Dr. Vijaykumar Bellad
Rx Networks
Sharbel Kozhaya
The Ohio State University
Dr. Sudha Vana
Rx Networks
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In-Person Presentations These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees. |
8:35 |
System and Service Volume Simulation Environment S²VSE
Sebastian Bernhardt, Florian Eiselbrecher, Andreas Schmidt, German Aerospace Center (DLR) Galileo Competence Center |
8:57 |
Comparison of Different Parametrizations to Minimize the Ephemeris Fitting Error for LEO Satellites
Carlos Gómez, Aitor Auz, Adrián Monreal, Alejandro Muñoz, Carlos Catalán, Andrés Juez, GMV |
9:20 |
New Generation of PNT User Terminals Exploiting Hybridization with LEO Constellations
Francis Soualle, Markel Arizabaleta, Christian Lichtenberger, Thomas Pany, University of the Bundeswehr Munich; Jose A. del Peral-Rosado, Xavier De Vaucorbeil, Gabriele Ligorio, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH; Luca Canzian, Federica Rozzi, Marco Rotoloni, Stefano Garlaschi, Qascom; Francesco Menzione, Ottavio Picchi, Juan Pablo Boyero, European Commission |
9:43 |
Verification of Optical Two-Way Time Transfer Accuracy Through a Closed-Loop Measurement Topology
Manuele Dassié, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Technical University of Berlin (TUB); Gabriele Giorgi, and Grzegorz Michalak, DLR |
10:05-10:35, Break. Refreshments served outside of session rooms | ||
10:40 |
All-in-one High-Accuracy Service for Both PPP-AR and RTK Techniques
L. Martínez, L. Pinilla, A. Souto, E. Carbonell, A. Chamorro, G. Tobías, D. Calle, I. Rodríguez, GMV |
11:03 |
Large-Scale GNSS Spreading Code Optimization
Alan Yang, Tara Mina, Stephen Boyd, and Grace Gao, Stanford University |
11:26 |
Optimized Multilevel CDMA Chip Design With Respect to Payload and User Constraints
Florian C. Beck, German Aerospace Center (DLR) & RWTH Aachen University; Christoph Enneking, DLR; Steffen Thölert, and Michael Meurer, DLR & RWTH Aachen University |
11:48 |
The Galileo Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA): The Pioneer Data Authentication Service
Javier Simon, Tomas Rodriguez, Andrea Scorzolini, Philippe da Silva, Flavio Sbardellati, EUSPA; Ignacio Fernandez-Hernandez, European Commission; Sophie Damy, European Commission; David Ibanez, European Space Agency |
Alternate Presentation Alternate presentations may be given in-person at the conference if other authors are unable to present. Alternate Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees. | ||
1. |
Unveiling the use of a Cloud-Native Architecture for Galileo G2 Monitoring and Prototyping: The G2STB Case
Jorge Rocamora, Daniel Rodriguez , Alejandro Leiro, Francisco Javier Sobrero, Cristina García, Adrián García, GMV; Gaetano Galluzzo, Simona Circiu, Santiago Perea, Andrea Melara, Javier Miguez, Gustavo Lopez, ESA-ESTEC |
Awards Luncheon • 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. • Lunch served until 12:30 p.m.; late arrivals will not be served.
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