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Session C3: Signals of Opportunity-Based Navigation Systems 1

LDACS APNT Architecture Development & Evolution
Gary McGraw, Genova Technologies / DLR Consultant; Gianluca Zampieri, German Aerospace Center (DLR) and RWTH Aachen University; Alexandra Filip-Dhaubhadel; Okuary Osechas, Michael Meurer, DLR
Location: Big Sur
Date/Time: Wednesday, Apr. 26, 9:20 a.m.

Abstract—This paper presents recent developments towards an LDACS Alternative Positioning, Navigation and Timing (APNT) capability. The focus is on refinement of key error budget components including multipath and airborne radio clock estimation error from two-way timing and ranging processing. In addition, the impact of airborne radio transmitter power control on ranging errors and operational APNT availability is assessed.
Keywords—LDACS, Alternative PNT, Multifunction Communication Systems

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