Increasing OSNMA Performance with Galileo I/NAV Improvements: Tests in Degraded Reception Conditions
Sophie Damy, Luca Cucchi, Beatrice Motella, Matteo Paonni, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Location: Seaview Ballroom
Date/Time: Thursday, Jan. 25, 9:43 a.m.
Peer Reviewed
In recent years, the E1 Galileo Open Service (OS) signal has been modified to accommodate two new features in the navigation message: the Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) bits, in accordance to the OSNMA Interface Control Document (ICD) of December 2022, and the I/NAV improvements, introduced as part of the OS Signal-in-Space (SIS) ICD, issued in January 2021.
While the former aims at improving the increasingly demanding needs for robustness, the I/NAV improvements are a set of new capabilities designed to improve the time to retrieve the clock and ephemeris data in the navigation message and compute the first position solution.
This paper demonstrates the mutual benefit of the two features, and in particular shows how the I/NAV improvements can be leveraged to increase the OSNMA performance, mainly in terms of data availability and TTFAF. The tests performed cover different real scenarios, with the receiver working in highly degraded reception conditions, and aim at complementing the work presented by the same authors at the ION GNSS+ 2022 conference, that contains the results of tests in dynamic/semi-urban signal conditions.
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