ION GNSS+ Session Detail

Session A6b: Marine Applications and Search and Rescue


Date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Time: 3:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.
Location: Holiday Ballroom 1
In-Person presenters in this session provide pre-recorded presentations for viewing by registered attendees on Wednesday, September 18.

Session Chairs

Dr. Richard J. Hartnett
U.S. Coast Guard Academy

Dr. Pyo-Woong Son
Chungbuk National University

Track Chair

Steffen Thoelert
German Aerospace Center (DLR)

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In-Person Presentations
These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees.
3:20 Initial Test of the Proposed Medium Frequency R-Mode Navigation Message in the Baltic
Stefan Gewies, Filippo Giacomo Rizzi, Lars Grundhöfer, Niklas Hehenkamp, German Aerospace Center (DLR); Michael Hoppe, Michael Schütteler, German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration
3:42 VDES R Advanced User Technologies for Alternative PNT (VAUTAP) Final (kinda) Developments
Martin Bransby, Tim Whitworth, Pekka Peltola, Telespazio UK; Anders Bjørnevik, Kongsberg
4:04 VDES R-Mode Test Bed in Long Island Sound
Gregory Johnson, Kenneth Dykstra, Serco, Inc.; Ryan Cassidy, James Spilsbury, USCG Research and Development Center
4:26 Locating Simultaneous VHF Distress Calls Using a Single LEO Satellite – An Idea for Augmenting Rescue 21 in Alaska
Dahnyoung McGarry, Richard J. Hartnett, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Peter F. Swaszek, University of Rhode Island; Myles G. DeCoste, Andrew W. Ferderer, Charles T. Leventhal, and Ryan N. Mitchell, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Alternate Presentations
Alternate presentations may be given in-person at the conference if other authors are unable to present. Alternate Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees.
1. GNSS Attack Detection Through Situational Awareness
Harsimrat Bhundar, Zighra Inc.; Anil Somayaji, Carleton University; Deepak Dutt, and Swetha Dutt, Zighra Inc.
2. MF R-Mode Receiver Advancements
Gregory Johnson, Kenneth Dykstra, Serco, Inc.; Jean Delisle, Frédérick Hudon, Canadian Coast Guard
3. AI-Augmented System for Reducing Multipath Positioning Error
Robert I. Miron, Stefan S. Mihai, Ileana Mihu, Antonia Ivan, Alexandru C. Pandele, Romanian InSpace Engineering