ION GNSS+ Session Detail

Session A5: Aviation and Aeronautics


Date: Friday, September 20, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Location: Holiday Ballroom 1
In-Person presenters in this session provide pre-recorded presentations for viewing by registered attendees on Wednesday, September 18.

Session Chairs

Dr. Maria Caamano Albuerne
German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Dr. Sam Pullen
Stanford University

Track Chair

Steffen Thoelert
German Aerospace Center (DLR)

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In-Person Presentations
These presentations will be given in-person at the conference. Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees.
8:35 Real-Time Characterization of the Collins GNSS RFI Mitigation Techniques in Flight and Lab Environments
Angelo Joseph, Joseph Griggs, George Cook, Vikram Malhotra, Bernard Schnaufer, and Huan Phan, Collins Aerospace
8:57 Galileo H-ARAIM: Update on Performance Characterization and Integrity Support Message
S. Perea, S. Wallner, European Space Agency; A. Lemke, A. Nuckelt, S. Schloetzer, M. Odriozola, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH; F. Belmonte, Deimos Space; M. Sgammini, J.P. Boyero, European Commission; E. Canestri, European Union Agency for the Space Programme
9:20 Advancements in DFMC SBAS Techniques for CAT II Autoland
Antoine Plainard, Thomas Fuhrmann, Nicolás Mendoza Pila, Keerthi Narayana, Airbus Defence and Space; Jaron Samson, European Space Agency
9:43 Enhancing GAST D Availability by Using the Ionospheric Field Monitor
Susumu Saito, Takayuki Yoshihara, ENRI, MPAT
10:05-10:35, Break. Refreshments served outside of session rooms
10:40 Impact of Onboard Meaconers on Aircraft GNSS Receivers
Mathieu Hussong, Emile Ghizzo, Carl Milner, Axel Garcia-Pena, Julien Lesouple, Fédération ENAC ISAE-SUPAERO ONERA, Université de Toulouse Best Presentation
11:03 Predictive Analysis of GNSS Signal Reception on Aircraft Amid In-Flight Jamming
Veenu Tripathi and Stefano Caizzone, Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
11:26 Characterization of Anomalies in Reported Aviation ADS-B Data from GPS Interference
Wayne W. Cooper, Ralf H. Mayer, The MITRE Corporation; Timothy S. Wallace, Federal Aviation Administration; Rick Niles, The MITRE Corporation
11:48 Identification and Analysis of GNSS Spoofing Using ADS-B Data

Benoit Figuet, Okuary Osechas, Michael Felux, ZHAW
Alternate Presentations
Alternate presentations may be given in-person at the conference if other authors are unable to present. Alternate Presenters will provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand viewing by all registered attendees.
2. Integrating Open-Source ADS-B and GNSS Data for a Comprehensive Assessment of Recent Aviation Navigation Disruptions Over Europe
Javier Tegedor, European Commission JRC; Ciro Gioa, External consultant; Joaquim Fortuny-Guasch, Matteo Paonni, European Commission JRC
3. UKSBAS Testbed: A Comprehensive Performance Review over two Years of Operations
Javier González, Fernando Bravo, Madeleine Easom, Juan R. Campano, Ignacio Sainz, David Hill, George Newton, Viasat

Awards Luncheon • 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. • Lunch served until 12:30 p.m.; late arrivals will not be served.