new aiding sources into multisensory integrated navigation systems. Test results showing the expanded use or improvement of the accuracy, availability, and/or integrity performance of multisensory navigation systems. Processing algorithms and methods for multisensory systems. Simulation programs for performance predictions and algorithms for multisensory fault detection and isolation.
Dr. Charles Toth, The Ohio State University
Navigation Using Environmental Features
New navigation techniques using natural and man-made features of the surrounding environment including visual and acoustic features, magnetic and gravitational fields, celestial objects, stars, microclimate, shadows, occlusions, etc. Topics on new feature classes, new sensors, and/or new algorithms including new signal processing techniques for environmental features; feature classification, recognition and association; cooperative data distribution and 3-D mapping; new positioning algorithms using proximity, pattern matching, ranging, and/or angular positioning; and navigation using multiple classes of environmental feature and context detection.
Tucker Haydon, Sandia National Labs
Benjamin Siebler, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Non-Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity-Based Navigation Systems
Developments and techniques for utilizing non-terrestrial signals of opportunity (SOPs) for positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT). Emerging low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite mega-constellation, established LEO constellations, high-altitude platform systems (HAPS), other satellite constellations in MEO or GEO. Dual-purposed LEO PNT and opportunistic LEO PNT approaches. Differential and collaborative approaches. Theoretical developments, simulation studies, and experimental demonstrations.
Dr. Joe Khalife
Terrestrial Signals of Opportunity-Based Navigation Systems
New or improved terrestrial-based navigation systems through the use of cellular (4G, 5G, and beyond), RFID, BLE, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HD Radio/DAB, Digital TV, or other terrestrial signals of opportunity (SOPs). New sensor fusion schemes for combining SOPs with other technologies (e.g., All-Source Navigation Filters). Initialization, calibration, and training methods for improving the performance of SOP systems, including approaches utilizing machine learning. Hybrid fusion of terrestrial and non-terrestrial navigation systems, including SOPs.
Dr. Kimia Shamaei
Dr. Jiwon Seo, Yonsei University
Vision, Radar and Lidar-Based Navigation System
Systems and advanced algorithms related to emerging vision, lidar or radar-based navigation applications in GNSS-challenged environments. Integration of data from multiple sensors for combined situational awareness and navigation. Vision sensor modeling, calibration, data processing and image feature extraction.
Dr. Hadi Wassaf, U.S. Department of Transportation
Dr. Boris Pervan, Illinois Institute of Technology
AI-Enhanced Navigation
This session covers, among others, the following topics: the use of AI techniques for navigation system performance improvement; algorithms for integrity assurance of AI-enhanced multi-sensor integrated navigation system output; concepts and procedures for AI-enhanced navigation systems certification; AI-enhanced algorithms for state estimation, data fusion, fault detection, and system identification; big data analysis to support (semi-) autonomous vehicles navigation; and current and envisioned applications of AI techniques in navigation.
Dr. Michael Veth, Veth Research Associates
Dr. Tobias Feigl, Fraunhofer IIS
Ground, Aerial, and Maritime Navigation
Guidance, navigation, and perception systems are crucial for aerial, ground, and underwater vehicles. For UAVs, this includes collaborative navigation, map building, tele-operation, GNSS-denied/challenged environment navigation, and sense-and-avoid capabilities. Specific UAV applications present unique challenges, requiring validation and verification of their navigation systems. Ground vehicle operations involve sensing, perception, and map building for single and multiple vehicles, with guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) systems supporting autonomous and semi-autonomous functions, driverless car navigation in challenging environments, and visual interfaces for driver-assistance systems. These systems require validation, verification, global path planning, and local obstacle avoidance. Surface and underwater navigation advances include inertial, terrain-based, and geomagnetic field navigation, acoustic devices for bathymetry and position measurement, bio-inspired navigation, and new broadband sonar technology. Collaborative navigation of surface and unmanned underwater vehicles, along with transponder localization and SLAM-type approaches, further enhance navigation capabilities.
Dr. Camila Françolin, Draper
Dr. Maarten Uijt de Haag, Technical University of Berlin
Lunar, Mars and Space Navigation
A comprehensive look at lunar position, navigation, and timing (PNT) methods and technologies vital for the exploration of the Moon (or other planets like Mars), topics include lunar PNT service-providing satel-lites’ orbit and constellation designs, precise orbit determination, and time synchronization for lunar mis-sions, discussions on modulation techniques, and specifics of navigation messaging systems in support of lunar radionavigation services. Participants will elaborate on fault-tolerant sensor fusion methods, associated analysis of end-user performance, PNT algorithms suitable for different lunar contexts, the application of GNSS to lunar missions, emerging navigation technologies, and the role of lunar surface PNT augmentation systems. Algorithms and hardware for guidance, navigation, and control for space vehicles. Novel methods for terrestrial testing of space navigation systems and algorithms. GPS-denied orbital navigation. Future space navigation applications. Ground monitoring and observation of space objects.
