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Session P1a: Activities at National Metrology Institutes


Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Time: 1:45 p.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Location: Seaview A/B
In-Person presenters in this session provide pre-recorded presentations for viewing by registered attendees on Tuesday, January 28.


Aidan Montare

Terrence Jones
Bureau of Standards Jamaica

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In-Person Presentations
These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by virtual attendees.
1:50 Improving the Stability of UTC(NIST) by Using the Data from the NIST Cesium Fountains
Judah Levine and Gregory W. Hoth, Time and Frequency Division, NIST, Boulder
2:12 RISE New TWSTFT Ground Stations
Gustav Jönsson, Sven-Christian Ebenhag, and Carsten Rieck, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
2:35 Activities at the Bureau of Standards Jamaica: Developing a Time Monitoring and Synchronization Service
Terrence Jones, Bureau of Standards Jamaica; Demetrios N. Matsakis, MasterClock; Andrew N. Novick, NIST
2:58 Frequency Division From Optical to Radio Frequency with Instability Less Than 1E-15

Archita Hati, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Marco Pomponio, NIST, University of Colorado, Boulder; Nick Nardelli, and Craig W. Nelson, NIST
3:25 - 3:55, Break. Refreshments in Exhibit Hall