Joint Navigation Conference (JNC)

JNC LogoThe Military Division of the Institute of Navigation will host the 2025 Joint Navigation Conference (JNC 2025) for the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.

The theme of this year’s conference will be: Robust, Resilient, Assured PNT for Warfighters and Homeland Defense.

JNC is the largest U.S. military Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) conference of the year with joint service and government participation. The event focuses on technical advances in PNT with emphasis on joint development, test and support of affordable PNT systems, logistics and integration. From an operational perspective the conference will focus on advances in battlefield applications of GPS; critical strengths and weaknesses of field navigation devices; warfighter PNT requirements and solutions; and navigation warfare.

The JNC’s DTS conference ID is N20150610734 (required for DTS government travel orders)

JNC Conference Patron:

BAE Logo             


    Safran Federal        



JNC Conference Benefactor:



General Dynamic        GPS Source     

 Inside GNSS        L3-Harris                                   Vector Nav


Media Partners:

Aerospace Magazine        GPS World    Inside GNSS