Dr. Cosimo Stallo, Thales Alenia Space (invited)
Dr. Tyler Reid, Xona Space Systems
Navigation in Challenging Environments
Innovations for improving urban and indoor positioning accuracy and reliability: navigation, localization, and map building by indoor robots; simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM); collaborative robot navigation; pose estimation for humans and robots; smartphone-based localization in challenging scenarios like indoor and human motion modeling; semantics for robot navigation; perception of the environment for humanoid robot operations; cell phone-based navigation systems for personal and indoor navigation; systems for emergency responder navigation; applications of raw GNSS measurements from smart phones; applications for health and well-being (medical devices and sports); inertial-based localization; IMU-sensor fusion; and wearable-based localization.
Dr. Adyasha Mohanty, Harvey Mudd College
Dr. Siwei Zhang, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Optimization for PNT and Sensor Fusion
Presentations/papers for this session will be invited by session chairs.
Exploration of the latest advancements and methodologies in optimization techniques for enhancing GNSS positioning and sensor fusion. Factor graph optimization and advanced Bayesian filter with considerations on robust estimation, constraint optimization, or sparse optimization. Leveraging advanced optimization and Bayesian filtering for enhancing GNSS positioning accuracy, reliability, and robustness. PPP, RTK, PPP-RTK, urban navigation, resilience to interference, spoofing, jamming, multipath and NLOS. Combining GNSS with inertial sensors, cameras, lidar, and other sensor modalities to improve navigation performance in challenging environments. Applications in autonomous vehicles, connect vehicles, mobile mapping systems, pedestrian, and drone navigation.
Dr. Li-Ta Hsu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Clark Taylor, Air Force Institute of Technology
Smartphone-Based Localization
Smartphone-based localization utilizing: GNSS, Wi-Fi, BLE, terrestrial and inertial sensor-based positioning; sensor fusion; augmented reality (AR); multi-constellation dual and multi-frequency raw GNSS measurements; measurements from a variety of sensors including inertial sensors to enhance GNSS-based positioning solutions in complex environments; enhanced positioning techniques in smartphones such as real time kinematic (RTK) algorithms; precise point positioning (PPP) algorithms; improved stochastic modeling for GNSS smartphone observables; algorithms and multi-sensor fusion for better indoor, outdoor, and urban-canyon positioning; integration with applications requiring reliable positioning solutions, jamming and spoofing detection and mitigation; use of smartphone raw GNSS measurements for scientific applications such as geosciences; and smartphone GNSS antenna quality assessment, SLAM, crowdsourcing.
Dr. Sunil Bisnath , York University
Dr. Robert Odolinski, University of Otago
Submit abstracts via the Abstract Management Portal no later than October 25, 2024. Sign in or create an account. Once signed in, click on the PLANS conference and complete the form.
Completed manuscripts must be uploaded to the Abstract Management Portal by February 5, 2025. Manuscripts will be reviewed by independent referees and designated as a primary paper or alternate paper in the onsite program based on peer review of the full manuscripts. Manuscripts not received by February 5 are subject to withdrawal from the program. Manuscripts will only be peer reviewed one time. Authors will have the opportunity to make corrections/revisions to manuscripts through May 9, 2025. However, manuscripts not meeting peer review standards during the first review are not re-reviewed for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore proceedings.
To be included in the conference proceedings:
PLANS manuscripts will be eligible for Best Paper Awards, including the IEEE’s Walter Fried Award, PLANS Student Award, and the Best Paper in Track Award. Papers will be posted on the PLANS website for eligible conference registrants to view on a complimentary basis until the electronic proceedings are circulated.
Pre-conference tutorials will be offered on Monday, April 28, to provide in-depth learning of specific PNT-related disciplines complementing the technical program. Tutorials will be taught in person, in a classroom setting. Additional registration fees will be required. Electronic notes will be provided to registered attendees via the meeting website and a link provided for advance download. Specific course offerings will be promoted on the conference website in early 2025.
The IEEE PLANS Kershner Award is presented to recognize the outstanding lifetime achievements of an individual who has made substantial contributions in the field of navigation. Additional details can be found here.
Submit nominations to by January 21, 2025, and include all of the following information in the nomination e-mail: