ION GNSS+ Session Detail

Session D4: Robust Navigation Using Alternative Navigation Sensors and Solutions


Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 1:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Location: Holiday Ballroom 4
In-Person presenters in this session provide pre-recorded presentations for viewing by registered attendees on Wednesday, September 18.

Session Chairs

Dr. Samer Khanafseh
Illinois Institute of Technology

Dr. Jason N. Gross
West Virginia University

Track Chair

Dr. Safoora Zaminpardaz
RMIT University

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In-Person Presentations
These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees.
1:50 Position Uncertainty Reduction in VisualInertial Navigation Systems Using Multi-ML Error Compensation
Tarafder Elmi Tabassum, Ivan Petrunin, Zeeshan A. Rana, Cranfield University Peer Reviewed
2:12 Certifiability Analysis of the Global Optimality in Camera-Based Positioning with SEC-PnP Algorithm
Antonino Triolo, Chen Zhu, Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR); Michael Meurer, DLR & Chair of Navigation, RWTH Aachen University Peer Reviewed
2:35 Characterizing Lidar Point-Cloud Adversities Using a Vector Field Visualization
Daniel Choate and Jason H. Rife, Tufts University Peer Reviewed
2:58 Bayesian Overbounding Filter Using Gaussian-Pareto Distributions
Yingjie Hu, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Student Paper Award Winner Peer Reviewed Best Presentation
3:25 - 3:55, Break. Refreshments in Exhibit Hall
4:00 Analysis and Correction of LEO Satellite Propagation Errors with Application to Navigation
Samer Hayek, Joe Saroufim, and Zaher M. Kassas, The Ohio State University Peer Reviewed
4:23 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Working Group for Resilient User Equipment in Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (P1952)
Cristina Seibert, NextNav LLC; Shelby Savage, Patricia Larkoski, and Steve Bedrosian, Homeland Security Systems Engineering & Development Institute (HSSEDI) operated by The MITRE Corporation; Douglas Arnold, Meinberg USA; David Sohn, Safran; Marc Weiss, Marc Weiss Consulting; Pat Diamond, Diamond Consulting; Mitch Narins, Strategic Synergies; Magnus Danielson, Net Insight.
4:46 Incrementally Smoothed Radio SLAM: A Factor Graph Approach to Opportunistic Radio Navigation
Matt Boler, Connor Brashar, Sandia National Laboratories; Scott Martin, Auburn University
5:08 Reliable Overbounding for Stochastic IMU Error Models Using Interval Analysis
Jingyao Su, Steffen Schön, Leibniz University Hannover; Elisa Gallon, Airbus Space and Defense Peer Reviewed
Alternate Presentations
Alternate presentations may be given in-person at the conference if other authors are unable to present. Alternate Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees.
1. UWB-Aided Hybrid Navigation System in Degraded GNSS Environments
Sorin Andrei Negru, Patrick Geragersian, Ivan Petrunin, Weisi Guo, Cranfield University Peer Reviewed
2. Hybrid Camera-LiDAR Trilateration with Lens Distortion Correction
Travis W. Moleski and Jay P. Wilhelm, Ohio University