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Session D2: Marine Vehicle Navigation

Direct Position Estimation for VDES R-Mode
Markus Wirsing, Armin Dammann, Ronald Raulefs, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Location: Spyglass
Date/Time: Tuesday, Apr. 25, 1:50 p.m.

Abstract—As maritime traffic strongly relies on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GPS or Galileo, there are efforts to mitigate the risks that come with this reliance. One such effort is the development of VDES R-Mode, which aims to provide a terrestrial contingency system to GNSS that is based on the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES).
Terrestrial VDES provides a bandwidth of 100 kHz. To make best use of the available bandwidth, VDES R-Mode can use a signal that is optimized for a high effective bandwidth. This signal however, has a very regular structure that leads to ambiguities that degrade the ranging performance at lower SNRs. We found that this drawback can be mitigated by evaluating the signals of multiple base stations jointly in a direct position estimation approach.
To assess the improvement, we applied the Ziv-Zakai Bound and performed simulations. We found that using the direct position estimation approach can significantly lower the SNR at which it is still possible to resolve the ambiguities caused by the regular signal structure.

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