ION GNSS+ Author Resource Center

Presentation Instructions

All Presentations Will be Available for On-Demand Viewing

ION GNSS+ will be hosted in both an in-person and on-demand format. Individual technical presentations will be pre-recorded and uploaded with slides to the conference website for viewing at a time of attendees’ choosing. The video/recorded presentations are for registrants only and will NOT be included in the final conference proceedings. All ION GNSS+ authors are required to provide a pre-recorded presentation for on-demand attendees.

Link to Instructions for Recording Your Presentation

On the conference website, each presentation will have a comment box for Q&A and comments from attendees. Authors will receive an email notification when new comments or questions are posted; authors should respond to questions in a timely manner.

On-demand presentations will only be available on-demand. There will be no livestreaming of conference sessions.

Presentation Timing for In-Person Presentations

Please refer to the online conference program for your presentation schedule. Session chairs will strictly adhere to the published schedule. Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes. A presentation timer will operate in your session room as follows:

  1. The Green light will display for 15 minutes.
  2. The Yellow light will display the last five minutes.
  3. The Red light will signify that the presentation time is over; the speaker must immediately return the floor to the Session Chair.

Mandatory Speakers' Breakfast

The presenter for each in-person presentation (for both primary and alternate presentations) are required to attend the Speakers' Breakfast on the day of the presentation(s).

The purpose of this breakfast is to allow the Session Chairs to meet each of the presenters, to collect your biographical information, coordinate any last-minute details, and demonstrate audio-visual equipment and the presentation timing system.

If you are not in attendance at the 7:30 a.m. Speakers' Breakfast on the morning of your presentation, the Session Chairs will allocate your presentation time to another presenter; your presentation will be canceled, and your presentation/paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.

Consider the Following When Preparing Your Presentation Slides

Conference participants regard the quality of your visuals as an indication of your level of preparation and professionalism. You are encouraged to use the following guidelines:

  • Limit the number of your slides
    The average speaker takes 2-3 minutes per slide. Remember your Session Chair will also introduce you based on the biography you provided in the ION Abstract Management Portal (AMP) when you submitted your abstract. The reading of this biography is included in your 20 minutes of presentation time.
  • What your audience wants to know
    Effective presentations start with the main point/assertion; describe the approach including basic technical concepts that underpin your solution; highlight innovations; outline the test results or findings; and then summarize the work.
  • Don’t assume your audience members are experts
    There will be a few experts, but the majority of attendees will be there to learn. Provide necessary background information.
  • Keep visuals simple and neat
    • Charts and Graphics: Prepare your charts and graphs with large, legible text. Your presentation will be viewed from an average distance of approximately 30–40 feet.
    • Screen Ratio: ION computers and projectors default to a 16:9 aspect ratio. To maximize use of screen space, please use a widescreen format; using a 4:3 aspect ratio will result in blank screen space.
    • Using Equations: If your presentation includes equations or special symbols, include these as images rather than text.
    • Embedding Fonts: If your presentation incorporates unique fonts or unusual symbols, embed the fonts in your PowerPoint or Acrobat file. Failure to do so may cause the fonts to display incorrectly at the meeting. If you plan to use the conference laptop, embed fonts into your presentation files before saving the file to your USB drive.
    • To embed fonts in PowerPoint: Click the Microsoft Office Button > SAVE AS > TOOLS > SAVE OPTIONS > Select the checkbox “Embed fonts in the file” > OK.
  • Practice
    You are encouraged to check the timing of your presentation, as well as the quality of your visuals, by presenting to your colleagues.

Using Your Own Laptop for Presentation

You may connect your own laptop directly to the ION provided projector. You should plan to use your own laptop if any of the following apply to your presentation:

  • Presentation is not in PowerPoint or Acrobat compatible format 
  • Your presentation includes multimedia content (video clips, MPEGs, etc.) 
  • You will be demonstrating proprietary software or an application

If you opt to use your own laptop instead of the conference laptop, you may connect to the ION projector. Be sure to bring any necessary cables or adapters required to connect your laptop to an HDMI projector (i.e., many computers, including MacBooks, require HDMI adapters).

If you require additional equipment, please contact Rick Buongiovanni by email at at least three weeks before the first day of the meeting. It will not be possible to accommodate special equipment requests made the day of your presentation.

Session Setup and AV Equipment Provided

ION will provide the following audio-visual equipment in each session for your use:

  • Projector 
  • PC/Windows computer 
  • PowerPoint 2016
  • Wireless lapel microphone (a wired mic is provided at the classified session)
  • Laser pointer and presentation remote 
  • Hand-held microphone (for audience questions)

A Windows computer (connected to a projector) will be in your session room. The computer will accept CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or USB drive. USB drives must be unencrypted and must not require software to be installed on the conference laptop. Use of other media formats may not be supported by the computer and is at your own risk. Copy your presentation to the computer’s desktop before your session begins.

Copying your presentation file to the presentation laptop during the conference does not submit your presentation for the conference proceedings. You must upload your PDF presentation file directly to the ION’s Abstract Management Portal (AMP), and complete a Copyright Release ION Proceedings & Media Authorization/License Form for your presentation to be included in the conference proceedings.

If you did not submit your presentation by September 6, it is strongly recommended that you bring two electronic copies of your presentation (on multiple media types, different file types, etc.). While ION staff will attempt to assist you if you experience any technical difficulties, please note that equipment does fail, and it is often not possible to instantaneously correct the problem. Due to the time constraint of the technical program, if equipment fails for any reason your presentation time will not be rescheduled or extended. To avoid the loss of any presentation time you need to be prepared with a backup.

Alternate Presenters

Alternate presenters should attend their assigned Speakers’ Breakfast and assigned session to be available in case of a last-minute cancellation. If you attend your assigned Presenter/Speakers' Breakfast, attend your session, and are prepared to present, your paper/presentation will be published in the conference proceedings even if you are not called upon to present.

Cancellations – Substitute Presenter Requirements

Should an unforeseen event make it impossible for you to attend the conference to present your paper, please ask a co-author to present on your behalf. Only co-authors listed on your original abstract will be permitted to present on your behalf. If a co-author is not available to present, and the brief needs to be withdrawn, please notify Miriam Lewis at the ION National Office via phone at 703-366-2723 or email at Please note that only authors who attend their assigned conference sessions and are prepared to present will have their papers published in the conference proceedings. This applies to both primary and alternate presenters.