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Session E2: LEO for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing

Integrity Monitoring and Augmentation of GNSS from Low Earth Orbit Constellations
Omar Garcia Crespillo, Michael Meurer, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Can Oezmaden, Marius Brachvogel, Chair of Navigation, RWTH Aachen University
Date/Time: Wednesday, Sep. 18, 4:23 p.m.

Recent developments in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are opening new opportunities for navigation services. In this paper, we propose the use of LEO satellites as monitoring stations from space able to provide integrity and augmentation services to GNSS users. In particular, we perform an analysis of potential fault detectability performance improvement using LEO stations compared to an user on Earth. For that, we consider the differences in geometry and the necessary GNSS error models at LEO orbit. The simulation results suggest a potential significant gain in detectability of faults from space using redundancy type monitors.

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