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Session A4: GNSS Security: Interference, Jamming and Spoofing 1

Hexagon | NovAtel’s Jamming and Spoofing Detection and Classification Performance During the Norwegian JammerTest 2023
Ali Broumandan, Ali Pirsiavash, Isabelle Tremblay, Sandy Kennedy, NovAtel-Hexagon
Location: Seaview Ballroom

Peer Reviewed

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are widely used in critical infrastructure and safety-of-life applications. With such widespread use, open signal descriptions, and a crowded RF spectrum, jamming and spoofing are well-known threats to GNSS. Various detection and mitigation methods have been developed to deal with these threats. GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT) is a firmware suite developed for NovAtel’s OEM7 receivers to expand situational awareness and interference detection and mitigation tools across applications and environments to protect against GNSS threats including jamming and spoofing attacks. GRIT includes the Interference Toolkit (ITK) and Spoofing Detection Toolkit (SK) to identify when a GNSS signal is under threat. GRIT relies on different countermeasures ranging from jamming detection and characterization to spoofing detection and mitigation to provide solution integrity and reliability. The Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA) provides message authentication as an additional layer of GNSS protection.
JammerTest 2023 was conducted September 18-22, 2023 in Bliek, Norway. Various attacks were generated to interfere with and manipulate over-the-air signals to mislead the participant’s equipment. This paper shows the jamming and spoofing detection performance of NovAtel’s OEM7 receivers with actual data collected during the JammerTest 2023. Spectrum monitoring and jamming characterization on all GNSS bands supports jamming detection. The effectiveness of GRIT anti-jam and anti-spoofing technology is demonstrated using representative complex spoofing and jamming test cases during this event. OSNMA results for various scenarios are provided and discussed to demonstrate it as a complementary layer of protection to be accompanied by other security features and monitoring techniques for full protection.

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