Hotel Information

It has come to the ION's attention that unauthorized companies have been sending unsolicited emails offering discount hotel rates to ION GNSS+ attendees and exhibitors. Please do not book through these companies. This webpage is the only authorized method of booking a hotel room in the ION hotel block.

Conference Venue and Official Headquarters Hotel

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor
401 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Reservation Phone: 443-573-8700

Discounted ION Hotel Rates (Good through August 8, or until block fills)

Standard: $239 single/double plus taxes
Government: $137 (or current published pre diem rate) single/double plus taxes (limited availability)

Additional Information

Parking: Self-parking is available at the daily parking rates of $45 (subject to change). 
High Speed Internet: In-room Wi-Fi is included in room rate for attendees booking in ION room block.
Distance to Convention Venue: Conference takes place within the hotel

* Government Rates: Government rates are only for U.S. government personnel paying for a room with a U.S. government issued credit card. Failure to pay with a U.S. government credit card will result in your reservation being honored at the group rate. Government contractors not traveling with government travel orders are not eligible for this rate; All Federally Funded Research and Development Centers qualify for government rates.

Save $300 on your registration by staying in an official conference hotel.

Save $300 on your conference registration fee by staying in the official ION GNSS+ hotel listed above. To qualify for the discount, make your hotel reservation before you register for the conference. Then, enter your hotel confirmation number on the registration form to receive the discount. Why we do this. Please note, the hotel discount cannot be applied retroactively be sure to make your hotel reservation before registering for the meeting.