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Session B3: Precise GNSS Positioning Applications


Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: 1:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Beacon B
In-Person presenters in this session provide pre-recorded presentations for viewing by registered attendees on Tuesday, January 28.

Session Chairs

Dr. Kaz Gunning
Xona Space Systems

Sandy Kennedy

In-Person Presentations
These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by virtual attendees.
1:50 IONO4HAS, a Real-Time Ionospheric Model for Galileo High Accuracy Service, SL2. Results and Validation
José M. Juan, Cristhian C. Timote, Jaume Sanz, Adria Rovira-Garcia, Guillermo González-Casado, Angela Aragon-Angel, Yu Yin, Jorge García-Mateos, Research group of Astronomy and Geomatics. Universitat Politècnia de Catalunya; Raul Orus-Perez, Wave Interaction and Propagation Section, European Space Agency (ESA); Ignacio Fernandez-Hernandez, Directorate/General for Defense Industry and Space (DEFIS), European Commission (EC)
2:12 Recent Updates of Multi-GNSS Advanced Demonstration Tool for Orbit and Clock Analysis (MADOCA)
Kento Ichinomiya, Yo Kawashima, Musashi Kato, Nobuhiro Kajiwara, Kuniharu Endo, LHTC; Kyohei Akiyama, Kaori Kawate, Yuki Igarashi, and Toshitaka Sasaki, JAXA Peer Reviewed
2:35 MADOCA-PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration Based on RTKLIB for Moving Vehicles
Hideki Yamada, Saya Matsushita, Keito Yoshida, Fuya Ezuka, Tatsuya Nagano and Satoshi Kogure, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
2:58 Evaluating the Performance of Low-Cost PPP-RTK Using Fugro’s NextG4 Service
Dennis Odijk, Fugro Australia; Xianglin Liu, Yahya Memarzadeh, and Artur Oruba, Fugro Innovation & Technology
3:25 - 3:55, Break. Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
4:00 An Architecture for Seamless Handover of PPP-RTK Corrections across Redundant Networks
Cheolmin Lee, Sulgee Park, Sanghyun Park, Maritime PNT Research Office
4:23 Design Strategies for RTK Systems for Universal Application in Various Fields
Yongrae Jo and Byungwoon Park, Sejong University