General Lighthouse Authorities

Sales Contact:
Research & Radionavigation

Website: GLA R&RNAV

c/o Trinity House
The Quay
Harwich Essex CO12 3JW
United Kingdom

About Us:
The General Lighthouse Authorities of the United Kingdom and Ireland (GLAs) comprise:
• Trinity House
• Northern Lighthouse Board
• Commissioners of Irish Lights
The Research and Radionavigation Directorate (R&RNAV) undertakes research and development of physical and radio marine aids to navigation (AtoN), support systems and their integration to support the GLA mission "to deliver a reliable, efficient and cost-effective Aids to Navigation service for the benefit and safety of all mariners".
Key research areas include Marine e-Navigation, Global Navigation Satellite Systems and their augmentation, Resilient PNT, Automatic identification Systems and Virtual Aids to Navigation, and Visual Signalling including Lights development.