ION GNSS+ Student Paper Competition

Application Form:

Policy approved by the Satellite Division Executive Committee September 20, 2024


The ION GNSS+ Student Paper Competition is intended to assist promising students of leading GNSS academic institutions to attend the world’s leading international ION GNSS+ conference, and allow them to present their research. The students also receive the opportunity to meet industry leaders and learn about the latest developments in GNSS technology.

Paper Submission Eligibility:

  • Full-time undergraduate or graduate students in engineering, science, mathematics, or other related fields are eligible.
  • The lead student author and presenter must be a full-time student at the time of the abstract submission deadline and must represent themselves with an affiliated university at time of presentation.
  • Multiple student authors are acceptable. Faculty, government, or industry co-authors are also acceptable.
  • The lead student author must attend the conference and present the paper in person (no virtual attendance will be permitted). This includes: 1) attending the Speakers’ Breakfast the morning of their scheduled session; 2) presenting the paper in its scheduled time slot; and 3) attending Friday’s Awards Luncheon. If for any reason, the lead student author is unable to attend the conference to present the paper, the paper will remain part of the technical program and may be presented by a student co-author.
  • A student who has been sponsored in the past to attend an ION GNSS+ meeting is not eligible.
  • The abstract must have been received per the established deadline and accepted to the conference in a peer-reviewed session (either as a primary or an alternate). The full manuscript must be received for peer review in the ION’s Abstract Management Portal (AMP) by June 30 and pass peer review by the Student Awards Committee. The submitted manuscript shall comply with all submission and formatting guidelines established for the ION GNSS+ conference.
  • An ION GNSS+ Student Paper Competition Form, signed by the student’s faculty advisor, must be received by June 30. Only one entry will be accepted from each accredited academic institution. Multiple entries will be disqualified.

Selection Procedure:

  • Each applicant that successfully meets all the eligibility criteria shall receive a full complimentary conference registration that includes all conference meals and a copy of the proceedings (excludes pre-conference technical tutorials). Note: Failure to meet any of the eligibility criteria above will result in the revoking of the complimentary conference registration.
  • All submissions will be reviewed by a Student Paper Awards Committee for selection of the best paper from the Student Paper Competition. Papers shall be evaluated as follows:
    Technical Content (25%)
    Innovation (25%)
    Conciseness, Clarity and Completeness of Written Material (25%)
    Importance and Timeliness of Subject Matter (25%)
  • The best student papers shall be recognized with an ION GNSS+ Student Paper Award and $500 prize. The number of awards shall be determined each year in consultation between the Student Awards Competition Chair and the ION National Office. The student author who makes the presentation, and attends all the required functions (including the ION GNSS+ Friday Awards Luncheon), shall receive the cash prize.


For more information about ION GNSS+ please contact:

The Institute of Navigation
8551 Rixlew Lane, Suite 360
Manassas, VA 20109
Phone: 1-703-366-2723
Fax: 1-703-366-2724