JNC Presenter Resource Center
Welcome to the Presenter Resource Center for the Joint Navigation Conference. We are pleased that you will be joining us as a presenter. This site provides online tools that will assist you in preparing your materials and ensuring a successful onsite experience. All presenter information and forms can be accessed and completed on this site. Should you need immediate assistance, please contact Miriam Lewis at the ION National Office at meetings@ion.org or by calling 703-366-2723.
The presenter of each brief (for both primary and alternate presentations) is required to attend the presenter/speakers' breakfast on the day of their brief presentation(s):
The person making the oral presentation for each brief, as well as the presenter representing each alternate presentation, should attend. The purpose of this breakfast is to allow the Session Chairs to meet each of the presenters, to collect your biographical information, coordinate any last-minute details, and demonstrate audio-visual equipment and the presentation timing system.
If you are not in attendance at the speakers' breakfast on the day of your brief, the Session Chairs will allocate your presentation time to another presenter; your briefing will be canceled and will not be included in the CUI conference proceedings.