ITM Editorial Review Policies


Papers meeting all the peer review requirements will be designated as “peer reviewed” in the conference proceedings. Papers not meeting the peer review requirements will be published in the proceedings without the peer reviewed designation.

Peer Review Option: Authors have the option to have their paper peer reviewed. Peer reviews will be accomplished by independent reviewers and supervised by a committee. To be designated as peer reviewed:

  • completed manuscript must be uploaded to the ION’s Abstract Management Portal (AMP) by the peer review deadline
  • manuscript must pass peer review (note that there will be no secondary reviews)
  • one of the authors must be present at the conference and prepared to present the paper


  1. Does the manuscript contain new and significant information to justify publication?
  2. Does the abstract clearly and accurately describe the content of the article?
  3. Are the objectives of the work clearly and concisely stated?
  4. Are the experimental and/or theoretical methods described comprehensively?
  5. Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results?
  6. Is adequate reference made to other work in the field?
  7. Is the language acceptable?
  8. Does the manuscript cite any recent articles from NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation?
  9. Do you recommend this paper for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the proceedings?
    1. Endorse paper and recommend for the ION journal, NAVIGATION
    2. Endorse paper as-is
    3. Do not endorse paper (paper fails peer review) for:
      1. Technical content/revisions required
      2. English/grammar (major edits required)
  10. Suggestions for improvement - optional (to be passed to the author)

Other considerations and guidelines for ION conference paper peer reviewers:

  1. The review criteria should not be as high as for a journal paper. The majority of completed, well authored and researched papers will fall into the “endorse paper as-is”.
  2. You may endorse a paper that requires “minor non-technical English edits,” but fail a paper for major English/grammatical issues.
  3. Non-endorsed papers will still be included in the conference proceedings; they simply will not carry a peer-reviewed designation.
  4. Exceptional papers will be endorsed/identified for the ION’s journal, NAVIGATION. The ION National Office follows up with these and asks the authors to submit through the formal process at
  5. If in doubt about a decision, please contact your session chair.


Each paper shall be peer reviewed by two independent reviewers (typically the subject matter experts chairing the session). The paper must be passed by two independent reviewers in order for the paper to be designated as peer reviewed in the conference proceedings.

If the paper receives one endorsement for peer review by one peer reviewer, and the other reviewer fails to endorse, the paper shall be escalated to the conference’s technical program chair for management of a third review and adjudication.

Additionally, if for any reason a paper fails to receive two peer reviews (either a chair fails to perform a peer review in a timely manner or a conflict of interest is determined to exist), the paper shall be escalated to the conference’s technical program chair for management of a third review and adjudication.


Papers that were not peer reviewed may still appear in the conference proceedings without a peer review designation. This may occur because either: 1) the paper did not pass peer review; or 2) the author did not submit the paper in time to enter the peer review process.

Other papers may be included in the conference proceedings for convenience and completeness for which peer review was not applicable/appropriate (i.e., panel presentations, keynote addresses, policy presentations, etc.).

Questions? Concerns? Contact:
Miriam Lewis
ION Publication/Meeting Services